Best President In History Question

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
The simple answer to that question is Donald J. Trump. Easily one of the top three presidents in history. Possibly #1 if the election hadn't been stolen.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
Lincoln served one term and one month and was our best President

But that was one hell of a term
The simple answer to that question is Donald J. Trump. Easily one of the top three presidents in history. Possibly #1 if the election hadn't been stolen.

He came in #40 in "Hottest" presidents in history but at least he beat John Adams in one category. What's funny is his administration is ranked even lower than his looks. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
Both your selections were turds.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.

JFK was a terrible POTUS, had he not been killed he would not have been remembered fondly.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
In the case of FDR, he was in office for two reasons, were in the midst of a massive depression and then came the war. The war generated the need for a large work force to meet the needs of the war and as most men were being enlisted into the military, women filled the need for more workers. This began improving the economy and the other reason was FDR's "New Deal" which put a lot of people to work in government (federal, state, local) projects (roads, bridges, et cetera). When you are in the middle of a huge war, you don't switch leaders lightly. The second reason is also the reason why blacks switched from being predominantly republican voters to being democrat voters.
So, was FDR a great president? I think it was more that he was president at a pivotal point in our nation's history.
As to JFK, I was in the military when he was assassinated. He was indeed a good president, however, fast forward to today and he would "never" be accepted by the so-called Democrat Party today. They would consider him right-wing. I still recall that portion of his acceptance speech where he said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Today's Democrats are: Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. Bigger government, more handouts. Hate the flag and the country.
Obviously Gerald Ford was the best president. He landed in the Oval Office without even campaigning.

That's like, Chuck Norris style winning.
That was his reward for being Gay Edgar Hoover's man on the warren commission panel, and later on pardoning Nixon in some damage control. He looks "good" by comparison to later presidents.
The last uncompromised and not completely controlled by the corporate military President was Eisenhower, and he did try to warn us. The ones since him have been front men for the bankers.
My main president man is Millard Fillmore. I don't know much about him; I just like his name.
Here's some stuff:
Millard Fillmore, a member of the Whig party, was the 13th President of the United States (1850-1853) and the last President not to be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties.

He has some auditoriums named after him.

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