Beto O'Rouke Blows up Press Conference on Texas Shooting

You are the expert.

You are the one calling for something to be done, what do you want done?

Typical progressive, it's about the appearance of doing something and getting ones way without worrying about actually attempting to fix the situation.
What besides a total and effective ban as well as uninventing guns would have prevented this via more laws?

He could have done the same thing with two revolvers because no one in there was armed.
More guns really helps Texans kill innocent kids
If you can’t say unequivocally that we shouldn’t have weapons of war - assault weapons - on our streets then what the hell are you even running for?

Grow a spine or get out of the game. We don’t need any more cowardice from our “leaders”.
Pedo O'Dourke is just like Biden...........a hand puppet and scapegoat for a maniacal, corrupt, evil organization.
He does what his masters tell him to do. He says what his masters tell him to say.

Pedo O.Dourke.jpg
Beto's got balls.

This and 2A's about turn on background checks or a database are indications that yesterday's slaughter of little children has pushed the boundaries.

Or in other words, nothing will be done about the gun problem, but at least some of the crazies might have nightmares that feature their own children.

This problem with guns is going to escalate and become much more frequent.

The only sure way for parents to keep their little ones safe is to keep them in their own backyards.

Maybe sure??

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