Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

seems like a stupid idea…and why protest against all men for what the people of Texas decided?

I have no control over the people if TX nor does she

The idea comes from a Greek play about 400 BC. You should have read it in HS.
Have idiot leftists ever heard of contraceptives? Jeez.
I suggest that all women refuse to have sex with men until they are guaranteed the right to choose by Congress.
Yeah. How about getting clean and sober, stop doing the date rape drugs and hopping in bed with every beer-drinking man who comes along? As if they didn't make the damned "choice" to get pregnant in the first place.
Have idiot leftists ever heard of contraceptives? Jeez.
The liberal women do believe in contraceptives.
The conservative women don't.
That's the difference between being Democrats and Republicans.
Republican women are not sexy.
They have babies like rabbits.
End of story.
Sure. Much better to force a woman to bear her rapist's child.. or in the event of incest, her father or brother's child.
Unless you can prove in a court of law that the unborn child is guilty of a capital crime you have no right to kill it
Can't have it both ways. Less abortions will result in more kids in the foster system and on public assistance. How can you be so lovingly concerned for fetuses and don't give a fuck about them after birth? It does not make a lick of sense.

No, less abortions means that women will be more careful about using contraception, resulting in fewer births, and much fewer abortions.
Not a bad idea. The problem is that many men are decent and deserving of our attention. However, women should avoid having any relationship with men who obviously hate them and want to use them physically. As my childhood softball coach used to say: "look 'em ovah, look 'em ovah!"
The Texas nonsense law can't stand.
The consequences would be too disastrous.
America needs to look outward very soon to see the result of religious extremism being forced on women. Coincidentally, another example is hot in the news.
Best wishes from Canada.
The liberal women do believe in contraceptives.
The conservative women don't.
That's the difference between being Democrats and Republicans.
Republican women are not sexy.
They have babies like rabbits.
End of story.
All types of women use contraceptives. Blacks and Hispanics have the highest abortion rates which tells me they are the least likely to use contraceptives. Oh and democrat women are ugly.
All beautiful women are liberal stupid.
Except the fat ones who are mostly conservative cause no one pays any attention to them.
The most beautiful girls are liberal.
What planet do you live in?
What planet do you live on?

Compare a conservative like Kristi Noem to liberal Hillary Clinton.

Compare a conservative like Nikki Hailey to liberal Elizabeth Warren.

Compare a conservative like Sarah Palin to liberal Kamala Harris.

Compare the Fox New's female anchors to CNN's female anchors.

Compare a conservative like Ivanka Trump to liberal Hunter Biden (He's the biggest liberal pussy around!)

For my money. I'll take Katy Pavlich over any liberal air-head you can name!
..a HUGE problem for the US--that causes a LOT of problems is having irresponsible sex/having kids before being financially and mentally ready
That's right! It's a social problem that's being attacked by a ban on abortion, instead of America addressing the problem at it's roots.

However, my comments aren't really meant for those who want to turn the issue into a joke. Maybe there are a few who have an interest in taking it seriously.
The chickens will come home to Texas over this extremist nonsense. American extremism is pushing the envelope too far this time.
Planned Parenthood and abortion chop shops are more than extreme. Satanic is a better description.

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