Besty DeVoss making college affordable for millionaires

we don't know because he wont release his taxes.

Nothing good can happen from the release of his tax forms. They could be perfect and Progressives would find a "t" that wasn't crossed and Progressives would scream for impeachment.
Why should we give loans to students who take Women's Studies and Gay & Lesbian Haiku classes and then can't find jobs to pay us back?
I think the federal gov't needs to get out of the student loan business altogether. That's one reason why the costs of going to college are so high and going higher, too many people are getting loans that they have no intention of paying off. And the US taxpayer ends up paying the bill. Again.
How does the US taxpayer pay the bill if these kids can't file bankruptcy like Don and the substantial people do repeatedly?
We laid out the money. They don't pay it back. It's not complicated.
Funny how that's only a concern when certain aspects of society are on the "receiving" end.
Why should we give loans to students who take Women's Studies and Gay & Lesbian Haiku classes and then can't find jobs to pay us back?
Love to see your data on that, please.
Do you think there are a lot of jobs out there for those qualifications?
How many again are pursuing that shit on loaned money again hon? Data.
Are you saying fags and feminazis don't get college loans?
Why should we give loans to students who take Women's Studies and Gay & Lesbian Haiku classes and then can't find jobs to pay us back?
Love to see your data on that, please.
Do you think there are a lot of jobs out there for those qualifications?
How many again are pursuing that shit on loaned money again hon? Data.
Are you saying fags and feminazis don't get college loans?
I'm asking for your data and you have none, that's all. You don't know how many do. Speaks volumes about your "sources".
Poor Fenton doesn't comprehend personal bankruptcy from one of his 120 company's filing for bankruptcy..

So what's the point of going to college and working at Burger King Einstein?

I understand the rules are different depending upon who you are.
No they aren't, dumbass. If you own a corporation and it goes bankrupt, it has no affect on your personal assets. That true whether we're talking about General Electric or so mom-and-pop ice cream parlor.
But not if you're a college student, thank you.
That's because college loans are given without collateral.
"Given"? Sure mac. College loans in the US these days are a form of debt peonage, the bankers pushing them full well know the "bringing american jobs back" shyte is fiction, once in debt you're property.

Other advanced post industrial societies invest in their societies whereas we extract wealth from ours and redistribute it into the hands of a few atop a very shaky house of cards. I’m all for continuing down this road, let it all play out, let it tumble, let it fall.

When the power structure's goal is nothing other than societal wealth extraction/mining, the only "solutions" the system can envision are those that will further concentrate wealth and power away from "the people".

The people extracting the wealth are the Marxist professors who staff the American brainwashing institutions. The are the ones who insist that everyone has to have a college education.

Your posts sounds just like something those professors would post.
No they aren't, dumbass. If you own a corporation and it goes bankrupt, it has no affect on your personal assets. That true whether we're talking about General Electric or so mom-and-pop ice cream parlor.
But not if you're a college student, thank you.

What do student loans have to do with corporations?
I'm sorry you can't follw a conversation, why are you here again?
I am following it. Apparently you aren't. You think there's some equivalence between a corporation and a college student.
Corporations are people too my freind.

When a corporation goes bankrupt, it disappears. It no longer exists. Is that what you propose for students who take out student loans?
I think the federal gov't needs to get out of the student loan business altogether. That's one reason why the costs of going to college are so high and going higher, too many people are getting loans that they have no intention of paying off. And the US taxpayer ends up paying the bill. Again.
How does the US taxpayer pay the bill if these kids can't file bankruptcy like Don and the substantial people do repeatedly?
We laid out the money. They don't pay it back. It's not complicated.
Yet Don's a hero and these kids are deadbeats; mindfucking to the nth degree.

The only people who lost money in Trump's bankruptcies, aside from Trump, are great big banks. I thought they were the enemy, according to the likes of you. The bankers went in knowing they could lose their money. They agreed to the terms. When did the taxpayers agree to pay off your loans?
But not if you're a college student, thank you.

What do student loans have to do with corporations?
I'm sorry you can't follw a conversation, why are you here again?
I am following it. Apparently you aren't. You think there's some equivalence between a corporation and a college student.
Corporations are people too my freind.

When a corporation goes bankrupt, it disappears. It no longer exists. Is that what you propose for students who take out student loans?
I'm finished with you today, remember? I cannot quiet the voices in your head. If you would like to attempt a fact based conversation at a later date and are prepared to come with data to support your emotional outbursts and partisanshithead perceptual reality, perhaps then. Go find someone else to trade your turds with.
What do student loans have to do with corporations?
I'm sorry you can't follw a conversation, why are you here again?
I am following it. Apparently you aren't. You think there's some equivalence between a corporation and a college student.
Corporations are people too my freind.

When a corporation goes bankrupt, it disappears. It no longer exists. Is that what you propose for students who take out student loans?
I'm finished with you today, remember? I cannot quiet the voices in your head. If you would like to attempt a fact based conversation at a later date and are prepared to come with data to support your emotional outbursts and partisanshithead perceptual reality, perhaps then. Go find someone else to trade your turds with.

My, my, my, you are having a royal hissy fit. What have I said that isn't a fact? Do you want college students to be treated like corporations or not?
Liberals made non-STEM college degrees worthless for anyone who doesn't go to medical school, law school, or graduate school after college.
Any kind of attempt at conversation with you is mute, isn't it son.

Instead of mute, I believe the word you're trying to use is moot. Mute makes no sense, which in most cases does describe you but I'm only trying to help you.

silent · speechless · dumb · unspeaking · tight-lipped · taciturn · mum · tongue-tied
antonyms: voluble · talkative
  • dated
    (of a person) lacking the faculty of speech.
    synonyms: dumb · unable to speak · aphasic
  • (of a letter) not pronounced:
    "mute e is generally dropped before suffixes beginning with a vowel"
mutes (plural noun)
  1. dated
    a person lacking the faculty of speech.
    • historical
      (in some Asian countries) a servant who was deprived of the power of speech.
    • historical
      an actor in a dumbshow.
    • historical
      a professional attendant or mourner at a funeral.
  2. a clamp placed over the bridge of a stringed instrument to deaden the resonance without affecting the vibration of the strings.
    • a pad or cone placed in the opening of a brass or other wind instrument.
  3. a device on a television, telephone, or other appliance that temporarily turns off the sound:
    "she put the remote on mute"
mutes (third person present) · muted (past tense) · muted (past participle) · muting (present participle)
  1. deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of:
    "her footsteps were muted by the thick carpet" · "he turns the set on, mutes the sound, but flicks through the channels"
    synonyms: deaden · muffle · dampen · soften · quiet · hush · stifle · smother · suppress
    antonyms: amplify
    • muffle the sound of (a musical instrument), especially by the use of a mute.
    • reduce the strength or intensity of:
      "his professional contentment was muted by personal sadness"
      synonyms: restrain · soften · tone down · moderate · temper
      antonyms: intensify
  • moot
    debatable · open to discussion/question · arguable · questionable · at issue · open to doubt · disputable · controversial · contentious · disputed · unresolved · unsettled · up in the air
    • having no practical significance, typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow a decision:
      "it is moot whether this phrase should be treated as metaphor or not"
    moots (third person present) · mooted (past tense) · mooted (past participle) · mooting (present participle)
    1. (be mooted)
      raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility):
      "Sylvia needed a vacation, and a trip to Ireland had been mooted"
      synonyms: raise · bring up · broach · mention · put forward · introduce · advance · propose · suggest
    moots (plural noun)
    1. historical
      an assembly held for debate, especially in Anglo-Saxon and medieval times.
      • a regular gathering of people having a common interest.
    2. law
      a mock trial set up to examine a hypothetical case as an academic exercise.

    Old English mōt ‘assembly or meeting’ and mōtian ‘to converse,’ of Germanic origin; related to meet1. The adjective (originally an attributive noun use: see moot court) dates from the mid 16th cent.; the current verb sense dates from the mid 17th cent.
Why should we give loans to students who take Women's Studies and Gay & Lesbian Haiku classes and then can't find jobs to pay us back?
Love to see your data on that, please.
Do you think there are a lot of jobs out there for those qualifications?
How many again are pursuing that shit on loaned money again hon? Data.

We have $1.3 TRILLION in outstanding student loans of which 40% are more than 90 days delinquent. that means they cannot find jobs in their field or their field doesn't pay enough to repay their student loans.
When a corporation goes bankrupt, it disappears. It no longer exists. Is that what you propose for students who take out student loans?

I usually agree with you but I disagree that a corporation disappears when it goes bankrupt. It morphs into another form. A restaurant goes bankrupt and all its assets are either repossessed or sold off at auction for someone else to reform into another restaurant. Same with an airline. The planes are bought by other airlines and the routes are picked up by other airlines. The same number of seats continue to fly.

The same would have been true about GM and Chrysler.

As for student loans, I suggested a lobotomy as a form of repossession but some would point out that pesky Eighth Amendment.
Tell that to your deadbeat president

Oh, the hilarity! Now Donald Trump is a deadbeat too! Blah Bla BLAH Blah Blah!
we don't know because he wont release his taxes. hes under audit donchaknow :rolleyes-41:

Well actually, someone illegally stole one of his prior returns and it turned out that Trump had more than paid his taxes, he paid MORE taxes on his money than any other recent president! Only a spinmeister would think his current return will be any different. The reason for witholding his present return is obvious---- no matter what it contains, the democratic media will pick it apart as ammunition to create more attacks and spin against him.
that was from a decade ago kid.

non sequitur

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