Best proof yet about Trump's collusion with Russia

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I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.
I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

Wait, can't make this stuff up................Hilly pays 9 million, through a law firm, to Russians, for dirt on Trump, then uses the dirt proven phony, to get a FISA warrant on Paige, lol. That is ok.

But, the Trump people never pay anything, to anyone, never collect the information, but that is all bad.

And where does the Russian lawyer (spy) go after talking to the Trump campaign? Why, to Fusion GPS, lololol.

Oh no, nothing there folks, nothing at all.

You can't be this dumb, or can you, lololol!
I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy...

Colluded? Tell me more!!!

they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

Oh noes!! Were the Russians going to tell voters that Hillary is corrupt?

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs.

Cocaine is illegal. Evidence of Hillary's corruption isn't.

They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

Now it makes sense!! Hillary's campaign bought cocaine from Russians.
When should we expect charges?
I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy...

Colluded? Tell me more!!!

they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

Oh noes!! Were the Russians going to tell voters that Hillary is corrupt?

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs.

Cocaine is illegal. Evidence of Hillary's corruption isn't.

They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

Now it makes sense!! Hillary's campaign bought cocaine from Russians.
When should we expect charges?

The only thing that is illegal is if money changes hands, once, twice, thrice removed also.

Know any campaign that did that-)

The Lefts power brokers know they are in trouble. These little Leftist PEE- ons have no clue, lololololol.
The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

Definition of treason, anyone????

Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription
Trumps Schlonging of Hillary is the definition of treason. Just ask Jake, or Nat
I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

Wait, can't make this stuff up................Hilly pays 9 million, through a law firm, to Russians, for dirt on Trump, then uses the dirt proven phony, to get a FISA warrant on Paige, lol. That is ok.

But, the Trump people never pay anything, to anyone, never collect the information, but that is all bad.

And where does the Russian lawyer (spy) go after talking to the Trump campaign? Why, to Fusion GPS, lololol.

Oh no, nothing there folks, nothing at all.

You can't be this dumb, or can you, lololol!
I got as far as your bullshit that Hillary paid $9 million to Russians for dirt on Trump to see you have no fucking clue what the hell you’re yappin’ about. Then you claim she used the “dirt” to get a FISA warrant — she didn’t ... then you claim the “dirt” was phony — some of it was corroborated and almost none of it proved to be phony.

Thanks for revealing that no one should give your posts any consideration at all since you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I'm convinced, or maybe I convinced myself, that Trumps got a Corleone Baptism event Planned as an October Surprise that will put most of the Dem leadership up before Sleepy Jim Sessions DOJ. Hopefully, Sessions stays awake for it
The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

That's your best "proof"?

Definition of treason, anyone?
Best proof yet that Nat is suffering from a severe case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”... :laugh:
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment."
A federal judge lost his temper with the Mueller people over their outrageous “investigation” which is nothing more than the left’s inability to accept that Donald Trump flat out kicked their ass in an election.

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
Definition of treason, anyone?
Best proof yet that Nat is suffering from a severe case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”... :laugh:
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment."
A federal judge lost his temper with the Mueller people over their outrageous “investigation” which is nothing more than the left’s inability to accept that Donald Trump flat out kicked their ass in an election.

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

If the judge does not throw the case out, then it is just talk.

Conservative judges, and I use the term loosely, need to stop ignoring what their lib counterparts are up to.
Nobody is buying the fake "Russian Bear" news anymore. It's FAKE NEWS.

Place your head right back up your ass......."defending" the orange clown when faced by constant proof of his Russian collusion, is the only recourse left for right wing morons....and you're certainly one of these morons.
The Salem witch trials had a higher standard of proof than idiots like you.
I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

I actually want to thank you for resurrecting this thread from OVER A YEAR AGO.......Faithful "fans" are always appreciated ......

BTW, Collusion with Russia by several within the Trump administration is NOT necessarily a criminal act, BUT it sure smacks quite a bit nauseating in the ethical and patriotic realms...don't you think?

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bodes very bad for the Trumpsters, don't it-)

Actually, bodes very bad for the Dimicrats, and now that the AG has a prosecutor, I am sure you are going to find out.

So why is it bad for the Dims, lololol. ANSWER: Because the Russian chick lawyer, also was aligned with, and in fact went to Fusion GPS, immediately following the meeting, lol. (you just can't make this stuff up) And who was paying Fusion GPS? HILLARY!!!!!!!

There is to much to go into that proves your side is screwed, so I will let you be surprised, lolololol.

Now, will they get Trump on a business deal? Could be, maybe, I dunno, but it would not surprise me. But Russian collusion, lolololol.

What is going to come out, is going to damage you folks for a very, very, very, long time. And it WILL be before the midterms. It was set up that way, once they knew Trump was telling the truth, and who actually started this hoax.

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Did you hear that the chick lawyer from Russia who met with Trump Jr admitted to basically being a spy on NBC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Obama was letting Russian spies into the country?
Is that what he meant when he said he'd be more flexible for Putin?

Junior never told anyone....including the orange king....about the meeting where he colluded with the Russian spy....He and his fellow crime members kept the US Government in the dark when they colluded and tried to get dirt on Hillary.

They were like someone trying to buy cocaine. They went to the dealer in an attempt to purchase drugs. They claimed they got nothing....but they were still guilty of going after cocaine.

The Clintons were the only ones participating in the election who have connections to known coke dealers.
Thread was revived to make a point but turned into a free-for-all with NOTHING to do with the actual topic from 2017.. Closed.
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