Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I’m convinced by Lawrence O’Donnell’s argument that it’s Dan Coats.

I can’t decide whether to be impressed or disgusted; part of me is glad that adults are in the room keeping him from taking us off a cliff, but I’m angry and despairing that so many Republicans are sitting by either silently, or encouraging him on. These people are NOT patriots.


That anonymous source not only exposed Trumps unfitness for office but he also exposed the abject cowardice of the republicans to hold Trump accountable.

This is beyond the left antagonizing Trump or Trump acting out to trigger the lefts angst.

This is somebody or a group of someone’s in his administration making these accusations that everybody with a moral compass and who comports to public mores of decency can see Trump is dysfunctional.

Gee, Lanny Davis was an anonymous source for CNN's debacle. Anonymous sources these days are not to be trusted. And there are over 1200 "senior officials" in the administration.
Question now is..... what are republicans, or this administration going to do, when this administrative official becomes known?

Do they keep him/her on in hopes that official doesn’t further expose the administration?

Do they fire him?

Do they investigate him for sedition or treason or whatever else they can pull out of the ass?

This is big folks. We haven’t heard the last from this anonymous administrative official.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

trump cigar.jpg

CONNED again by the great Donald Trump! Plays the Left like a Stradivarius violin!
LOL that's one thing we can agree on Who knows might be another in a year or 2

I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?
Probably one a little less strict,,,, Constitution written many years ago ,,,,SOME things have changed since then,,,,jimho

Yeah, STFU, commie!
Thank God for the Constitution or you right Wingers would have ruined the country a dictatorship by now...

Whatever, foreign boy, who doesn't know Snappys are from NY.

I bet you don't even know what Genee is, punk. I'm not even from there, but I do.

What does Genee stand for, faggot? Since you claim you're from NY.
You are an idiot. I'm from Buffalo end of the state 200 miles from Syracuse where Snappy's are. We have our own white Hots and so does Rochester look at a map. Gennie stands for the Genesee River, I live 10 MI from Letchworth Park the number 1 State Park in the country, the Grand Canyon of the East through the Genesee River. I have spent no time in Syracuse except for two Hobart lacrosse games. Will you please shut the f*** up LOL!
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I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?
Probably one a little less strict,,,, Constitution written many years ago ,,,,SOME things have changed since then,,,,jimho

Yeah, STFU, commie!
Thank God for the Constitution or you right Wingers would have ruined the country a dictatorship by now...

Whatever, foreign boy, who doesn't know Snappys are from NY.

I bet you don't even know what Genee is, punk. I'm not even from there, but I do.

What does Genee stand for, faggot? Since you claim you're from NY.
You are an idiot. I'm from Buffalo end of the state 200 miles from Syracuse where Snappy's are. We have our own white Hots and so does Rochester look at a map. Gennie stands for the Genesee River, I live 10 MI from Letchworth Park the number 1 State Park in the country, the Grand Canyon of the East Genesee River. I have spent no time in Syracuse except for two Hobart lacrosse games. Will you please shut the f*** up LOL!
And yes Gennie is a
Beer from Rochester too right next to the High Falls you incredible idiot. Everything you know is wrong LOL
Question now is..... what are republicans, or this administration going to do, when this administrative official becomes known?

Do they keep him/her on in hopes that official doesn’t further expose the administration?

Do they fire him?

Do they investigate him for sedition or treason or whatever else they can pull out of the ass?

This is big folks. We haven’t heard the last from this anonymous administrative official.
When Nixon was in office, I knew it was going to be a bad scene. Democrats control most of DC and the war in Nam was in full swing, Nixon was going to stop the war and this pissed of the Democrats. Their friends were making big bucks off of it. We back to what my point was going to be. The people he appointed were questionable and this was his weak point. When they did that stupid break in he was trying to protect his gov, and made the mistake of lying. That all it took back then. Loyal people are hard to find.
Don't know don't care I have no respect for the individual who would write an op-ed trashing a sitting President any sitting President anonymously nor do have any respect any media outlet that would publish it. If one does not have the courage to sign their name to what they wrote they have zero credibility.
Like Deep Throat.
Deep throat provided actually information about an actually crime to reporters he did not write an op-ed where he simply bitched about a President who's style and personality he didn't like big difference.
But don’t y’all just love this?:)

If that anonymous admin official wanted to catch everyone’s attention..... he sure got it.

He sure got Trumps attention.

And that it was somebody he trusted? And that some of his cabinet members were whispering the use of the 25th amendment to remove him?

Calling him amoral!

Noting his erratic behavior?

Concerned enough that some are even disobeying his orders!

Are you even kidding me!


This is the most satisfying - and comforting - news since I first realized what a whacko Trump really is.

The dictator wannabe is not actually in charge.
"“The problem for the president is it could be so many people,” said one administration official, who like many others interviewed for this story spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid. “You can’t rule it down to one person. Everyone is trying, but it’s impossible.

The phrase “The sleeper cells have awoken” circulated on text messages among aides and outside allies.

“It’s like the horror movies when everyone realizes the call is coming from inside the house,” said one former White House official in close contact with former co-workers.

‘The sleeper cells have awoken’: Trump and aides shaken by ‘resistance’ op-ed

“The sleeper cells have awoken.”

I assume Woodward knows who it is.

He has another Deep Throat to add to his collection.
I don't believe this is a legit source.

This article was designed to do one thing in my opinion, cause finger pointing and suspicion in the White House. Cause distrust. Who is the mole? Remember the old reality show hosted by none other than Anderson Cooper? If you are working at the WH, not just Trump, who can you openly talk to now without fear of it appearing in the New York Times? A house divided....

The reason that I think it isn't legit is the motivations cited. The small group is not part of the resistance. Just trying to stop Trump from his worst ambitions. That is false on its face. An Op-Ed like this can only cause more distrust, more suspicion and limit the kind of work this group is claiming it is trying to achieve.

No one elected these small groups to hinder Trump. The voters decide. If they don't like what Trump is doing, the voting booth is where the issue is decided, not in a secret room hiding documents. This article lends even more credibility that the small group in the FBI might have been doing the same kind of work after all.

This was done to hurt the Supreme Court hearings, take attention off Mueller backing off an interview and help push the Dems into the majority in Nov. Nothing more.
Don't know don't care I have no respect for the individual who would write an op-ed trashing a sitting President any sitting President anonymously nor do have any respect any media outlet that would publish it. If one does not have the courage to sign their name to what they wrote they have zero credibility.
Like Deep Throat.
Deep throat provided actually information about an actually crime to reporters he did not write an op-ed where he simply bitched about a President who's style and personality he didn't like big difference.
this president has shown in many ways he's not playing with a full deck and half america and the whole rest of the world knows it
I read the MOD'S explanation but now I am more confused than ever -- I still do not see the cause for shutting us down. Seems petty from what I read. I'm glad they provide oversight, but the reason seems a bit of a stretch unless I missed something since last night ... as I said, I'm confused.
Not only is this going to drive Trump up the wall... it’s going to be rocket fuel for all the Trumpie conspiracy theorist that Deep State exists.

This is going to be..... entertaining. :)
I don't believe this is a legit source.

This article was designed to do one thing in my opinion, cause finger pointing and suspicion in the White House. Cause distrust. Who is the mole? Remember the old reality show hosted by none other than Anderson Cooper? If you are working at the WH, not just Trump, who can you openly talk to now without fear of it appearing in the New York Times? A house divided....

The reason that I think it isn't legit is the motivations cited. The small group is not part of the resistance. Just trying to stop Trump from his worst ambitions. That is false on its face. An Op-Ed like this can only cause more distrust, more suspicion and limit the kind of work this group is claiming it is trying to achieve.

No one elected these small groups to hinder Trump. The voters decide. If they don't like what Trump is doing, the voting booth is where the issue is decided, not in a secret room hiding documents. This article lends even more credibility that the small group in the FBI might have been doing the same kind of work after all.

This was done to hurt the Supreme Court hearings, take attention off Mueller backing of an interview and help push the Dems into the majority in Nov. Nothing more.

The NY TIMES knows the source and they are legit ... otherwise hey would not run the story ... don't fall for the Trump BS about "fake news or hoax or witch hunt, or even the failed NY TImes" ... THEY ARE very reputable and not failing -- we will learn the truth in short order bet on it. But it will not come from Donald J. Trump also bet on that, unless it favors him directly and mostly financially.
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.
I don't believe this is a legit source.

This article was designed to do one thing in my opinion, cause finger pointing and suspicion in the White House. Cause distrust. Who is the mole? Remember the old reality show hosted by none other than Anderson Cooper? If you are working at the WH, not just Trump, who can you openly talk to now without fear of it appearing in the New York Times? A house divided....

The reason that I think it isn't legit is the motivations cited. The small group is not part of the resistance. Just trying to stop Trump from his worst ambitions. That is false on its face. An Op-Ed like this can only cause more distrust, more suspicion and limit the kind of work this group is claiming it is trying to achieve.

No one elected these small groups to hinder Trump. The voters decide. If they don't like what Trump is doing, the voting booth is where the issue is decided, not in a secret room hiding documents. This article lends even more credibility that the small group in the FBI might have been doing the same kind of work after all.

This was done to hurt the Supreme Court hearings, take attention off Mueller backing of an interview and help push the Dems into the majority in Nov. Nothing more.

The NY TIMES knows the source and they are legit ... otherwise hey would not run the story ... don't fall for the Trump BS about "fake news or hoax or witch hunt, or even the failed NY TImes" ... THEY ARE very reputable and not failing -- we will learn the truth in short order bet on it. But it will not come from Donald J. Trump also bet on that, unless it favors him directly and mostly financially.

Very doubtful. This is classic hit piece. Dan Rather and CNN were once reputable as well.

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