Best President In History Question

Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
FDR kilt a whole mess of Japs. I don't really know how someone could do that and be called one of the best. It seems to me they could have located the jap fleet and nuked that. I'm sure they would have noticed.
FDR kilt a whole mess of Japs. I don't really know how someone could do that and be called one of the best. It seems to me they could have located the jap fleet and nuked that. I'm sure they would have noticed.
Wow, are you bi-polar?
First the PPACA
LOL Obamacare seriously? The act he had to threaten and bribe his own Dems to vote yes on? The act that cost millions their doctor and health insurance that turd? The act that sucks so bad it's like not even having health insurance? The act that stole $500 billion from Medicare?
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.
I think some people look at JFK in this way because of what they think he would have done. To me JFK time as President was marked by one high water mark his handling of the Cuban missile crisis one low water mark the Bay of Pigs and a lot of what might have been.
LOL Obamacare seriously? The act he had to threaten and bribe his own Dems to vote yes on? The act that cost millions their doctor and health insurance that turd? The act that sucks so bad it's like not even having health insurance? The act that stole $500 billion from Medicare?
Dude, are you just going to lie about it.

Hey, what did mccarthy have to threaten and bribe to become speaker from his own party?

The LAW has slowed the cost of healthcare and saved 100s of millions. Also it didn't steal any money from Medicare. Yes, Medicare the program conservatives want to kill for rich people.
I think some people look at JFK in this way because of what they think he would have done. To me JFK time as President was marked by one high water mark his handling of the Cuban missile crisis one low water mark the Bay of Pigs and a lot of what might have been.
Kennedy was a lot like Obama - full of hope. In Obama's case it never developed. With Kennedy, we'll never really know.
It totally developed which is why he is respected today.
The world was hoping for more than what Obama actually delivered, which is proven out by Trump beating Hillary. Unless, of course, you want to continue your election denials.
The world was hoping for more than what Obama actually delivered, which is proven out by Trump beating Hillary. Unless, of course, you want to continue your election denials.
The former 1-term president beat Hillary, not Obama.

Obama would have crushed him.
Just wondering, is it possible to rank as one of the best presidents in history if you only served one term? Seems like if you can't get elected to two terms then it would be hard to make the best president in history list. FDR got elected to 4 terms. While that may never be possible again, it seems like that's a pretty damned good reason to be ranked as one of the best, if not the best. Anyway, off the top of my head, John F Kennedy is the only president in my memory who died in office and was never elected to a second term, who could legitimately be considered to be one of the best presidents in history.

FDR sucked moose cock both foreign and domestic.

racist-democrat-harry-s-truman (1).jpg

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