Bette Midler suggests women should refuse to have sex with men to fight Texas abortion law

Not a bad idea. The problem is that many men are decent and deserving of our attention. However, women should avoid having any relationship with men who obviously hate them and want to use them physically. As my childhood softball coach used to say: "look 'em ovah, look 'em ovah!"
How many men do you sleep with in any one night?
It's the busybody holier than thou church bitches that are driving the "pro-life" movement. This would not even be an issue if it were left entirely up to men.
That's right. Abortionists are murderers and they aren't so holy when they sell their naked bodies on the street.
Now they refuse to have intercourse.
No. They're just raising the price, serving more restraining orders, and collecting more alimony and child support.
Won't make any difference. Republicans reproduce by asexual fission, like all bacteria.
Oh really? Do you mean Republican women are too holy to sleep with Democrat men?
i suppose. I recall reading Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Canterbury Tales, Iliad, but none of the other stuff you mentioned

We read those in the 7th grade.. Except for Chaucer which was 9th grade.



Naturally, she totally ignores the millions of women who applaud the move by Texas. In her world, apparently they don't exist.
I wonder if this is the reason why liberal people are cheerleaders for homosexuality. If you stay within your own gender, you most definitely do not have to worry about there being a pregnancy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Forgive me this is a dumb question, but is it true that AIDS is what same gender couples have to worry about instead?
Donald H why do you people that don't graduate from fourth grade post on adult forums? sex is BEFORE abortion/birth--so abortion CAN'T be the root of the problem-- = you fkd up!!! as I said, the root of the problem is irresponsible sex EXAMPLE of this is police shootings--the ROOT of that problem is people committing crimes
How many men do you sleep with in any one night?

That's right. Abortionists are murderers and they aren't so holy when they sell their naked bodies on the street.

No. They're just raising the price, serving more restraining orders, and collecting more alimony and child support.

Oh really? Do you mean Republican women are too holy to sleep with Democrat men?
No, I meant exactly what I said.
Donald H why do you people that don't graduate from fourth grade post on adult forums? sex is BEFORE abortion/birth--so abortion CAN'T be the root of the problem-- = you fkd up!!! as I said, the root of the problem is irresponsible sex EXAMPLE of this is police shootings--the ROOT of that problem is people committing crimes
Maybe these people who partake in unprotected sex or do not practice birth control should keep a stock of morning-after pills. They are available OTC at Target. Much easier and cheaper than murder.
Maybe these people who partake in unprotected sex or do not practice birth control should keep a stock of morning-after pills. They are available OTC at Target. Much easier and cheaper than murder.

What!!?? They're not free?

I have no idea how one obtains the morning after pill though

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