Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

What would a real man do to help her?

Daddy please, if you're going to rape me, will you please use a condom?

Let him just go ahead and then make it into a joke? Is this America now?

Best wishes from Canada.
Planned Parenthood and abortion chop shops are more than extreme. Satanic is a better description.
Yes, extremist attitudes on both sides will bring the chickens home. As opposed to socially conscienable solutions for a social problem.
Fundamentalist Fascism.
Yes, there's some truth in that. It's a spin-off from fascism taking hold.
But it's still too extremist against women for it to stand. Even a fascist regime such as Nazism would be hesitant to adopt such measures.

It won't be a joke for the extreme right for very long. It will be defeated and then they could be once again driven to violent action.

best wishes from Canada.



Excellent. If you don't have sex, you can't get pregnant and have an abortion!
The liberal women do believe in contraceptives.
The conservative women don't.
That's the difference between being Democrats and Republicans.
Republican women are not sexy.
They have babies like rabbits.
End of story.
Actually you are confused.

The women that breed like rabbits are the inner city Negroes and Hispanics and the Illegals the Democrat filth allow to flood into the country.

The women using abortion as means of birth control are mostly Negroes. Way out of proportion to their demographics.

Conservative women practice responsible birth control and have the size family that they can responsibly care for. Unlike the uneducated Democrat bitches that breed kids for welfare.
Excellent. If you don't have sex, you can't get pregnant and have an abortion!

Right?? I think it’s hilarious that they think this is something clever. This is what we’ve been saying all along! :laugh:
You were never exposed to Sophocles or Aristophanes or Aeschylus?
Our nation in total taxes is massive with federal, local, city and regional near 50% or more. Why are the ghettos still here to start? Tell me! Please tell me what is going wrong. Over a half century to eliminate poverty and the wrongs spending tens of trillions of dollars! Taxpayers did their part. Cities should be utopia party areas.

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