Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

I don't see anything wrong with simply advising people to stay away from people who hate them. A person who hates you is to be avoided. Unfortunately, there are men who hate women and still want to conjure women into bed to fulfill their personal needs for sex or to procreate. Women and girls should be taught to avoid such disgusting people and concentrate on finding partnerships with loving and respectful companions. We need to banish hatred from the realm of heterosexuality, believe in each other, and march forward together side-by-side. Have each other's backs.
On Social Media, there is much much more misandry then misogyny. On Twitter perhaps 20:1. Many young ladies say that they are a proud misandrist. Hopefully men can also avoid them.
On Social Media, there is much much more misandry then misogyny. On Twitter perhaps 20:1. Many young ladies say that they are a proud misandrist. Hopefully men can also avoid them.
I wonder....If a misandrist and a misogynist meet, do they annihilate each other like matter and anti-matter? :auiqs.jpg: Hollywood should make a movie....
Shame on you. You are still trying to evade the fact that you men have complete control over where your penis goes. You talk about "personal responsibility" and "morality" but you do not want to accept that these concepts apply to you personally. Has a woman ever raped you? Do you know where your penis goes? Seriously. Does your penis have a life of its own that you have no control over? Give me a fucking break.

And you, of course, were a virgin until you married your wife, and you have had sex only with her :rolleyes:
Are you a chick or a dude.

I purposely went and lived at a college that was 75% female. In those 4 yrs I could justify being raped at least a couple times. Usually intoxicated. But one thing I can admit, it was always my fault
I don't understand why you guys continue to evade the FACT that YOU have personal responsibility for where your penis goes and evade your personal responsibility. Are you all drunk and out of control of yourselves? Did any of you receive any moral or religious training as children?
Bette's got a point.

This whole anti-abortion thing is driven by men.

Keep those knees together ladies and this garbage will stop.
Which again ignores the millions of women who are solidly behind this.
I don't understand why you guys continue to evade the FACT that YOU have personal responsibility for where your penis goes and evade your personal responsibility. Are you all drunk and out of control of yourselves? Did any of you receive any moral or religious training as children?
You are arguing with your own false narrative.
Everything public schools do now to our kids is wrong. From the teaching subjects to teaching about life.
broad brush.jpg
You are arguing with your own false narrative.
Explain what "false narrative is involved. I am using a Christian narrative.

You are telling me that you are not in charge of your own penis. Good one. I should think that a human is in charge of whom they select to have sex with, except for rape.

You are implying that you never had an upbringing in any religion practiced in the U.S. Did your parents involve you in any faith? Is there a religious faith that teaches that one is not an individual moral actor?
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Explain what "false narrative is involved. I am using a Christian narrative.

You are telling me that you are not in charge of your own penis. Good one. I should think that a human is in charge of whom they select to have sex with, except for rape.

You are implying that you never had an upbringing in any religion practiced in the U.S. Did your parents involve you in any faith? Is there a religious faith that teaches that one is not an individual moral actor?
False narrative:
"I don't understand why you guys continue to evade the FACT that YOU have personal responsibility"
Using the plural 'you guys' and then making up 'facts' about millions of men you know nothing about.
False narrative:
"I don't understand why you guys continue to evade the FACT that YOU have personal responsibility"
Using the plural 'you guys' and then making up 'facts' about millions of men you know nothing about.
So you speak only for yourself as an individual? What about people, many times males, who speak about "women"? There has been at least one male clown who purports to know about women's sexual desires!

In any event, you are on USMB claiming that you have absolutely no control over what your penis does. I am asking as to what sort of upbringing you had. Were you taken by your parents to some sort of house of worship? What was your teaching at home?
So you speak only for yourself as an individual? What about people, many times males, who speak about "women"? There has been at least one male clown who purports to know about women's sexual desires!

In any event, you are on USMB claiming that you have absolutely no control over what your penis does. I am asking as to what sort of upbringing you had. Were you taken by your parents to some sort of house of worship? What was your teaching at home?
No, I am saying that your blanket statement about men avoiding responsibility is crap. The majority of men are responsible just like the majority of women are responsible. SOME women and SOME man are irresponsible. Yet here you are arrogantly indicting all men with your 'you guys' statement.

I don't know about women's sexual desires but I have heard SOME prefer large penises and large wallets. We see this with the so-called 'gold diggers' who fancy older-rich men. Likewise there SOME men who fancy themselves Gigolos but there seem to be far fewer of those.
All that being said, I would not classify all men/women this way the way you do men.

Please quote me saying I have no control over my penis. I never said that. First, you tell me how you were raised to be such a mysandrist bitch. Did you go to church? Were your parents even married? Have you been abused? It seems, from your visceral hatred of men all three probably apply. Are you a lesbian or a dyke?
No, I am saying that your blanket statement about men avoiding responsibility is crap. The majority of men are responsible just like the majority of women are responsible. SOME women and SOME man are irresponsible. Yet here you are arrogantly indicting all men with your 'you guys' statement.

I don't know about women's sexual desires but I have heard SOME prefer large penises and large wallets. We see this with the so-called 'gold diggers' who fancy older-rich men. Likewise there SOME men who fancy themselves Gigolos but there seem to be far fewer of those.
All that being said, I would not classify all men/women this way the way you do men.

Please quote me saying I have no control over my penis. I never said that. First, you tell me how you were raised to be such a mysandrist bitch. Did you go to church? Were your parents even married? Have you been abused? It seems, from your visceral hatred of men all three probably apply. Are you a lesbian or a dyke?

Now you are firmly in the realm of the ridiculous. As I said way back in post No. 3, some guys are decent and deserving of our attention. You are one of the ones who started babbling about women deciding not to have sex or face the consequences without abortion being available, personal responsibility, and some weird shit about knowing what women's sexual desires are. I just pointed out that you guys who rattle off this moronic stuff have a decision-making point, too, as you can choose not to have sex with any given individual. Incidentally, you did make a bizarre assertion that you knew that men's and women's sexual desires were different.

If we are going to go through all of this "moral" shit, then your personal decisions are as relevant as mine. It is my observation that many men will lecture women about "morality" while violating the same "morality" themselves. Don't go criticizing women without accepting the fact that some guy chose to sleep with her even though he could have kept it in his pants. It was his call. He was not raped.

The bottom line is that we must address the sleazy double-standard that has been applied to the two sexes for centuries while the religious leaders looked the other way.

Does "morality" mean no sex before marriage and then sex only with one's lawfully-wedded spouse, everyone's body is a temple of the Lord to remain holy and undefiled, and everyone shows up to their wedding having never had sex before and dressed in the white of purity? Or do people, usually males, cheer on the likes of donald trump, the official whore of the state of New York, and cover for Alabama's State Pedophile.
Midler should stick to singing - that is - if she still can sing.

Otherwise she should put sock in her mouth. Nobody gives a fig about her stupid political opinions.
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I don't see anything wrong with simply advising people to stay away from people who hate them. A person who hates you is to be avoided. Unfortunately, there are men who hate women and still want to conjure women into bed to fulfill their personal needs for sex or to procreate. Women and girls should be taught to avoid such disgusting people and concentrate on finding partnerships with loving and respectful companions. We need to banish hatred from the realm of heterosexuality, believe in each other, and march forward together side-by-side. Have each other's backs.

During the march against the second inauguration of Nixon in DC, I saw a couple, a married woman and man who were gray-haired. They unfurled a banner between them, a banner that said "Maine Wants No King," and each carried one end of it. Solid! Heterosexuals working together. They had a long journey down from Maine to DC.

You hate men.

Because they don't like you.
Midler should stick to singing - that is - if she still can sing.

Otherwise she put sock in her mouth. Nobody gives a fig about her stupid political opinions.

Give her a break.

Midler's pissed because she can't even pay someone to have sex with her.
Now you are firmly in the realm of the ridiculous. As I said way back in post No. 3, some guys are decent and deserving of our attention. You are one of the ones who started babbling about women deciding not to have sex or face the consequences without abortion being available, personal responsibility, and some weird shit about knowing what women's sexual desires are. I just pointed out that you guys who rattle off this moronic stuff have a decision-making point, too, as you can choose not to have sex with any given individual. Incidentally, you did make a bizarre assertion that you knew that men's and women's sexual desires were different.

If we are going to go through all of this "moral" shit, then your personal decisions are as relevant as mine. It is my observation that many men will lecture women about "morality" while violating the same "morality" themselves. Don't go criticizing women without accepting the fact that some guy chose to sleep with her even though he could have kept it in his pants. It was his call. He was not raped.

The bottom line is that we must address the sleazy double-standard that has been applied to the two sexes for centuries while the religious leaders looked the other way.

Does "morality" mean no sex before marriage and then sex only with one's lawfully-wedded spouse, everyone's body is a temple of the Lord to remain holy and undefiled, and everyone shows up to their wedding having never had sex before and dressed in the white of purity? Or do people, usually males, cheer on the likes of donald trump, the official whore of the state of New York, and cover for Alabama's State Pedophile.

Women should be taught......

We must address.......

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

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