BETO: Bad news for Trump

When my man Beto becomes President you're all going down. All you Trump supporters.


Who the fuck is Beto?

Haha. Beto epitomizes you Democrats. Can’t even express your own self loathing lest you be accused of implying a female was raising kids!
Oh what to do??????

He had already said he’d stop making a joke he’d frequently repeated about how his wife, Amy, raising the couple’s three young children “sometimes with my help.” O’Rourke said that he’d discussed scrapping the joke with Amy and, while she said she understood he was trying to not that she was “taking on the lion’s share” of parenting responsibilities”
O'Rourke: Being white male doesn't put me at disadvantage

Yeah funny, and (from your link)

“As a white man who has had privileges that others could not depend on or take for granted, I’ve clearly had advantages over the course of my life.”

."O’Rourke said he believes the Democrats seeking the White House in 2020 encompass" “the best field that we’ve ever seen in the nominating process,” praising its “diversity of background and experience” and expertise.

The guy is obsessed with race and skin color. This guy is warped.

If he is going to have any chance in that party of hairy legged feminists, beta males and viciously anti-white Marxists he has to adopt a wheedling, self loathing, submissive posture and hope for an offer of VP.

“Submissive behaviour: A form of animal behaviour in which one individual attempts through appeasement displays to avoid injury by a dominant member of its own species.”

Otherwise known as “virtue signaling”.
we dont need a president who tweets like a maniac and governs like a dictator.

its time for Beto, my friends!

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