Best proof yet about Trump's collusion with Russia

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So Trump didnt call for war? disappointing isn't it? So softening language a bit is considered Radical change? Proof of Bashing Clinton?

First, when Trump wants to help Putin invade both the Crimea and eastern Ukraine, even a right wing moron should ask WHY.....?

....and, second, to betray a friend of NATO as the Ukraine is, boils down to collusion with the Kremlin.

Crimea begged for help from Mother Russia. The nazis in Kiev were going to strip away their autonomy and ban all languages other than Ukrainian. And they held a referendum.

We're talking ethnic Russians in both Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. It was the west that pulled off the coup with US and EU support.

Oh and btw no one can seem to come up with pictures for the "invasions". No pictures. In this day and age.

Commies whining about Nazis....hilarious!!!

Crimeans and eastern Ukrainians aren't commies. BUT the west loves their Nazis. You don't know the history of western Ukraine? Like the time they commited genocide in Poland in WWII.

Or had a death camp that was nicknamed the Holocaust of Bullets. Or that their hero Stepan Bandera fought with the Nazis.

Bandera is even buried in Germany and the west still considers him a hero.
Im confused with the timeline here. Trump has been in office for how long? Unless he is really Marty McFly and sports a hover board, I think most of this failure to back Crimea happened on Obama's watch.

No, moron, that is a lame defense of the Trumpster......

Donald clearly stated that he felt that folks in Crimea actually wanted to be part of Russia......(look it up)

Its like saying that slaves in the US in the 1800s actually wanted to be employed picking cotton.

The folks in Crimea really did want to be part of Russia. They voted on it and everything.

Have you ever talked to anyone in Crimea? They were not pleased with the EU. They wanted to go back to Russia.
Im confused with the timeline here. Trump has been in office for how long? Unless he is really Marty McFly and sports a hover board, I think most of this failure to back Crimea happened on Obama's watch.

No, moron, that is a lame defense of the Trumpster......

Donald clearly stated that he felt that folks in Crimea actually wanted to be part of Russia......(look it up)

Its like saying that slaves in the US in the 1800s actually wanted to be employed picking cotton.

The folks in Crimea really did want to be part of Russia. They voted on it and everything.

Have you ever talked to anyone in Crimea? They were not pleased with the EU. They wanted to go back to Russia.
Some do and most don't.
So Trump handed over a portion of the Ukraine and a uranium mine? Say it isn't so. Hang him now.

Never stated that......Trump just did what Putin told him to do.....
To NOT arm the Ukraine to fight off the gradual invasion by his Russian troops.....

,,,,and for that, Putin helped Trump with the election....Putin always wanted a puppet in the WH......He got an orange one.
Moron alert!!!!

How exactly did Trump force Obama to turn over Crimea and a uranium mine?
Everybody with a sense of reality now knows that Trump is a Russian puppet
As compared to the Clintons and the Podestas? You are kidding right?
False comparison in the first place, and in the second, more importantly, Trump is the Russian lap dog now.

Prove it Jake. I can prove the Podestas. Tony was being paid to be a lobbyist to overturn the sanctions. Biggest client is the headline Russian bank that the government owns 30% of.

In other words, the government of Russia has been paying the Podestas.
Everybody with a sense of reality now knows that Trump is a Russian puppet
As compared to the Clintons and the Podestas? You are kidding right?
False comparison in the first place, and in the second, more importantly, Trump is the Russian lap dog now.

Prove it Jake. I can prove the Podestas. Tony was being paid to be a lobbyist to overturn the sanctions. Biggest client is the headline Russian bank that the government owns 30% of.

In other words, the government of Russia has been paying the Podestas.
What you can prove does not matter.

What matters is that Donald is in the Russians' pockets now, and tipsy is all for the ending of American independence.
Im confused with the timeline here. Trump has been in office for how long? Unless he is really Marty McFly and sports a hover board, I think most of this failure to back Crimea happened on Obama's watch.

No, moron, that is a lame defense of the Trumpster......

Donald clearly stated that he felt that folks in Crimea actually wanted to be part of Russia......(look it up)

Its like saying that slaves in the US in the 1800s actually wanted to be employed picking cotton.
Again... Trump forced Obama? Really?
Did Russia Invade Crimea?

As far as I can tell right now, the following are factual.

1. Russia didn’t invade Crimea. An invasion would involve a large-scale offensive with casualties. There are no such reports. It would involve a different objective than securing bases already under lease by Russians or protecting the Crimean government.
As far as I can tell right now, the following are factual.The Crimean parliament has not issued distress calls.

2. Whatever Russians crossed into Crimea or did nor cross, we are unsure who they are. . Whoever they are, their actions so far have not been bloody or outright hostile as would be the case in an invasion. There are reports of almost amicable interactions between Crimean-Ukrainian soldiers and these other contingents.

The incursion, such as it is or is not, appears not to be an invasion and not having an objective of taking over Crimea by Russia. The objective appears to be the protection of existing Russian interests in Crimea at a time when the Kiev government is illegitimate in Russian eyes

3- . There appear to be no Russian ultimatums involved. The door is open, however, for Crimea to vote in parliament and/or by a referendum to alter its political connections with Ukraine and Russia. It is this alteration that the U.S. is against, while supporting a government in Kiev that has attained power by force.

Beyond that, the language in these suggestions of Senator Coats and the warmongers show intemperate haste and inaccuracies. It shows over-reaction. There has been no aggression. There has been no invasion. They wants to compel “Russia to withdraw from the Ukrainian region of Crimea.” However, Russia has a right by lease agreements to be in Crimea.


Everybody with a sense of reality now knows that Trump is a Russian puppet
As compared to the Clintons and the Podestas? You are kidding right?
False comparison in the first place, and in the second, more importantly, Trump is the Russian lap dog now.

Prove it Jake. I can prove the Podestas. Tony was being paid to be a lobbyist to overturn the sanctions. Biggest client is the headline Russian bank that the government owns 30% of.

In other words, the government of Russia has been paying the Podestas.
What you can prove does not matter.

What matters is that Donald is in the Russians' pockets now, and tipsy is all for the ending of American independence.

No proof. No evidence of Russian hacking. The fairy tale is falling apart Jake.
The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

So the 17 intel agencies saying there was zero evidence of collusion wasn't good enough, so now they're digging up some obscure convention delegate to come up with a new and improved conspiracy theory? ROFLMFAO
That's not Russia invading asshole. These rebels only want to secede.

Sure, morons, those "rebels" work in some gas station to build tanks with whatever spare parts they can find.

Do you idiots realize hoe lame your defense of Trump has become?
The folks in Crimea really did want to be part of Russia. They voted on it and everything.

Now, who would EVER accuse Putin's Russia of fucking up with other nations' elections?????? LOL
That's not Russia invading asshole. These rebels only want to secede.

Sure, morons, those "rebels" work in some gas station to build tanks with whatever spare parts they can find.

Do you idiots realize hoe lame your defense of Trump has become?


Why was Soros involved with Hillary's campaign?

Why was Podesta talking to a Hungarian?

Why is a Hungarian interfering in US elections?


So the 17 intel agencies saying there was zero evidence of collusion wasn't good enough, so now they're digging up some obscure convention delegate to come up with a new and improved conspiracy theory? ROFLMFAO

I really don't give a fuck WHAT you believe....trump lap dogs will go down believing that the poor orange clown is "victim" of conspiracies....and I don't care......

Facts will slowly emerge

(BTW, Did those 17 intel agencies state that Russia influenced this election? ....YES or NO???)
Why was Soros involved with Hillary's campaign?

Hey, fuck head......

First this thread is NOT about Hillary

Second, do you want a listing of the rich pricks who backed Trump?


Why was Soros involved with Hillary's campaign?

Why was Podesta talking to a Hungarian?

Why is a Hungarian interfering in US elections?


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