Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

that really is true. Just look at what leftist teachers do to their students who don't fall in line. Many insult the kids' parents, insult their families, their traditions, their beliefs. One las vegas teacher was ridiculing children, allowing the other students to ridicules students by taping their masks to their faces. That is cruel and inhuman..especially for someone who says they want to go into teaching because they love kids. They don't love kids. They actually hate children and use their position to torture them. They are witches.
And then they wonder why a kid they singled out and ridiculed and tormented and teased and made fun of in school year after year suddenly shows up at school with a gun and shoots a few liberals.
And then they wonder why a kid they singled out and ridiculed and tormented and teased and made fun of in school year after year suddenly shows up at school with a gun and shoots a few liberals.

Only liberals go to school?
Everything public schools do now to our kids is wrong. From the teaching subjects to teaching about life.
So a 'decent' man would let you abort the baby you and he created? Any woman who would insist on aborting a child even if the man disagrees is the one being indecent. Guys, don't date these skanks. If she believes in abortion she ain't a contender for a real relationship but could be a warm place to put it.
A decent man knows that I am the decision-maker once the pregnancy has been started and not be so aggressive as to try to impose his will on me. You have one thing right, though. You guys have the power to decide whom you will have sex with and whom you won't. You make your choice much earlier in the situation. You have the power to do your homework and make your plans before you unzip your pants. In short, you have the power over your own body. If you want to play the whore with your own body, you have no right to complain whatever the result.

BTW: if you actually believed in, and personally followed, the line of sexual morality that says no sex before marriage, and, after marriage, sex only with your spouse, you would not be in this situation.
Bette's got a point.

This whole anti-abortion thing is driven by men.

Keep those knees together ladies and this garbage will stop.

One glaring omission in this discussion is the lack of recognition that women have sexual desire and emotional needs to the same extent that men do. It's as if we do not exist. These same guys who post pictures of slim, large-breasted female models in scant clothing on the internet don't want to see pictures of similarly sexually attractive males. So much for heterosexuality.
Blacks and Hispanics have the highest abortion rates which tells me they are the least likely to use contraceptives.
They are too poor doncha know?

Mr Wonderful passes through their neighborhood, and they just cant resist his charms

But its not their fault

they are just doing what all the animals in the forrest do
Its the law, which is neither male or female, protecting the unborn child from its own mother who wants to kill it

So you would comply with laws passed by Hitler's regime? Are you willing to comply with such laws passed here that mandate vaccines or masks?

BTW: Your "unborn child" rhetoric is a product of your religious choice. I can tell that you are a fundie. I am not a fundie and I don't share your religious/ideological choice.
BTW: Your "unborn child" rhetoric is a product of your religious choice. I can tell that you are a fundie. I am not a fundie and I don't share your religious/ideological choice.
The term “unborn child” is based on science

specifically the fact that even lib woman only give birth to human babies based on DNA
Ms. Midler is 75 years old, since when do old broads that long in the tooth need to worry about getting knocked up?

i guess there are a number of men who prefer the "Old Bag" type, but I think that these gals natural immunity to pregnancy is one of the reasons for that.
A decent man knows that I am the decision-maker once the pregnancy has been started and not be so aggressive as to try to impose his will on me. You have one thing right, though. You guys have the power to decide whom you will have sex with and whom you won't. You make your choice much earlier in the situation. You have the power to do your homework and make your plans before you unzip your pants. In short, you have the power over your own body. If you want to play the whore with your own body, you have no right to complain whatever the result.

BTW: if you actually believed in, and personally followed, the line of sexual morality that says no sex before marriage, and, after marriage, sex only with your spouse, you would not be in this situation.
You made all that up in your own mind.
One glaring omission in this discussion is the lack of recognition that women have sexual desire and emotional needs to the same extent that men do. It's as if we do not exist. These same guys who post pictures of slim, large-breasted female models in scant clothing on the internet don't want to see pictures of similarly sexually attractive males. So much for heterosexuality.
You're making shit up again. First of all, the sexual desires of men and women are different and a real male is not sexually attracted to another male. How did you become so confused anyway?
Bette's got a point.

This whole anti-abortion thing is driven by men.

Keep those knees together ladies and this garbage will stop.
Outside of the heinous crime of sexual assault, women don't seem to be able to keep their knees together otherwise, abortion would not be an issue.



Well, in her case, I don't think men will have a problem with that. But, just like the left to encourage women to all be lesbians.
Blacks and Hispanics have the highest abortion rates which tells me they are the least likely to use contraceptives.
There is a reason. Planned parenthood has rich history of eugenics through encouraging blacks to get abortions.

"We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..."
-- Margaret Sanger letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939, p. 2

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