Best rock Guitarist

Who is/was the best Rock Guitarist

  • Jimi Hendrix

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Jimmy Page

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Ritchie Blackmore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stevie Ray Vaughn

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Eric Clapton

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Yngwie Malmsteen

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Rik Emmett

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Herman Li

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Django Reinhart

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (name them in the thread)

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
If you don't think Page could do blues, all you have to do is watch this:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Forward to 1:10 for music.
I thought that too.

Plus, Eddie van Halen should be on that list.

Rhodes was very good. I can take or leave Van Halen. The poll doesn't allow me enough room to name all the really good guitarists I can think of.
I saw a guy live at a club in Edmonton, Canada, who was doing blues, and then started doing both Stevie Ray Vaughn and Hendrix, and I thought "big mistake," but he nailed them both.

Also, Stevie Ray could do Hendrix. Check out his version of Voodoo Child.
Eddie Van Halen, Santana, Satriani, and, hell, even Slash. All belong on there.
Hedrix was great, but highly overrated because of his early death. Seems to be a trend in music. OMG he was fabulous, too bad he died. He would've of been the greatest! Uh-huh. Definitely not as revolutionary as Clapton, nor part of some of the most profound rock music ever like Page, nor a complete virtuoso like Vaughn.
No he shouldn't.

Stevie Ray Vaughan was a better blues-rock guitarist than Jimi Hendrix was, but BOTH are also highly overrated due to premature death.

Neither of them could TOUCH Duane Alllman. He's dead too, btw.
I went with Stevie Ray. Not my personal favorite, but he had chops that put the rest to shame.

I'm not sure how you can justify taking Page over Hendrix since Page stole all of his good shit from Jimi in the first place. :badgrin:

Well, Hendrix was taken from this world at age 27, while Page is still alive.
Think of the things Jimi H. could have done if he lived oh man!

I'll pick best dead guitarist Hendrix, still alive Page.

THERE! SETTLED! :eusa_whistle:
Well, Hendrix was taken from this world at age 27, while Page is still alive.
Think of the things Jimi H. could have done if he lived oh man!

I'll pick best dead guitarist Hendrix, still alive Page.

THERE! SETTLED! :eusa_whistle:

Hendrix wasn't even the best guitarist when he was alive. And there is far more talent out there today. Though I could hardly expect anything different from someone with Zulu in his name.
Hendrix wasn't even the best guitarist when he was alive. And there is far more talent out there today. Though I could hardly expect anything different from someone with Zulu in his name.

That's fascinating there nomdeplume, thanks for letting me know you don't like the word Zulu.

Now, since you said Hendrix wasn't the best guitarist when he was even alive, please let us know who was better than him then.
Stevie Ray Vaughan was a better blues-rock guitarist than Jimi Hendrix was, but BOTH are also highly overrated due to premature death.

Neither of them could TOUCH Duane Alllman. He's dead too, btw.

No, Jimi Hendrix isn't overrated because he's dead. He's considered the best guitarist because guitarists all over the world acknowledge him as such. He did things that nobody understood with a guitar, and things which couldn't be replicated (and still haven't). And his blues were out of this world...but like all his music, there was a little twist to them which might put purists off. But it wasn't because he couldn't play blues, it's because the way it was processed through him and his guitar just made it different.

Allman and Stevie were good musicians, maybe even great. But the can't touch Hendrix for innovation, technique and style. And just pure creativity.
Hendrix wasn't even the best guitarist when he was alive. And there is far more talent out there today. Though I could hardly expect anything different from someone with Zulu in his name.

Not according to the great guitarists of the time who heard him play.
Stevie Ray Vaughan was a better blues-rock guitarist than Jimi Hendrix was, but BOTH are also highly overrated due to premature death.

Neither of them could TOUCH Duane Alllman. He's dead too, btw.

When Stevie Ray died in 1990 he'd already been on the scene 15 years or more and was very highly rated. I don't think his death added to that - he'd already established the reputation.

Plus, he'd play circles around Duane Allman any day.
Not according to the great guitarists of the time who heard him play.

The magic negro phenomenon. Liberal whites and media Jews love worshipping black men.

Other examples:
Tiger Woods
Michael Vick
Barack Obama
Henry Aaron

All these guys accomplishments are so grossly exaggerated it is mind-boggling.
Last edited:
Tiger Woods' accomplishments are exaggerated???

Only in your negro-hating mind I'm afraid.
Tiger Woods' accomplishments are exaggerated???

Only in your negro-hating mind I'm afraid.

Yes, they are. Look at the orgasm the media had over him winning the last open. He a beat a good dame geriatric qualifier. That would have never happened in Jack's era. Never. Tiger plays in a era of golf where there no other great players. He has not yet broken Jack's slam victory record, and yet you will still find the media calling him not only the greatest golfer of all time, but the greatest ATHLETE of all time. A fucking golfer!

Don't tell me they don't fucking exaggerate tiger woods.
No doubt.

I think I'm giving Page the edge on Hendrix. Even on the blues stuff, seems to me he was a little better in his prime. Hard to compare a lot of these guys because their styles are so different.

but mostly because I'm more familiar with him and not the musical genius some of you are in here.

I think you're right about it being somewhat of a comparison between apples an' oranges a little, though.

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