Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

Then tend to your own spiritual problems.

Jesus already did, thank God. Without Him I am lost. We all are. Some are so lost they think mothers killing their own babies in their own wombs is a moral good

Imagine that.

If it doesn't take your breath away, I think you're already lost
Jesus already did, thank God. Without Him I am lost. We all are. Some are so lost they think mothers killing their own babies in their own wombs is a moral good

Imagine that.

If it doesn't take your breath away, I think you're already lost

What did Jesus say about abortion?
Can anyone explain why with all the options women have to prevent pregnancy abortion is needed at all.....
Ah yes, the Better Off Dead argument

funny how libs never wish THEY had been aborted
My parents never should have had kids and my childhood sucked. Nevertheless I am here looking at a world where most people are unfit to be parents for whatever reason.
Perhaps the law will make people more responsible. It will lead to a ton more contraception usage and the growing number of women who don't want kids ever to not take any risks. This will all be a huge plus for the nation. Abortion goes away, less babies conceived...all good things for the nation.
My strict catholic childhood also was miserable. My parents drove me away from religion. I found it again through my wife. My dad overdid the spare the rod spoil the children concept. We lived in fear.
That sucks. I'm sorry.
Whatever, my parents were too young, too uneducated and too reliant on corporal punishment to be having kids but at least we had Jesus. Not that he ever put food on the table or paid the rent or protected me from all the pedos at church.
Whatever, my parents were too young, too uneducated and too reliant on corporal punishment to be having kids but at least we had Jesus. Not that he ever put food on the table or paid the rent or protected me from all the pedos at church.

No wonder you're angry at the church and God. I'd probably be angry too. :(

Sounds like a total rotten church. I mean spiritually rotten. I want you to know one thing fwiw. The men and/or women who used God to abuse babies. They will get full measure of vengeance and justice. All of it, and it is deserved. They are held to a HIGHER standard than any of us, because look what they did. They didn't draw you to God, they repelled you. They "caused you to stumble" and the Bible says it would be better for them to hang a millstone around their necks and drown than to do that to you. Luke 17:2

Good is good. He is also just.

I'm still sorry. I will always be sorry for people who represent Him that way
My parents never should have had kids and my childhood sucked.
Its not too late

if you arent willing to end it all for yourself then you have no right to make that decision for the unborn



What’s the downsize to this plan? Nasty liberal bitches that use sex as a weapon stop sleeping around?

Men should be glad about this plan.
Can't have it both ways. Less abortions will result in more kids in the foster system and on public assistance. How can you be so lovingly concerned for fetuses and don't give a fuck about them after birth? It does not make a lick of sense.
Sounds like once kids are born Liberals write them off. Unless of course they can use them for propoganda purposes. Yep..lefties really “ care”.
All beautiful women are liberal stupid.
Except the fat ones who are mostly conservative cause no one pays any attention to them.
The most beautiful girls are liberal.
What planet do you live in?
Clearly you never saw the wierdo’s that participate in the women’s marches.
Sounds like once kids are born Liberals write them off. Unless of course they can use them for propoganda purposes. Yep..lefties really “ care”.
Some celebrities adopt children.
But they use then as status symbols and they are more like their pets than like their children.

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