Bette Midler "West Virginia…poor, illiterate, and strung out"

Do you see the inner city ghettos being reduced and middle class comforts with homes increasing in value appearing? Massive infusions of federal, state, local and city taxes of all types piped in 24 hours a day.
People living in city ghettos never inherited wealth or property. They inherited government run section 8 housing from the beginning. That's a totally different socio-economic conspiracy, than what's going on with the impoverished of WV.
The Hollywood elite is disappointed that a senator broke away from Brandon's agenda so they trash the whole state. They are worse than a bunch of petulant kids. If democrats really hate West Virginia what's the chance that the state would be at the top of Biden's giveaway list?
The Hollywood elite is disappointed that a senator broke away from Brandon's agenda so they trash the whole state. They are worse than a bunch of petulant kids. If democrats really hate West Virginia what's the chance that the state would be at the top of Biden's giveaway list?
The agenda is for the people of West Virginia, not Joe Biden. He's still got his teeth.
Better source that, liar
Sigh, I did Cletus, I just don't think I need to prove anything to you but here you go:

In WV roughly 87 men per 100,000 died from diabetes related health issues; for women, the rate was 55 deaths per 100,000 (142 total per 100K) -CDC

West Virginia is currently the state with the highest drug overdose death rate in the United States, with almost 53 deaths per 100,000. - Statista

*Note, CA may have overtaken them by now in opiate deaths as it was a close thing.
Accurate. WV is a real shithole.
The point is so is Midler's hometown LA.
LA might be even worse.
Hollywood is full of junkies.
I don't think all this pissing and moaning against Manchin and WV is going to help the democrats win his seat or anything else in that state. If anything, all the Left has done is make sure that state stays red for the foreseeable future. And I would not be surprised to see Manchin leave the democratic party to be an independent. He might caucus with them, or maybe he'll turn to the GOP side. It would be funny as hell and also very appropriate if he flipped to the right and the dems lost their Senate majority. So, thank all you dumbfuck lefties for not having the good sense to keep your fucking mouths shut.
That's a bunch of crap and you know it! Why do you lie? Is a lack of self respect or something deeper? Are you just a dumb asshole?
Many of my former co-workers hail from the Romney, WV area and I still go over on occasion and hunt/shoot/visit with them. Most are area LEOs or retired LEOs. Many of their sons are LEOs currently......Sorry if you do not like to hear unpleasant truths but it is what it is.

That's why I always advise folks thinking of looking toward WV for their "place away from it all" to contact the local Sheriff's department in the county they are looking at and talk to them about crime in their area. Especially if it's going to a part-time residence.
Well it is refreshing to see the Left continue to be as clueless, bigoted, and small minded as ever

Keep up the good work, at least till the elections.
According to this write up here, my most favorite actor, Bronson Pinchot that is, says that she is awful to work with, and so none of what is being said about her now surprises me.

God bless you and Bronson always!!!


P.S. Sadly some people just don't care how front and center their flaws end up becoming.
Midler doesn't understand that people like her are why folks in West Virginia vote for people like Manchin.

She disses a whole state of fellow Americans and expects people to admire her. She's unhinged like the rest of the Bidenista's.
Sigh, I did Cletus, I just don't think I need to prove anything to you but here you go:

In WV roughly 87 men per 100,000 died from diabetes related health issues; for women, the rate was 55 deaths per 100,000 (142 total per 100K) -CDC

West Virginia is currently the state with the highest drug overdose death rate in the United States, with almost 53 deaths per 100,000. - Statista

*Note, CA may have overtaken them by now in opiate deaths as it was a close thing.

Strange the CDC rate I saw said 34 per 100,000.

As for overdoses? You're stupid enough to pump that crap in your body? Die I don't care
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Glitter Drifts Into the Gutter

Because that kind of self-righteous outrage inspired the Democracks' Hate Whitey laws. The self-important politicians pay far more attention to famous performers than they do to "a mob of nobodies."

In the grand scheme of things Hollywierd "elites" are just nobodies
Poor and strung-out is not too far off the mark.....The pillbillys/meth-heads would steal a hot stove if you are not watching it....I saw them steal a bunch of installed 12" X 12" paving stones once.

Property crime is off the charts though much of it goes unreported due to the clannish nature of the residents of the state. The cities are better than the hinterlands in that respect.

I have a friend who lives near Romney, WV and his job takes him away from home 3-4 days at a time. He has a armed relative house sit for him. You don't even go into a store unless you have someone to watch your vehicle.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Poison the drug supply. Users aren't victims; they are gutless weakling Mama's Boy escapists who never grew up and need the candy that makes them feel like a real man. They are a gangrened arm that must be surgically removed from any society that wants to stay healthy.
People living in city ghettos never inherited wealth or property. They inherited government run section 8 housing from the beginning. That's a totally different socio-economic conspiracy, than what's going on with the impoverished of WV.

People living in city ghettos never inherited wealth or property. They inherited government run section 8 housing from the beginning. That's a totally different socio-economic conspiracy, than what's going on with the impoverished of WV.
They inherited Section 8 Housing! No matter what is built and is given, many of the places eventually end up run down with the infrastructure stolen from them. I understand the poor. Most of the Programs we see are Prog engineered. So who do you blame? You make West Virginia out to be the ghetto of the nation. One thing. White males that are poor are not first on the list of who gets more of the government programs.

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