Best President In History Question

the greatest POTUS in history is President Dwayne Camacho from Idiocracy !

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Best President In History Question​

William Henry Harrison, no other is even close. All should emulate his presidency.
Histwhorians Try to Make a Joke Out of a Tragedy

His replacement, John Tyler, got pushed around by Congress because, though he had some good ideas, he had no gravitas. Harrison, a great general, would have stomped on those sissyboy politicians mercilessly. Our whole history would have changed if he had lived.
In the case of FDR, he was in office for two reasons, were in the midst of a massive depression and then came the war. The war generated the need for a large work force to meet the needs of the war and as most men were being enlisted into the military, women filled the need for more workers. This began improving the economy and the other reason was FDR's "New Deal" which put a lot of people to work in government (federal, state, local) projects (roads, bridges, et cetera). When you are in the middle of a huge war, you don't switch leaders lightly. The second reason is also the reason why blacks switched from being predominantly republican voters to being democrat voters.
So, was FDR a great president? I think it was more that he was president at a pivotal point in our nation's history.
As to JFK, I was in the military when he was assassinated. He was indeed a good president, however, fast forward to today and he would "never" be accepted by the so-called Democrat Party today. They would consider him right-wing. I still recall that portion of his acceptance speech where he said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Today's Democrats are: Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. Bigger government, more handouts. Hate the flag and the country.
FDR book-ended his presidential career by refusing to discuss the economy with Hoover after the 1932 election and concealing his deteriorating medical condition before the 1944 election. In both cases, he placed his personal political ambitions ahead of the country's best interests. His pre-war economic policies did not end the Depression, but they may have staved off a socialist/communist revolution.
Barack Obama as the best in the opinion of the rest of the world.
That's because he was the first black president and offered hope. However, hope didn't really materialize. He even won a Noble prize just for being black because he hadn't even really done anything else to win it. However, he did serve two terms, won that Noble prize, and brought around Obamacare, even though it was more or less a failure. So, yeah, he earns a high spot.
JFK was a terrible POTUS, had he not been killed he would not have been remembered fondly.
Well, he would have more than likely won a second term and he did get us out of the Cuban Missile Crisis. But, the rest of it we'll never really know.
That's because he was the first black president and offered hope. However, hope didn't really materialize. He even won a Noble prize just for being black because he hadn't even really done anything else to win it. However, he did serve two terms, won that Noble prize, and brought around Obamacare, even though it was more or less a failure. So, yeah, he earns a high spot.
The simple answer to that question is Donald J. Trump. Easily one of the top three presidents in history. Possibly #1 if the election hadn't been stolen.
He is currently ranked last or second to for good reasons.
JFK was a terrible POTUS, had he not been killed he would not have been remembered fondly.
The election of JFK signaled the change that was coming in America that gave voice to a new generation. I put him in top 10 but not first.

1. Lincoln
2. FDR

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