Besty DeVoss making college affordable for millionaires

Let's see if we understand this correctly. Millionaires are taking out student loans and are the only ones able to pay them off? Methinks you are admitting that the cost of education is way too high. Perhaps we should be looking at WHY it is so high and take steps to bring that down.
Why would anyone do that? The profiteers are having a hey day.
They would do that to address the real issue instead of looking for cheap political hit points.
Nah, nothing matters in america but profit, that's our value, we have one.

If it wasn't for the profit motive we'd all be living no better than most people did 200 years ago. Which BTW wasn't too good.
Everything is always a matter of balance, and balance BTW is always the issue and the point. America is exceptionally unbalanced and continuing to trend toward more imbalance. As for the profit motive bit, you're wrong, humanity began to evolve away from feudalism around 1500 or so.
Let's see if we understand this correctly. Millionaires are taking out student loans and are the only ones able to pay them off? Methinks you are admitting that the cost of education is way too high. Perhaps we should be looking at WHY it is so high and take steps to bring that down.
Why would anyone do that? The profiteers are having a hey day.
They would do that to address the real issue instead of looking for cheap political hit points.
Nah, nothing matters in america but profit, that's our value, we have one.

If it wasn't for the profit motive we'd all be living no better than most people did 200 years ago. Which BTW wasn't too good.
Everything is always a matter of balance, and balance BTW is always the issue and the point. America is exceptionally unbalanced and continuing to trend toward more imbalance. AS for the profit motive, you're wrong, humanity begand to evolve away from feudalism around 1500 or so.

But the standard of living for most of the world remained little better than it was in the time of Christ unril around 1800 or so. It wasn't until the last 200 hundred years or so that people's lives dramatically improved in a number of ways. You seem to think the balance of wealth is so much worse now than ever, but you are wrong. Pretty much since the dawn of civilization when wealth began to accumulate it has always been in the hands of the few.
Let's see if we understand this correctly. Millionaires are taking out student loans and are the only ones able to pay them off? Methinks you are admitting that the cost of education is way too high. Perhaps we should be looking at WHY it is so high and take steps to bring that down.
Why would anyone do that? The profiteers are having a hey day.
They would do that to address the real issue instead of looking for cheap political hit points.
Nah, nothing matters in america but profit, that's our value, we have one.
We're the most generous nation in world history. Get ahold of yourself.
Let's see if we understand this correctly. Millionaires are taking out student loans and are the only ones able to pay them off? Methinks you are admitting that the cost of education is way too high. Perhaps we should be looking at WHY it is so high and take steps to bring that down.
Why would anyone do that? The profiteers are having a hey day.
They would do that to address the real issue instead of looking for cheap political hit points.
Nah, nothing matters in america but profit, that's our value, we have one.
We're the most generous nation in world history. Get ahold of yourself.
All ya got is slogans mike. We occupy the planet.
Let's see if we understand this correctly. Millionaires are taking out student loans and are the only ones able to pay them off? Methinks you are admitting that the cost of education is way too high. Perhaps we should be looking at WHY it is so high and take steps to bring that down.
Why would anyone do that? The profiteers are having a hey day.
They would do that to address the real issue instead of looking for cheap political hit points.
Nah, nothing matters in america but profit, that's our value, we have one.
We're the most generous nation in world history. Get ahold of yourself.
All ya got is slogans mike. We occupy the planet.
That's not a slogan it's a fact. You need to come back to reality here. We got to this point because of capitalism. Not in spite of it.
I think the federal gov't needs to get out of the student loan business altogether. That's one reason why the costs of going to college are so high and going higher, too many people are getting loans that they have no intention of paying off. And the US taxpayer ends up paying the bill. Again.
How does the US taxpayer pay the bill if these kids can't file bankruptcy like Don and the substantial people do repeatedly?
When they own a business that is failing, they can file like Trump did. He never filed personal bankruptcy. But you knew that.

Awful when you have to delve into hair splitting to prop up a saviour, don't you think.
There's a big difference between a business failing and personal bankruptcy. But you knew that.
Of course the system set it up that way. You have your "job creator" class, and you have your unsubstantial people. But you knew that.

Privatized gains versus soclialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Soclialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Trump never filed for personal bankruptcy. That's still true.

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