Best President In History Question

LOL Obamacare seriously? The act he had to threaten and bribe his own Dems to vote yes on? The act that cost millions their doctor and health insurance that turd? The act that sucks so bad it's like not even having health insurance? The act that stole $500 billion from Medicare?
Still waiting on that replacement the GOP and Trump promised...
Hoover gave FDR all his worst economic ideas, you should WORSHIP Hoover
Hoover was the opposite of FDR. He believed the markets and banks should be allowed to fail. He believed in zero government intervention.

Hoover was also a businessman president like Trump. In fact, Trump is the first president since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
Lincoln will always be number 1 with me.

I am no fan of FDR. FDR is the creator of the idea that for every problem there is a government solution. The federal government's powers were massively expanded by FDR, and things have only gotten a lot worse from there.

Out of our 46 presidents, Trump is number 50.
Lincoln will always be number 1 with me.

I am no fan of FDR. FDR is the creator of the idea that for every problem there is a government solution. The federal government's powers were massively expanded by FDR, and things have only gotten a lot worse from there.

Out of our 46 presidents, Trump is number 50.
FDR brought in the idea of a modern government that can facilitate a higher living standard.

Take SS and its effect on elderly poverty.

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