Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

Not a bad idea. The problem is that many men are decent and deserving of our attention. However, women should avoid having any relationship with men who obviously hate them and want to use them physically. As my childhood softball coach used to say: "look 'em ovah, look 'em ovah!"

Also true...
The problem is that many women are decent and deserving of male attention. However men should avoid having any relationship with women who obviously hate them and want to use them for any reason.
My strict catholic childhood also was miserable. My parents drove me away from religion. I found it again through my wife. My dad overdid the spare the rod spoil the children concept. We lived in fear.
Catholicism is/was a guilt trip. I get what you say.
As for Bette Midler, not even in her prime days did I ever think she was attractive. Both physically and personally.
She is even uglier on the inside than the outside.
Hopefully Democrat women will leave Texas.
But you can be sure that the Troglocrats will start boycotting Texas in many ways.
Also true...
The problem is that many women are decent and deserving of male attention. However men should avoid having any relationship with women who obviously hate them and want to use them for any reason.

If you are a good guy you will usually find a good woman.

If you are an asshole guy you will usually find a bitch.



Won't make any difference. Republicans reproduce by asexual fission, like all bacteria.
As the number of abortions drops, a very good thing, we will see less babies being conceived as well. Some crazies will then go around encouraging more babies need to be conceived. That's the only down side.
Sounds like once kids are born Liberals write them off. Unless of course they can use them for propoganda purposes. Yep..lefties really “ care”.

Most women who have abortions are married women with children and many are Republicans.
Waiting until your 30s to get married is a wise move. Then one has taken time to mature. You still have time to have kids or if you don't want them we applaud that as well
The mother who kills her babies is a Narcissist bitch..
God created the baby and you decide to kill him or her bitch ?
Horny bitches who only care about Fucking and Sex ...and getting high on drugs.
And then Abortion.
But not about their newborn.
The baby.
Bitches Baby killers.
It,'s Murder of Babies.

The doctors involved in the Abortion should also be locked up.
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Women stop putting themselves in situations where they have an unwanted pregnancy. Not having a baby is both parties responsibility.

I can just jerk off. I can cum without the hassle of getting a woman to cum with. So I don't care really.

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