Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
LOL that's one thing we can agree on Who knows might be another in a year or 2

I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?
Probably one a little less strict,,,, Constitution written many years ago ,,,,SOME things have changed since then,,,,jimho

Yeah, STFU, commie!
Thank God for the Constitution or you right Wingers would have ruined the country a dictatorship by now...

Whatever, foreign boy, who doesn't know Snappys are from NY.

I bet you don't even know what Genee is, punk. I'm not even from there, but I do.

What does Genee stand for, faggot? Since you claim you're from NY.
Brooklyn NY not a place where idiots like you would survive for long
Don't know don't care I have no respect for the individual who would write an op-ed trashing a sitting President any sitting President anonymously nor do have any respect any media outlet that would publish it. If one does not have the courage to sign their name to what they wrote they have zero credibility.

Good guess, but I don’t think Mattis would call what they’re doing the “resistance.”

It has to be somebody that sees themselves part of the resistance and would call it such.

I'm thinking Pompeo. He was a member of congress and the intel community so he sees the threat Trump poses regarding the Russians. And having been a member of congress he would see impact invoking the word resistance would have on the public and this administration.
Since the NYT can be held liable for slander or defamation or libel:

1. The author approached the NYT and the editors sat down with this person face to face.
2. They had him/her sign off on a waiver holding them harmless and acting only as a vehicle for a third-party opinion, albeit anonymous.
3. Then they took the op-ed to their lawyers and let them mull over it for a couple of days before publishing it.

The NYT has been in publication since 1851.

And thank God they will be around long after the Orange Goon with the yellow streak down his back is fucking dead and gone.
In case you haven't noticed, our previously venerable Press institutions have deteriorated into irrational Trump haters. I have no doubt the NY Ragtimes would "fast track" a juicy OP ED. They have already printed numerous false stories followed with half ass retractions weeks later buried 20 pages in.
Don't know don't care I have no respect for the individual who would write an op-ed trashing a sitting President any sitting President anonymously nor do have any respect any media outlet that would publish it. If one does not have the courage to sign their name to what they wrote they have zero credibility.
In the case of a rational, righteous and inspirational leader, I'd say that's right.

All bets are off, though, when dealing with an unhinged amoral tried-and-failed autocrat-wannabe.

Loyalty to the Republic and its People "trump" personal loyalties, in the final analysis, and it is righteous that it be thus.
I want a strict Constitutionalist, what do you want?
Probably one a little less strict,,,, Constitution written many years ago ,,,,SOME things have changed since then,,,,jimho

Yeah, STFU, commie!
Thank God for the Constitution or you right Wingers would have ruined the country a dictatorship by now...

Whatever, foreign boy, who doesn't know Snappys are from NY.

I bet you don't even know what Genee is, punk. I'm not even from there, but I do.

What does Genee stand for, faggot? Since you claim you're from NY.
Brooklyn NY not a place where idiots like you would survive for long

I could survive there for years, but I wouldn't want to.

Eh, actually, the people that raised me lived there in a little bitty house for 15-16 years.

You can have your cold. Really, NY is not for me. I am a cracker.

I was raised by the same people in a (very) slightly bigger house much further south.

That house actually had some yard vs. Brooklyn house. :eek:

If I was to bet, I'd bet there's an 80-story building there these days.
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Hmm Lawrence O'donnell thinks it is Dan Coates. That would make sense given his ability to look at a lot of the items Brennan, Clapper, and Comey saw about Trump before they left.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
Thats easy....

The staff at the New York Times....

Western Analytics analyzed the OP-ed an found 8 different writing styles. Now who would benefit from this propaganda piece? Woodward? Democrats pre-elections.....

There are not 8 people within the Trump Administration at a high level with close access to write this.. There are however story tellers at the NYTimes who would lie their assess off to try and take trump down at any means....
Don't know don't care I have no respect for the individual who would write an op-ed trashing a sitting President any sitting President anonymously nor do have any respect any media outlet that would publish it. If one does not have the courage to sign their name to what they wrote they have zero credibility.
In the case of a rational, righteous and inspirational leader, I'd say that's right.

All bets are off, though, when dealing with an unhinged amoral tried-and-failed autocrat-wannabe.

Loyalty to the Republic and its People "trump" personal loyalties, in the final analysis, and it is righteous that it be thus.
Very impressive display of far left talking points the only problem with your analysis of Trump is just because that's your opinion of him doesn't make it fact. Everyone should think long and hard about making things like this Times op-ed acceptable once you do that to one president you are setting the table to do it to all and they could very well one day end up creating the very autocrat they claim they are trying to prevent.

Good guess, but I don’t think Mattis would call what they’re doing the “resistance.”

It has to be somebody that sees themselves part of the resistance and would call it such.

I'm thinking Pompeo. He was a member of congress and the intel community so he sees the threat Trump poses regarding the Russians. And having been a member of congress he would see impact invoking the word resistance would have on the public and this administration.

Makes sense. The author had a real fondness for John McCain. So I am thinking he is ex-military. That could be Pompeo.

The only thing is that the Op Ed gave the impression to me that it was someone fairly close to the POTUS inner circle on a regular basis. I am not sure Pompeo would have been that way while at the CIA.

But I am not privy to White House affairs...maybe he was very much in touch with the inner circle.

It could indeed be Pompeo.

If Tillerson were still there I would say DEFINITELY him...but nope to that. And I would LOVE it if it were Pence (since he could be the next POTUS)...but Pence does not strike me as smart enough to have even written that Op Ed.. And his personality does not seem to fit the Op Ed either.

The thing I love about this Op Ed is that the person sounds rational. Not desperate or terrified or angry...just quietly determined to keep Trump out of the loop as much as possible.

No matter whom it is...I genuinely feel better about the White House then I did 24 hours ago...knowing that at least a few there have their heads on straight. That that fat freak is not actually as in charge as he lets on.
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Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
The GOP is the Cesspool warmongering brainwashing cesspool, super dope. Bush allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, then gave us the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Obama averted the depression that cost 8 trillion despite pure GOP obstruction and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth that continues. You live on an imaginary GOP planet, super duper.

Obama handed out taxpayer money to his buddies after Bush crashed the economy. You need to get things right, boy. None of it did a damn thing for the people. He is a corrupt Kenyan Marxist traitor asshole!

If you think Obama likes Americans, I got a sweet toll bridge in Brooklyn for sale. ;)

You could make your money back in 2 years.
Too bad you have no evidence for that, conspiracy Nut Job super soup.

Oh, but I do, faggot dupe.

Obama administration reworked Solyndra loan to favor donor

Suck penis and choke, fake American.

Here's another link, too.
Seriously, what is wrong with you LOL! Your links are garbage, all discredited garbage.
But don’t y’all just love this?:)

If that anonymous admin official wanted to catch everyone’s attention..... he sure got it.

He sure got Trumps attention.

And that it was somebody he trusted? And that some of his cabinet members were whispering the use of the 25th amendment to remove him?

Calling him amoral!

Noting his erratic behavior?

Concerned enough that some are even disobeying his orders!

Are you even kidding me!
Hmm Lawrence O'donnell thinks it is Dan Coates. That would make sense given his ability to look at a lot of the items Brennan, Clapper, and Comey saw about Trump before they left.

Dan Coats is a pretty good guess too.
Coates or Mattis...yea.

I've been reading it's Pence but that's just to House of Cards crazy
Probably one a little less strict,,,, Constitution written many years ago ,,,,SOME things have changed since then,,,,jimho

Yeah, STFU, commie!
Thank God for the Constitution or you right Wingers would have ruined the country a dictatorship by now...

Whatever, foreign boy, who doesn't know Snappys are from NY.

I bet you don't even know what Genee is, punk. I'm not even from there, but I do.

What does Genee stand for, faggot? Since you claim you're from NY.
Brooklyn NY not a place where idiots like you would survive for long

I could survive there for years, but I wouldn't want to.

Eh, actually, the people that raised me lived there in a little bitty house for 15-16 years.

You can have your cold. Really, NY is not for me. I am a cracker.

I was raised by the same people in a (very) slightly bigger house much further south.

That house actually had some yard vs. Brooklyn house. :eek:

If I was to bet, I'd bet there's an 80-story building there these days.
I spend 4 months of the winter in florida ,,,,,,,lived in a 6 story apt building growing up
But don’t y’all just love this?:)

If that anonymous admin official wanted to catch everyone’s attention..... he sure got it.

He sure got Trumps attention.

And that it was somebody he trusted? And that some of his cabinet members were whispering the use of the 25th amendment to remove him?

Calling him amoral!

Noting his erratic behavior?

Concerned enough that some are even disobeying his orders!

Are you even kidding me!
He's got to be walking the halls punching walls with his pudgy little hands

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