Best Run States are Heavy Republican

To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
Following the left wing template...fuck that left wing commie website.

However, could it be the Federal government is actively trying to turn red states blue, but making more red state citizens dependent on big gov? Seems very likely to me...

You Big Ears flooding red states with poor immigrants from the third world. Win-win for the left...No?
To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
WV and KY don't have many blacks? That another Soros study?
What the fucks wrong with you dum dum. It's from the US Census.

West virginia Demographic Statistics

Blacks only make up 3% of West Virginia. You could look it up yourself. Or are you another right winger who doesn't know how to use Google and find out the truth on your own:
To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
Black population KY-8.3%
Black population CA -6.2%
You guys be as stupid as you want. I don't care. I don't even care you guys can't walk and chew at the same time.

Well let take Illinois seeing many of you believe that Illinois has always been a Liberal wasteland and did you know before Blagojevich the State Governors were Republican?

Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, and George Ryan were all Republican and that debt because of State Pension system was started by Jim Thompson and carried on and was not corrected by Edgar or Ryan...

Then take California and you had Wilson and Arnold as Republican Governors and what did they do to help put their state on the correct course?

So as you write about Republican states are ran better, well I know for a fact Illinois never did great under the GOP nor has it done great under the Democratic Party either, but partisan whores will argue their political party does it better...

Oh, and Texas has been GOP since Ann Richards and notice their ranking!
To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
Black population KY-8.3%
Black population CA -6.2%
White population KY-90.1%
White population CA-59%

Your point?
"Best run"? States aren't companies . Solvency doesn't mean shit when your state has shit schools, no infrastructure , shit healthcare etc..
Putting children into a position to pay for your spending like a drunken sailor on payday is what the topic is.
BTW - the bluest State, Calif, ranks 49 in education.
California has been overrun by people who don't speak english. It's not their fault that they have one of the most desirable places to live in the world.
"Best run"? States aren't companies . Solvency doesn't mean shit when your state has shit schools, no infrastructure , shit healthcare etc..
Putting children into a position to pay for your spending like a drunken sailor on payday is what the topic is.
BTW - the bluest State, Calif, ranks 49 in education.
California has been overrun by people who don't speak english. It's not their fault that they have one of the most desirable places to live in the world.
Calif openly pays benefits for illegals and creates safe havens for them. It's not the weather.
To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
Black population KY-8.3%
Black population CA -6.2%
White population KY-90.1%
White population CA-59%

Your point?
The point you whine about - the best run States are Republican.

Well let take Illinois seeing many of you believe that Illinois has always been a Liberal wasteland and did you know before Blagojevich the State Governors were Republican?

Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, and George Ryan were all Republican and that debt because of State Pension system was started by Jim Thompson and carried on and was not corrected by Edgar or Ryan...

Then take California and you had Wilson and Arnold as Republican Governors and what did they do to help put their state on the correct course?

So as you write about Republican states are ran better, well I know for a fact Illinois never did great under the GOP nor has it done great under the Democratic Party either, but partisan whores will argue their political party does it better...

Oh, and Texas has been GOP since Ann Richards and notice their ranking!
When Wilson was Gov Calif education was ranked at the top. Today it is 49th.
"Best run"? States aren't companies . Solvency doesn't mean shit when your state has shit schools, no infrastructure , shit healthcare etc..

Like IL. We pay through the tooth for shit schools
and poor infrastructure
"Best run"? States aren't companies . Solvency doesn't mean shit when your state has shit schools, no infrastructure , shit healthcare etc..

This is what liberals indeed tell themselves to explain inferior fiscal position.
To really give some meaning, you have to go by "which states are most dependent on the Federal Government":

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Check it out. It seems to me the first 18 of MOST dependent are Republicans. The redder the state, the more dependent.

You gotta admit, the states that hate government the most benefit the most.

Now, USMB Republicans have said in the past "It's the blacks. The blacks drag down the state.

Only West Virginia and Kentucky are in the top ten of most dependent and they have almost no blacks. How is that explained?
Don't know about West Virginia but Kentucky must have a very large tard population as evidenced by them electing Mitch McConnell over and over.
Then hopefully we can stop subsidizing those states if they are doing so well financially.

Most of them are big empty states that rely on the sale of natural resources.

Like Alaska and oil? Oil hasn't been doing too hot. Ask the Venezuelan communists.

I heard stories Alaska is hurting . Ak also receives a lot of fed funding .

How hard is it to run states wh small populations? Am I wrong that they have nat resources to fall back on ? Oil, gas, farms .

You don't have much to pay for . Even the "big cities" in those states are small .
Hey, I see Ohio isn't doing too shabby. I wonder who the governor of that state is? He's make a great leader.
Anyone bother to go look up Mason University? I did.

Three in America's top five conservative colleges:

3. George Mason University: George Mason University has served as a libertarian enclave with close ties to K Street lobbyists since the 1980s, when Charles Koch began donating heavily to the school. Koch Industries’ executive vice president for public policy, Rich Fink, heads two Koch programs at the school. Matt Kibbe and other leading libertarian activists are alumni of George Mason’s free market economics department.

Progressives identify America’s ‘Top 5 Most Conservative Colleges’

I became suspicious when I looked up their curriculum and their science classes consisted of mostly what you would expect from a University that didn't believe in evolution and an old earth.

They aren't even ranked in the top 100 of America's universities.

I would take any "study" they make with a grain of salt.
Funny how you silly leftists buy ANYTHING reported by left wing sources, but denigrate anything reported by non-left wing sources.
Reporting college rankings is hardly left wing.

It's a standard the entire world goes by. Or, you didn't know that?
See? That's the thing with leftists. They don't consider left wing sources biased. They think they are entirely truthful.

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