Best President In History Question

The rest of the world can go fuck themselves. All Obama did was give away our money and pieces of our sovereignty. The worst thing that ever happened to this country.
The worst thing to ever happen to this country was TRUMP.
Not even during the civil war did this happen.


Fucking TRAITOR.
LBJ also DESTROYED THE BLACK FAMILY with his Welfare designed to encourage mothers not getting married.
Actual Quote from LBJ " We will have those Nxggxrs voting for us for the next 200 years"
More Conservative Propaganda

Corporate Manufacturing abandoning the big cities took away jobs and destroyed minority families

LBJ never said that, he actually said they had lost the Southern vote by backing Civil Rights
True he was not a bad President but there is just not enough to fairly judge where he should be on a list of Presidents.
Well, getting us out of the Cuban Missile Crisis is certainly a big feather in his cap. Most everyone knows that. I doubt the bottom 33% - 50% even know what a Bay Of Pigs is. And his line about not asking what your country can do for you is one of the most iconic lines any president has ever had. On top of that, his family was like royalty. It still amazes me to this day how many Americans are into the British Royalty thing. His assassination has cemented his place in history because he would have won a second term and most Americans had high hopes for his second term, whether they would have been realized or not. And, his brother, if he had not been assassinated himself, would have carried on American royalty.
Harrison gave a longwinded inaugural speech in a freezing downpour, caught pneumonia, and died a month later.

Best president ever. :lol:
Science will tell you that you don't catch pneumonia from giving long winded speeches in a freezing downpour.
Lincoln will always be number 1 with me.

I am no fan of FDR. FDR is the creator of the idea that for every problem there is a government solution. The federal government's powers were massively expanded by FDR, and things have only gotten a lot worse from there.

Out of our 46 presidents, Trump is number 50.
Which brings up an interesting thought for those of you who detest Trump so much. Is it possible that he could go down in history as being two of the worst presidents in history? I wonder, if you get elected to two separate terms, does that make you two presidents or just one? It's happened before so I'm guessing he would go down as being two presidents instead of one.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list.

How many republican presidents could have gotten reelected to office under the conditions of 2020 with states violating their own state laws, ballot harvesting, ballot mules collecting stacks of ballots with no chain of custody with organizations spending half a billion dollars on paid organizers with the government working with social media to suppress laptop stories and embarrassing questions and comments about the candidates while tons of GOP districts have failures, breakdowns while pollsters run the same ballots through the scanners multiple times and voting goes on for weeks with no one knowing what is going on?
His assassination has cemented his place in history because he would have won a second term and most Americans had high hopes for his second term, whether they would have been realized or not.

A JFK second term would have been a disaster……ask LBJ

JFK would not have gotten all the Civil Rights legislation LBJ pushed through
He would have faced all the Vietnam protests that LBJ faced
How many republican presidents could have gotten reelected to office under the conditions of 2020 with states violating their own state laws, ballot harvesting, ballot mules collecting stacks of ballots with no chain of custody with organizations spending half a billion dollars on paid organizers with the government working with social media to suppress laptop stories and embarrassing questions and comments about the candidates while tons of GOP districts have failures, breakdowns while pollsters run the same ballots through the scanners multiple times and voting goes on for weeks with no one knowing what is going on?

Now collect your ruble for ring kissing.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
James Polk may have been one of the most successful President's. Only served one term.
The Founding's Go-To Man

James Monroe. His Administration was called "The Era of Good Feeling" which he, as much as anyone else created. It's as if every President who followed him had a bracelet saying "What Would Monroe Do?"

1. He dropped out of college to volunteer for combat.
2. He was the hero of the Battle of Trenton, knocking out the Hessians' only chance of defending themselves. He was one of the few American wounded because he prevented everyone else from getting shot.
3. As Governor of Virginia, he worked his way from having no power to absolute control through the force of his wisdom.
4. In 1800, he threated to march on the federal government with his state's militia to prevent the corrupt Aaron Burr from stealing the Presidency, which made the Electoral College finally quit stalling and
concede the election to Jefferson.
5. Jefferson wrote him constantly, showing that Monroe was not the NPC that academic scribblers made him out to be.
6. After the incompetent John Jay failed to get anywhere with Napoleon, Jefferson knew that Monroe would get the job done. He was the real father of the huge Louisiana Purchase. Typical of his take-charge character, he saw an opportunity to get far more than Jefferson had assigned him to get, which was merely New Orleans.
7. He took over the War of 1812 from the nerdy wimp Madison, who had a mental breakdown, (not the Constitution's absurd Vice-Presidency doing that), and was the sole reason for our victory. Notice that Andrew Jackson reported to him, not President Madison, about the Battle of New Orleans.
8. As President, he ordered Jackson to take Florida and then Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean, but the Zero-Grown Northeast plutocracy prevented him from expanding that much. The Monroe Doctrine was a weak compromise and not what Monroe himself knew was best for our Manifest Destiny. Having the Caribbean Islands would have given the South more votes and prevented the Civil War.
9. He opposed the Constitution and was proven right by everything that followed, especially the fact that the Louisiana Purchase was unConstitutional.
To the looney left maybe.

US unemployment surges to a Depression-era level of 14.7%​

AP News › article

May 8, 2020 — And it robs President Donald Trump of the ability to point to a strong economy as he runs for reelection. “The jobs report from hell is here,” ...

Is the Trump administration responsible for 25% of national ...​

Deseret News › u-s-world › trump-administ...

Jan 23, 2023 — The national debt level went up by $7.8 trillion during President Donald Trump's time in office, according to U.S. treasury data.


US unemployment surges to a Depression-era level of 14.7%

View attachment 804949
AP News › article
May 8, 2020 — And it robs President Donald Trump of the ability to point to a strong economy as he runs for reelection. “The jobs report from hell is here,” ...

Is the Trump administration responsible for 25% of national ...

View attachment 804950
Deseret News › u-s-world › trump-administ...
Jan 23, 2023 — The national debt level went up by $7.8 trillion during President Donald Trump's time in office, according to U.S. treasury data.

May 2020 in the midst of the China virus, you forgot to mention that.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
Depends on the criteria. The Right will make a Republican president the best with their criteria, and the Left will invent their criteria so they can masturbate over Obama and Biden.

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