Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

This law is ingenious. It is not an attack on Roe v. Wade. It is a civil suit law--there is no government imposed penalty for seeking or providing an abortion--there are limits specified as there have always been. The teeth are provided when a concerned person or entity sues a provider for performing a murder outside the limits. The civil penalty will either bankrupt the violator or they will quit violating the law.
Naturally, she totally ignores the millions of women who applaud the move by Texas. In her world, apparently they don't exist.
those are the women too old to get pregnant.
How many men do you sleep with in any one night?

That's right. Abortionists are murderers and they aren't so holy when they sell their naked bodies on the street.

No. They're just raising the price, serving more restraining orders, and collecting more alimony and child support.

Oh really? Do you mean Republican women are too holy to sleep with Democrat men?

Typical fundie right-winger, fishing for personal info that you don't have any right to. I take it that you are too stupid to understand that it makes sense not to sleep with anyone who hates you.
Typical fundie right-winger, fishing for personal info that you don't have any right to. I take it that you are too stupid to understand that it makes sense not to sleep with anyone who hates you.
Puh-leeze. People aren't that desperate for your naked body. Learn to keep your paws to yourself and off other people's bodies, clothes, money and property.
I refuse to have sex with Bette Midler.
The bitch is old and was never pretty.
Fuck what?
An old ugly bitch?
Not me.
I wouldn't fuck Barbara Streisand Either.
Both were not very good looking.
Except Barbara had a beautiful voice.
When was the last time you got laid?
This morning.
Bette Mildler had nothing to fuck.
Was too ugly for my taste.
How about you?
But Barbara Streisand had a beautiful voice and cute.
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Sure. Much better to force a woman to bear her rapist's child.. or in the event of incest, her father or brother's child.
Isn't it about time for the young woman to get a job and move out on her own. Oh, yeah. It would help to finish high school and be 18, first, wouldn't it?

Long ago there were boarding schools for girls in such situations. They were ready and work and live independently if they weren't quite up to marrying a husband and taking on homemaking responsibilities.
Isn't it about time for the young woman to get a job and move out on her own. Oh, yeah. It would help to finish high school and be 18, first, wouldn't it?

Long ago there were boarding schools for girls in such situations. They were ready and work and live independently if they weren't quite up to marrying a husband and taking on homemaking responsibilities.

I hope like hell you don't have daughters.
I hope like hell you don't have daughters.
If a girl's going to have sex with her brother or father, she needs to be separated from them. Granted, not all prep schools are that swanky, but the men need to stop drinking at home and furnishing alcohol to the boys, too.
Why do liberal women hate children so much?

that really is true. Just look at what leftist teachers do to their students who don't fall in line. Many insult the kids' parents, insult their families, their traditions, their beliefs. One las vegas teacher was ridiculing children, allowing the other students to ridicules students by taping their masks to their faces. That is cruel and inhuman..especially for someone who says they want to go into teaching because they love kids. They don't love kids. They actually hate children and use their position to torture them. They are witches.
that really is true. Just look at what leftist teachers do to their students who don't fall in line. Many insult the kids' parents, insult their families, their traditions, their beliefs. One las vegas teacher was ridiculing children, allowing the other students to ridicules students by taping their masks to their faces. That is cruel and inhuman..especially for someone who says they want to go into teaching because they love kids. They don't love kids. They actually hate children and use their position to torture them. They are witches.
broad brush.jpg
Not a bad idea. The problem is that many men are decent and deserving of our attention. However, women should avoid having any relationship with men who obviously hate them and want to use them physically. As my childhood softball coach used to say: "look 'em ovah, look 'em ovah!"
So a 'decent' man would let you abort the baby you and he created? Any woman who would insist on aborting a child even if the man disagrees is the one being indecent. Guys, don't date these skanks. If she believes in abortion she ain't a contender for a real relationship but could be a warm place to put it.

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