Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

Admittedly, I knew little about O'Rourke, he being beneath my usual scan level. So I looked him up in various news ports.

Ummm ... what's the pull? Erroneously compared to Bobby Kennedy (he is nothing like Bobby Kennedy) and said to be a charismatic speaker (to whom?). A general fumblenut on American law and tradition. I don't see the appeal.

Perhaps someone could explain?
Young, dynamic and Charismatic

Everything Trump is not

All Trump can do is make fun of his name

Beto's name is all that most people know about him so far. As people learn more about Beto, I'm sure our President's critique of this lightweight will expand as well.

Beto is Trumps worst nightmare

Young, dynamic and Charismatic

Will give Trump fits in Arizona and Texas
States Trump can’t afford to lose
Beto is young, dynamic and the JFK, Obama mold

He will draw bigly with women, young voters and Hispanics
He will be a major threat to Red strongholds in Texas and Arizona
That’s great but should we vote on that?? Lol we would just have actors running for president

Like what you have now? real tv personality. Comedian at CPAC.
Trump is real,, the man hugs the American flag he’s gave up his life for us, he’s most likely going to go to jail for trying to pay less taxes in NY. He didn’t have to do this.. he’s getting lynched every day

He is a "real nightmare" and that is denigrating the flag of the US. Gave up his life for us, he is about to, for real.

I bet he wished he could walk back up the escalator, the SDNY is waiting for him.

IOW, you seem to believe that the only reason he might get in trouble is the intense hatred he's getting from the brain scrambled crowd that demands something, anything be found with which to smear him.
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Just when you think the stupid Democrats couldn't come up with another bat shit crazy Leftest asshole Presidential candidate they pull one out of the hat.

That idiot ran on a platform to take guns away from Texans. That boy isn't exactly playing with a full deck of cards, is he?

Well, just look at his base here, loons and parrots; can't win on the Crazy vote alone here like you can in California or New York or Boulder..
The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44

Who has claimed that Beto is Mexican?

Let’s pretend he doesn’t pander changing up his name...
They say Beto is pretty moderate. I hadn't paid much attention, him being a Texan. But if he's getting this much hate from the Trumptards, I guess I'd better look him over.
Still hoping the dems will produce something of value.
This announcement isnt even a nothing burger. Its more like an empty lettuce wrap.

No wonder you hang up here now.
I vote for policies. Not party.
Which is why you mention 'trump' so much.

And not his policies.

Maroon is u...


Good that you stay up here.
Umm yes i do.
That kosher moonshine isnt very good for you. Your body is a temple!
The thing is, Texas is really a Blue state, has been forever; it's just that Democrats got stupid, mentally ill, and left their own base in favor of a collection of deviants, gimps, traitors, sociopaths, and 5th columnist illegal aliens, and now will splinter off into assorted cells of crazies, faggots and other deviants, fascists, commies, etc., and can never win back their real base. They might as well kill themselves and open up under another name, and leave the husk to their crazy assed core to cannibalize.. Trump has already destroyed their media support, it's not worth the big bucks they used to get from Parties any more, which of course is why those gimps are all going nuts and making themselves even more irrelevant; nobody with any sense is going to be keep throwing billions at them like they did in the past. They're toast, even among that core base of deviants and loons they counted on.

The Globalists and traitor sociopaths on Wall Street now have to dream up a new Party front now, and build up a new core MSM. Let's see who they decide to start backing. Some of you may already know some of the names and outlets by now. I'm betting they start backing a few Conservatives again, along with moderate centrists. They now fear the monster they created, and will be rolling it all back. Red China and other former 'Friends Of Wall Street' are making ugly noises now, and some companies are moving back to where their real protection is.
'Wildly Popular Betto' couldn't put together a crowd for an anti-Trump rally in frigging El Paso, where Trump's turnout was in the many thousands; Betto only managed to put together maybe 50 with the $5 per head budget he had.

Of course he's going to run; where else is a gimp like that going to see $50 million pass through his hands and keep him from having to get a real job for a year or so? This is the clown Democrats spent over $40 million on to beat Cruz, and the weird little freak still lost despite spending 3 times more.
Scared ya, didn't it, that he came within three points?
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

Why couldn't he beat Cruz in his home state? The simple answer is that he is a libtard!
Yes. Why didn't a Democrat beat a Republican in Texas? The simple answer is that Texas is -- or was -- a Red state. May not stay that way for long, though.
Still hoping the dems will produce something of value.
This announcement isnt even a nothing burger. Its more like an empty lettuce wrap.

No wonder you hang up here now.
I vote for policies. Not party.
Which is why you mention 'trump' so much.

And not his policies.

Maroon is u...


Good that you stay up here.

Trump only has to let you loons talk about your policies. Sucks to be you tards, after all the lavish praise you got from the traitors and Islamo-Buddies in the DNC and our first Muslim President, eh? you probably thought he was 'on your side n stuff', only it turned out his only legacy is bailing out Wall Street criminal syndicates and handing billions in untraceable cash to a terrorist regime he personally admired for their genocidal policies.
'Wildly Popular Betto' couldn't put together a crowd for an anti-Trump rally in frigging El Paso, where Trump's turnout was in the many thousands; Betto only managed to put together maybe 50 with the $5 per head budget he had.

Of course he's going to run; where else is a gimp like that going to see $50 million pass through his hands and keep him from having to get a real job for a year or so? This is the clown Democrats spent over $40 million on to beat Cruz, and the weird little freak still lost despite spending 3 times more.
Scared ya, didn't it, that he came within three points?
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

Why couldn't he beat Cruz in his home state? The simple answer is that he is a libtard!
Yes. Why didn't a Democrat beat a Republican in Texas? The simple answer is that Texas is -- or was -- a Red state. May not stay that way for long, though.

lol another clueless parrot who knows zilch about Texas and why modern Democrats lose here.
'Wildly Popular Betto' couldn't put together a crowd for an anti-Trump rally in frigging El Paso, where Trump's turnout was in the many thousands; Betto only managed to put together maybe 50 with the $5 per head budget he had.

Of course he's going to run; where else is a gimp like that going to see $50 million pass through his hands and keep him from having to get a real job for a year or so? This is the clown Democrats spent over $40 million on to beat Cruz, and the weird little freak still lost despite spending 3 times more.
Scared ya, didn't it, that he came within three points?
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

Why couldn't he beat Cruz in his home state? The simple answer is that he is a libtard!
Yes. Why didn't a Democrat beat a Republican in Texas? The simple answer is that Texas is -- or was -- a Red state. May not stay that way for long, though.

lol another clueless parrot who knows zilch about Texas and why modern Democrats lose here.
I just looked at the map. Looks pretty red to me. Except for the border towns, which can't be red, because you guys have blown it big time with your anti-immigration quest.
'Wildly Popular Betto' couldn't put together a crowd for an anti-Trump rally in frigging El Paso, where Trump's turnout was in the many thousands; Betto only managed to put together maybe 50 with the $5 per head budget he had.

Of course he's going to run; where else is a gimp like that going to see $50 million pass through his hands and keep him from having to get a real job for a year or so? This is the clown Democrats spent over $40 million on to beat Cruz, and the weird little freak still lost despite spending 3 times more.
Scared ya, didn't it, that he came within three points?
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

Why couldn't he beat Cruz in his home state? The simple answer is that he is a libtard!
Yes. Why didn't a Democrat beat a Republican in Texas? The simple answer is that Texas is -- or was -- a Red state. May not stay that way for long, though.

Nah. We all knew he wasn't going to win, period. You're just living in fantasy land. He wont' win in 2020, either.
Still hoping the dems will produce something of value.
This announcement isnt even a nothing burger. Its more like an empty lettuce wrap.

No wonder you hang up here now.
I vote for policies. Not party.
Which is why you mention 'trump' so much.

And not his policies.

Maroon is u...


Good that you stay up here.
Umm yes i do.
That kosher moonshine isnt very good for you. Your body is a temple!
Dead cat bounce, that.

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