Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
there are many good and brave men who are trying to recover from the huge problems that idiot obama gave us AND you forget...he weaponized the gov against his opponents.

we can fling this shit all day, dude.
You certainly can ice but when all is said and done Trump is an asshole and worse than that a crazy lying one and all you have is Obama a good if not great President ?? Maybe now you can tell us about Hillary ? Why look at the elephant in the room
don't care about hillary. we're talking presidents and their accomplishments or qualifications.

obama weaponized the gov against itself.
obama lied when he said he never knew about hillarys e-mail server
obama lied about a lot of things but those things appear to have made you warm and fuzzy inside so you allow it.

however, now that we do have the posterchild for narcissism as our president you suddenly find fault in lying.

then you wonder why your cred is where it is - and thats simply because you *only* see these things emotionally.

about the worst way to see things these days.
And you equate the supposed lies of obama with this world class liar?? You think a j walker is as dangerous as a kidnapper?? That's the crap you're handing down
and you don't?

obama lied his ass off to hide his actions behind the scenes. the ONLY thing this does is tell the right such behavior is ok cause hey - they got away with it, they started it, and all that other gradeschool bullshit parents don't put up with from kids but sure do with each other.

allowing bad actions to get worse, that's what you're handing down.

Everyone knows
Report: Everybody in the White House Considers Trump an Idiot
By Jonathan Chait@jonathanchait

President Trump. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

It is relatively easy to get White House staffers to leak mind-blowing anecdotes about President Trump’s various derangements, and for that very reason, it is hard to find new anecdotes that register on the crazy-Trump scale. CNN and (unsurprisingly) the Washington Post have obtained early versions of Bob Woodward’s version of tales from the court of the mad king, and even by the high standard set by the many previous insider accounts, his portrait of Trump’s delusional state appears to be especially harrowing.

Woodward confirms that Trump’s former secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, described him as a “fucking moron,” a fact that has been reported previously. He adds several more officials to the list of people who have blurted out this obvious conclusion.

After security officials tried fruitlessly to explain to Trump the importance of American defenses in South Korea, including a system that reduces the warning time of a North Korean missile attack from 15 minutes to seven seconds, Secretary of Defense James Mattis told associates that Trump “acted like — and had the understanding of — ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader.’ ”

Former National Economic Council director Gary Cohn seemed to believe that Trump actually lacks object permanence. To prevent the president from signing a letter canceling a free-trade agreement with South Korea, he stole the letter from Trump’s desk. Trump “did not notice it was missing,” the Postreports.

Chief of Staff John Kelly has called Trump an idiot and also crazy:

“He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in crazytown,” Kelly is quoted as saying at a staff meeting in his office. “I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.”

Trump’s lawyer John Dowd has likewise called his client an idiot. Somewhat more audaciously, he has argued that Trump should not have to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because the transcript would leak, and foreign leaders would see that Trump is an idiot:

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’”

Another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, tried to argue to Robert Mueller that Trump could not be asked to give an interview because he is a compulsive liar. They literally explained to Mueller how they conducted a mock interview with Trump, and he was so unable to tell the truth that they considered him mentally disqualified from testifying
and everybody knows the left based media has lost it.

go ahead - keep proving it with more of this crap. the ONLY thing you're doing is helping keep trump in office. please, post more of this.
Some one in the wh is trying to warn us ,,,amoral impulsive unstable and we need to do something about him

What? You already thought that about him! You can’t be warned about something when you already think it to be true. This article isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. It will further solidify beliefs from both sides.
Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

And yet he did none of that. O and W actually did start endless wars and more destruction to the ME .

Anti-Trumpers routinely try to wish things into existence. He WANTED to do those things is the same to them as he really did them... LOL They THINK he’s the kind of person who would open concentration camps so that’s what he’s doing... even though he’s actually NOT. It’s insanity.
NO.... Pence,,,, article used lodestar a word Pence used
It is always the silent ones you have to be concerned about. Or so I have read.

NO.... Pence,,,, article used lodestar a word Pence used
It is always the silent ones you have to be concerned about. Or so I have read.
I never bought into any of that phony adoration. I always thought he was just waiting in the wings,
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Tucker Carlson says his people believe they know the author. They are in touch with WH.

Tucker Carlson says....LOL!
That's when my eyes glaze over.
But I believe he and butt-buddy Hannity are in touch with the White House.
Fox is not a news organization.
It's the media arm for Trump, sucker.

If you believe this how can you not see The NY Times, WaPo, MSNBC, CNN etc. is a “media arm” for the Dems?
If the source is Russian will Dem's demand an investigation?

[rolling eyes]
If the source is Russian the NYT wouldn't have published the piece.
Maybe you should try READING the NYT once in a while.
They are not failing as your messiah says.
They have been in print since 1851.

Year of origin has nothing to do with current success rate...
Right. What exactly do you plan to do? The secret service is listening
There are many good and brave men who are trying to take care of the huge problems idiot republicans gave us AND you forget ,,,LOL the secret service hates him too
there are many good and brave men who are trying to recover from the huge problems that idiot obama gave us AND you forget...he weaponized the gov against his opponents.

we can fling this shit all day, dude.
You certainly can ice but when all is said and done Trump is an asshole and worse than that a crazy lying one and all you have is Obama a good if not great President ?? Maybe now you can tell us about Hillary ? Why look at the elephant in the room
don't care about hillary. we're talking presidents and their accomplishments or qualifications.

obama weaponized the gov against itself.
obama lied when he said he never knew about hillarys e-mail server
obama lied about a lot of things but those things appear to have made you warm and fuzzy inside so you allow it.

however, now that we do have the posterchild for narcissism as our president you suddenly find fault in lying.

then you wonder why your cred is where it is - and thats simply because you *only* see these things emotionally.

about the worst way to see things these days.
And you equate the supposed lies of obama with this world class liar?? You think a j walker is as dangerous as a kidnapper?? That's the crap you're handing down

Obama’s lies were far worse

His lies were believed to the detriment of our nation.

Trunks are exaggerations that have little impact on his policies
I think it may just be a Times columnist posing as part of the Trump team and selling the narrative even his own staff can’t stand him and think he’s dangerous.

The truth has never felt so far away. I don’t think either side is even close to knowing what is actually happening. We just know a mess of narratives, tell ourselves it’s the truth and try to make something sensible out of it all.
And you equate the supposed lies of obama with this world class liar?? You think a j walker is as dangerous as a kidnapper?? That's the crap you're handing down

Obama’s lies were far worse

His lies were believed to the detriment of our nation.

Trunks are exaggerations that have little impact on his policies

Hilarity ensues.
The mere fact that he incites rabid and hysterical reaction from his opponents is the only argument for keeping him around.
I think this is the beginning of the end.

These accusations, which pretty much validates everything the left has been saying about Trump, came from within Trumps circle.

His chosen.

And his chosen has seen Trumps true nature and exposed it for all.

Pretty incredible.

You are gullible and way too trusting. Just bc you agree with an organization’s sentiment doesn’t make them trustworthy. Those who you disagree with don’t always lie and those you agree with don’t alway tell the truth. This is an ignorant way to see the world. That you’re not questioning the legitimacy of this op-ed at all even though it’s from an anonymous source and you have NO CLUE who wrote it, what their position is, who they’re close to and what their motivations might be... I just don’t get it.
You guys are a bunch of backwards lowlife scumbags and bully’s to boot, I can only surmise in real life you don’t have many friends. Go outside and get some fresh air for fucks sake...
A crazy man in charge of nuclear weapons ??

Yeah he been “in charge” of them for over a year and a half now... which kind of tells us he doesn’t have a compulsion to nuke whatever country he wants.

The lot of you would do well to try and see the bigger picture.
Guess you and republicans see him as calm cool and collected ,in complete control of his mind?
You guys are a bunch of backwards lowlife scumbags and bully’s to boot, I can only surmise in real life you don’t have many friends. Go outside and get some fresh air for fucks sake...

Screw that, 90 plus degrees with high pollen count! That is enough to damn dear kill someone with COPD

Sent from my iPhone using
My guesses would be Kelly, Coates or Mattis in that order.

I just hope there actually is a "We" or an "Us" that have finally banded together to thwart Trump in his impulses and his worst angels. But that is a very long shot. To my mind it has to be someone who has little or no ambitions in the party and the future of the GOP. My guesses, based on that are, Kelly, Dan Coates or Mattis. And whomever it turns out to be, it's a whole lot late and a whole lot too little. The writer said things that would lead the reader to believe his/her actions are based on a sense of patriotism. Bullshit. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time and if Helsinki wasn't enough to spur someone on to act as a patriot, I have to wonder why now? What individual thing was the straw for this camel's back? I also wonder how much John McCain's death affected that decision to speak out. I like to think that McCain wouldn't have hidden behind anonymity. But the flip side of that coin is to maybe remain on the inside to continue to act as a check on Agent Orange. But to see this as an act of courage is just so much bullpussy. Just like Corker or Flake, it's so much easier to convince one's self that he/she is a patriot when you have little or nothing to lose.

Whoever it is, when exposed should be gut shot. That is all. want someone who exercised their Constitutional, 1'st Amendment right and exposed ZERO secrets that directly compromised American national security? You think they should be taken out and shot...without trial, without a hearing. Just shot....simply for stating their opinions?

You advocate the murder of anyone in the White House cabinet who publicly states their objection to the President and/or his behavior?

LOL...yup, you are a Trumpbot alright.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

You do realize that virtually no one with an IQ over 110 who is mentally stable thinks of your above opinion as anything more than the rambling's of a mentally unbalanced individual? At least as far as this subject is concerned?
I am guessing 'no'. I am guessing that you think you are and sound very rational.
For your own sake...guess again.

We are done here...have a VERY nice day.

BTW - welcome to my ignore list. Anyone who openly advocates the murder of innocent people without trial - simply for stating their opinions - is probably a complete waste of my time.

Ta ta.

Wait. Is the article opinion or fact? Opinions aren’t facts and you’ve been treating this op-ed as fact the whole thread until now in your anger over someone’s comment. You can’t have it both ways. It’s fact when you want it to be but opinion when Hossfly says the writer should be held responsible for what he believes are lies?

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