Besty DeVoss making college affordable for millionaires

You can never get out from under a federal student loan, it is like a tax levy when you don't pay, the govt. will go after your relatives also....

If they co-signed, yes. Just like any other loan, and why should anyone get out from under a financial obligation that they agreed to undertake?
I was retorting to a post where they claimed that they would pay for the forgiveness of the loan...They have a strict guidelines on even considering the application..
Here's the deal: a kid wants to go to college but he doesn't want to get a job to pay for tuition or (God forbid) put a couple of years in the U.S. Military and get the G.I. bill so he borrows money. Somehow liberals seem to think that money loaned in good faith to somebody for college tuition doesn't have to be paid back because the lender is so gosh darned rich and the college graduate or dropout still doesn't have a job. This is craziness times ten but liberals still get away with blaming republicans.
I think the federal gov't needs to get out of the student loan business altogether. That's one reason why the costs of going to college are so high and going higher, too many people are getting loans that they have no intention of paying off. And the US taxpayer ends up paying the bill. Again.
Say Thank You Obama!
Yeah, there were no student loans before him.
Of course there were moron. What's yer point?
You can never get out from under a federal student loan, it is like a tax levy when you don't pay, the govt. will go after your relatives also....

If they co-signed, yes. Just like any other loan, and why should anyone get out from under a financial obligation that they agreed to undertake?
Unless you're one of the substantial people - bankruptcy. Take Don for example

Do rich kids qualify for a gov't student loan? I thought there was a threshold for eligibility, above which the loan was not approved. So I'm not seeing the bankruptcy thing you're referring to but it doesn't really matter how rich the defaulter is or their parents, in any case the taxpayers are on the hook for it.
Devos was chosen to wage war on children and education. Nobody should be surprised that she's doing her job.
Yeah, not paying off a loan you voluntarily took is a war on education. So if you don't pay off my car loan are you waging a war on automakers?
That program isn't about making college affordable for millionaires. It's about encouraging people to pursue post collegiate careers that are in demand and that are not highly compensated.
In other words an overpriced education for a crappy low paying job. Only an idiot signs up for that.

Fine by me if that's what they want to do, but the rest of us ought not have to pay for their education.
That program isn't about making college affordable for millionaires. It's about encouraging people to pursue post collegiate careers that are in demand and that are not highly compensated.

Perhaps if the careers are in demand, the employers should improve compensation. If they don't, then the career really isn't in demand.
Are you aware of who are the employers and what are the careers for which the program forgives student loan debt?
That program isn't about making college affordable for millionaires. It's about encouraging people to pursue post collegiate careers that are in demand and that are not highly compensated.

Perhaps if the careers are in demand, the employers should improve compensation. If they don't, then the career really isn't in demand.
Are you aware of who are the employers and what are the careers for which the program forgives student loan debt?

Most seem to be public sector (teachers, police etc.) that forgive the debt for years of service. But, what SHOULD happen is that the employees should be given raises.
That program isn't about making college affordable for millionaires. It's about encouraging people to pursue post collegiate careers that are in demand and that are not highly compensated.

Perhaps if the careers are in demand, the employers should improve compensation. If they don't, then the career really isn't in demand.
Are you aware of who are the employers and what are the careers for which the program forgives student loan debt?

Most seem to be public sector (teachers, police etc.) that forgive the debt for years of service. But, what SHOULD happen is that the employees should be given raises.
Okay....I'm fine with that, but then I'm, at least so far, not among the crowd clamoring for tax cuts.
That program isn't about making college affordable for millionaires. It's about encouraging people to pursue post collegiate careers that are in demand and that are not highly compensated.

Perhaps if the careers are in demand, the employers should improve compensation. If they don't, then the career really isn't in demand.
"You're Nobody Without Your Daddy's Money and You Know It"

As a substitute for corporate taxes, the employer should give the smartest high-school graduates the same adult allowance and paid-up college tuition he gives his sons. Otherwise, the present slave students should harass those spoiled brats mercilessly and make sure the unAmerican aristocrats drop out.
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Here's the deal: a kid wants to go to college but he doesn't want to get a job to pay for tuition . Somehow liberals seem to think that money loaned in good faith to somebody for college tuition doesn't have to be paid back because the lender is so gosh darned rich and the college graduate or dropout still doesn't have a job.
"You Have to Want It Enough" Only Gets Wannabes

You're insulting intelligence. If the smartkids ever manned up instead of acting like nerdy sissies, the people who push this unpaid-education tyranny will have their bank accounts hacked out, not to mention other retaliation only the intelligent can think of. And yes, if they're intelligent enough to know how to get even, they're intelligent enough to know how to never get caught.
I wonder if the Republicans are trying hand the Democrats the House in 2018 and White House in 2020. I can just think of the 30 second ads Democrats can run. Trump attacks teachers and police officers. Also programs that help public schools with mentally challenged students as well as money college work study programs. that is going to be even more devastating 30 second ads. Voters are center right not far right. I predict a Republican revolt if this happens.
Tell that to your deadbeat president

Oh, the hilarity! Now Donald Trump is a deadbeat too! Blah Bla BLAH Blah Blah!

Yes, deadbeat. That is usually what you call someone that doesn't pay his debts. Trump has had hundreds of millions of dollars in debt which he did not pay, maybe even a BILLION dollars.

So, here we have a man, born into wealth, making horrendous business decisions leaving hundreds of individuals and businesses holding the bag when he runs and declares bankruptcy. You are fine with that, hell, you even admire the man.

On the other hand we have a poor college student who got bad advice and majored in, say, Economics, at a private school and graduates a hundred thousand dollars in debt. He pays on that debt for TEN FUCKING YEARS, but still has not gotten it paid off. Unlike Trump, he can't discharge that debt by filing bankruptcy. But he can file to have the REMAINING DEBT forgiven leaving taxpayers on the hook.

Trump, hundreds of millions of dollars lost by INDIVIDUALS and COMPANIES. In some cases, he not only didn't pay on the debt for ten years, he didn't pay on the debt AT ALL.

Student, maybe thousands of dollars, and he has to pay for ten full years, and taxpayers make up the difference, except they don't, because Federal Student Loans are a POSITIVE CASH FLOW for the government, which is absolutely immoral. The losses from the one's that don't pay are more than made up by the gains from the people that do pay.

Damn but you Trump fans are dumber than a box of rocks.
Here's the deal: a kid wants to go to college but he doesn't want to get a job to pay for tuition . Somehow liberals seem to think that money loaned in good faith to somebody for college tuition doesn't have to be paid back because the lender is so gosh darned rich and the college graduate or dropout still doesn't have a job.
"You Have to Want It Enough" Only Gets Wannabes

You're insulting intelligence. If the smartkids ever manned up instead of acting like nerdy sissies, the people who push this unpaid-education tyranny will have their bank accounts hacked out, not to mention other retaliation only the intelligent can think of. And yes, if they're intelligent enough to know how to get even, they're intelligent enough to know how to never get caught.
Just pointing out the obvious here but the banking industry isn't run by sports legends you dork. You honestly think a bunch of dumb jocks came up with this shit?
Here's the deal: a kid wants to go to college but he doesn't want to get a job to pay for tuition . Somehow liberals seem to think that money loaned in good faith to somebody for college tuition doesn't have to be paid back because the lender is so gosh darned rich and the college graduate or dropout still doesn't have a job.
"You Have to Want It Enough" Only Gets Wannabes

You're insulting intelligence. If the smartkids ever manned up instead of acting like nerdy sissies, the people who push this unpaid-education tyranny will have their bank accounts hacked out, not to mention other retaliation only the intelligent can think of. And yes, if they're intelligent enough to know how to get even, they're intelligent enough to know how to never get caught.
Just pointing out the obvious here but the banking industry isn't run by sports legends you dork. You honestly think a bunch of dumb jocks came up with this shit?
Bankers Fail All the Time, Proving They're Not Much Smarter Than Jocks

The university is an entertainment center for Preppies. That's why they give athletic "scholarships." It's an insult to intelligence, like everything else you bootlickers slurp at us.

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