Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

Flash not with that nose

Doggie style when she was in her 20s?

Hey, I am from Polk County Florida. We don't cull them out.

It's the busybody holier than thou church bitches that are driving the "pro-life" movement. This would not even be an issue if it were left entirely up to men.

I have to disagree with you that this whole thing has been caused by "church bitches." Fundie males have been directing this for a long time. Read some of the crap that comes from the mouths of "Christian" leaders (males). They have put out a steady stream of misogynist propaganda for decades without drawing public attention and any challenge. These "church bitches" are deeply indoctrinated people who are very susceptible to being manipulated by these "pastors" and the like. Most of them were raised to be from birth. This shit has been around for centuries in most cultures.

This is something to must be subjected to public scrutiny.

BTW: this problem is not only one of gender. Some of the stuff written throughout the years about why black folks are "inferior" is worth reading aloud and discussed in public, as well. It's full of "justifications" from bible passages. Bullshit unfortunately lasts for centuries before someone calls it out.
What the people of Texas did, to their credit, was not elect the Democrat filth that would have supported killing the children.

The people of Texas and the Supremes already spoke so learn to live with it Moon Bat. We put up with decades of the Liberal shits killing children with Roe v Wade so now is the time for you assholes to suck it up. Stop your whining.

Watch Texas go blue. Can't believe no one on this board read Lysistrata by Aristophanes.
There is the rise and fall of nations. We are in decline because men over a half century or so let the left with extreme feminist women take over the nation or at least have a good amount of control. Women are hardwired for collectivism, security, socialism and communism. Those without a husband are definitely more inclined to let the government be just that. They are the majority voters now and it does not bode well for us all. You will never see the ghettos improve anymore as males in those areas are secondary to women who are Progs. Remove the most favorite group label for women and give it to males with a hard push for minority males and things will improve. They will not be perfect. But it will be better.
Incel much? I find these posts from single frustrated dudes.
There is not enough whisky in the world to get a man drunk enough to want to screw Midler.
And how old is she? Snarky sexual insults at old people, that's humor to you?

This is the toxic masculinity which afflicts society. But I think more appropriately the humor should be directed at the dysfunctional incels who sit around cackling over ignorant insults directed at females.
This would not even be an issue if it were left entirely up to men.
As a man I support protection of store attendants who selfish criminals may kill during a robbery

and unborn children who having been conceived now deserve the right to life that all innocent humans are entitled to
Watch Texas go blue. Can't believe no one on this board read Lysistrata by Aristophanes.

You are delusional Moon Bat.

If it goes blue it will not be because of all the pro abortion shitheads. It will be because of the fucking Illegals and fraudulent Democrat votes in the big city shitholes like Houston and Dallas.
You are delusional Moon Bat.

If it goes blue it will not be because of all the pro abortion shitheads. It will be because of the fucking Illegals and fraudulent Democrats votes in the big city shitholes like Houston and Dallas.

You all let illegals vote in Texas?
How old is she?
Is she still alive?
Who wants to sleep with her?
She probably didn't have sex in more than 50 years.
The frustrated ugly old clown.
If nature plays its course, liberals will cease to exist.

They kill their own babies.

Now they refuse to have intercourse.

Why would a real man want to fuck a liberal anyways?
I have to disagree with you that this whole thing has been caused by "church bitches." Fundie males have been directing this for a long time. Read some of the crap that comes from the mouths of "Christian" leaders (males). They have put out a steady stream of misogynist propaganda for decades without drawing public attention and any challenge. These "church bitches" are deeply indoctrinated people who are very susceptible to being manipulated by these "pastors" and the like. Most of them were raised to be from birth. This shit has been around for centuries in most cultures.

This is something to must be subjected to public scrutiny.

BTW: this problem is not only one of gender. Some of the stuff written throughout the years about why black folks are "inferior" is worth reading aloud and discussed in public, as well. It's full of "justifications" from bible passages. Bullshit unfortunately lasts for centuries before someone calls it out.

I believe you have a miserable life and it makes me feel sorry for you
I have to disagree with you that this whole thing has been caused by "church bitches." Fundie males have been directing this for a long time. Read some of the crap that comes from the mouths of "Christian" leaders (males). They have put out a steady stream of misogynist propaganda for decades without drawing public attention and any challenge. These "church bitches" are deeply indoctrinated people who are very susceptible to being manipulated by these "pastors" and the like. Most of them were raised to be from birth. This shit has been around for centuries in most cultures.

This is something to must be subjected to public scrutiny.

BTW: this problem is not only one of gender. Some of the stuff written throughout the years about why black folks are "inferior" is worth reading aloud and discussed in public, as well. It's full of "justifications" from bible passages. Bullshit unfortunately lasts for centuries before someone calls it out.

The only people being manipulated are the mindless sheeple that listen to the Democrat lies and bullshit.

Or put another way,

"I really MUST have the option to kill any babies we produce. So here, I'm gonna take away the method to produce those babies."

Actually this sounds like a huge win to me, and I suggest every single liberal woman engage in this practice. :)
I have to disagree with you that this whole thing has been caused by "church bitches." Fundie males have been directing this for a long time. Read some of the crap that comes from the mouths of "Christian" leaders (males). They have put out a steady stream of misogynist propaganda for decades without drawing public attention and any challenge. These "church bitches" are deeply indoctrinated people who are very susceptible to being manipulated by these "pastors" and the like. Most of them were raised to be from birth. This shit has been around for centuries in most cultures.

This is something to must be subjected to public scrutiny.

BTW: this problem is not only one of gender. Some of the stuff written throughout the years about why black folks are "inferior" is worth reading aloud and discussed in public, as well. It's full of "justifications" from bible passages. Bullshit unfortunately lasts for centuries before someone calls it out.
I disagree with the characterization that the anti-abortion movement is mostly a bunch of men trying to steal the rights of women. It's not that simple. The zealots who carry the picket signs, write the letters and give money are predominately women. Without these single issue banshees the "pro life" movement would be nothing.


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