Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

Do you think she does it on purpose or something? If not, I don't understand your problem with it.

Welcome to Trumpian America where those who are different are openly mocked.

We even elected a President who openly mocks the disabled, who calls Mexicans murderers and rapists, who accuses American Muslims of celebrating 9-11

What is wrong with mocking an accent?

Trump did not mock the disabled, did not call Mexicans murderers and rapists and as for Muslim Americans celebrating 9/11, I never heard about that one. But it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some did. Hell, I ran into a Scottish guy at work not too long ago and he was telling me about a white non-Muslim American who was more or less bragging to him about 9/11 once. The Scottish guy told him that for his own safety, he best shut his fucking mouth on that subject.

Having said that, I find it ironic that you adopt the one behavior that you can't stand about the president to mock his wife. As I said, spiteful. Any idiot would see right through this and know you're only doing it because you hate her husband. If she was not married to Trump, you'd be on here defending her.
Do you think she does it on purpose or something? If not, I don't understand your problem with it.

Welcome to Trumpian America where those who are different are openly mocked.

We even elected a President who openly mocks the disabled, who calls Mexicans murderers and rapists, who accuses American Muslims of celebrating 9-11

What is wrong with mocking an accent?

Trump did not mock the disabled, did not call Mexicans murderers and rapists and as for Muslim Americans celebrating 9/11, I never heard about that one. But it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some did. Hell, I ran into a Scottish guy at work not too long ago and he was telling me about a white non-Muslim American who was more or less bragging to him about 9/11 once. The Scottish guy told him that for his own safety, he best shut his fucking mouth on that subject.

Having said that, I find it ironic that you adopt the one behavior that you can't stand about the president to mock his wife. As I said, spiteful. Any idiot would see right through this and know you're only doing it because you hate her husband. If she was not married to Trump, you'd be on here defending her.
Sure he didn’t.

and Melania doesn’t speak with a heavy accent either
Do you think she does it on purpose or something? If not, I don't understand your problem with it.

Welcome to Trumpian America where those who are different are openly mocked.

We even elected a President who openly mocks the disabled, who calls Mexicans murderers and rapists, who accuses American Muslims of celebrating 9-11

What is wrong with mocking an accent?

Trump did not mock the disabled, did not call Mexicans murderers and rapists and as for Muslim Americans celebrating 9/11, I never heard about that one. But it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some did. Hell, I ran into a Scottish guy at work not too long ago and he was telling me about a white non-Muslim American who was more or less bragging to him about 9/11 once. The Scottish guy told him that for his own safety, he best shut his fucking mouth on that subject.

Having said that, I find it ironic that you adopt the one behavior that you can't stand about the president to mock his wife. As I said, spiteful. Any idiot would see right through this and know you're only doing it because you hate her husband. If she was not married to Trump, you'd be on here defending her.
Sure he didn’t.

He didn't. I've seen the video and read the quotes. He most certainly did not say Mexicans are rapists and murderers.
When he said this he was saying that criminals are entering the country illegally along with everyone else. And you know what? He is absolutely right. You know it. I know it.

This whole farce about him saying this is so fucking absurd, it's a wonder you can say it with a straight face.

and Melania doesn’t speak with a heavy accent either

What would you say if a I mocked a Mexican immigrant's accent? What would you say if I mocked a Mexican immigrant who couldn't speak English at all? They're out there you know. While you mock Melania's accent (an accent she has in five languages), there are immigrants out there that can't even speak the language.

I know goddamn well that if Trump had said anything along those lines back in 2016, you would be using it it to further the narrative that he's racist. Don't insult my intelligence by denying it. You already believe he's a racist based on words taken out of context. It obviously didn't take much to send you over the edge.
He didn't. I've seen the video and read the quotes. He most certainly did not say Mexicans are rapists and murderers.
When he said this he was saying that criminals are entering the country illegally along with everyone else.

“some of them are good people”
Not most are good people, no acknowledgement that the vast majority are law abiding and hard working.
Fear mongering that Mexico is intentionally sending murderers and rapists
While you mock Melania's accent (an accent she has in five languages)

Another lie from the Trumps. Just like the lie that Melania has an architecture degree (she went to college one semester and dropped out), Melania is not fluent in five languages. Her attempts to speak French and Italian showed superficial skills.
He didn't. I've seen the video and read the quotes. He most certainly did not say Mexicans are rapists and murderers.
When he said this he was saying that criminals are entering the country illegally along with everyone else.

“some of them are good people”
Not most are good people, no acknowledgement that the vast majority are law abiding and hard working.
Fear mongering that Mexico is intentionally sending murderers and rapists

But if he mocked their accents, that would be okay?
While you mock Melania's accent (an accent she has in five languages)

Another lie from the Trumps. Just like the lie that Melania has an architecture degree (she went to college one semester and dropped out), Melania is not fluent in five languages. Her attempts to speak French and Italian showed superficial skills.

As far as I know, the Trumps never said anything about her language skills. But it is noted in multiple sources if you Google it.

It's really not so hard to believe unless you're an American who has never experienced other languages and cultures. I have lived in Panama and worked in Brazil - for three years and seven years, respectively - and from that and what I've learned about European cultures over the years I can tell you that most of the rest of the world do not have the discomfort or wariness around other languages as Americans do. On the other hand, in many other countries (especially European countries), learning foreign languages is encouraged and even necessary at times.

I've noticed that people from certain countries are particularly fluent in English: Holland, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Melania was an international supermodel so to me, it's not much of a stretch to believe that she at least has a rudimentary facility with multiple languages.
Her English is not even bad - She is more or less fluent in the English language and there is no validity in mocking her for it. Sure, she has an accent, but anyone who learns a new language will almost always have an accent.

Light-heartedly making fun of the way someone speaks is one thing, but being a bully is completely different.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.

It's amazing how the right bitches about Hispanic folks not speaking English, but when it's white it's alright.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.

It's amazing how the right bitches about Hispanic folks not speaking English, but when it's white it's alright.

It's amazing how the left bitches about Melania's accent but when it's Hispanic folks not speaking English, it's alright.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.

It's amazing how the right bitches about Hispanic folks not speaking English, but when it's white it's alright.

It's amazing how the left bitches about Melania's accent but when it's Hispanic folks not speaking English, it's alright.
She has participated in numerous interviews where she answers to all questions without any problems. She has held lengthy speeches for the entire nation without any problems. Claiming her English is bad is just not fair as it is obvious she understands and uses the language very well. She speaks with confidence and does not make many grammatical mistakes.

She was not born in America, so it should not come as a shock to anyone that she has an accent. Try learning Slovenian and see how hard it is to gain a native accent. I find it especially ironic that Americans are laughing at a foreigner's accent when Americans themselves are notoriously awful at learning new languages and never seem to even bother to hide their obvious and thick American accents.

Accents only become a problem if they are so thick that they hamper communication by making the speech incomprehensible. I definitely would not categorise Melania's English as such. I am also pretty sure Melania is well aware of her accent and maybe she is even a tiny bit ashamed of it (as many non-native speakers so often are). If anything, she deserves praise and not mockery and if you are too much of a partisan fanboy to compliment her, you should direct your anger towards Trump instead because everybody knows it is with him your actual disappointment is.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.

It's amazing how the right bitches about Hispanic folks not speaking English, but when it's white it's alright.

It's amazing how the left bitches about Melania's accent but when it's Hispanic folks not speaking English, it's alright.
She has participated in numerous interviews where she answers to all questions without any problems. She has held lengthy speeches for the entire nation without any problems. Claiming her English is bad is just not fair as it is obvious she understands and uses the language very well. She speaks with confidence and does not make many grammatical mistakes.

She was not born in America, so it should not come as a shock to anyone that she has an accent. Try learning Slovenian and see how hard it is to gain a native accent. I find it especially ironic that Americans are laughing at a foreigner's accent when Americans themselves are notoriously awful at learning new languages and never seem to even bother to hide their obvious and thick American accents.

Accents only become a problem if they are so thick that they hamper communication by making the speech incomprehensible. I definitely would not categorise Melania's English as such. I am also pretty sure Melania is well aware of her accent and maybe she is even a tiny bit ashamed of it (as many non-native speakers so often are). If anything, she deserves praise and not mockery and if you are too much of a partisan fanboy to compliment her, you should direct your anger towards Trump instead because everybody knows it is with him your actual disappointment is.

Is this addressed to me? If so, I am defending Melania.
Oh Bet.....What are we going to do with you? God is watching....from a distance...

What do you think?

Midler said it best herself;

"I'm the last of the truly tacky woman, I do trash with flash and sleaze with ease" Bette Midler.

This thread is still breathing?

I'd be real proud of saying that. Means she really made it...Good Lord..
Fat-assed has-beens are often critical of the success of others.

Is that why right wing, racists hate the Obamas so much.

Obama's predidency has been nullified. How is that success?

Sorry no matter how much right wing racist hate Pres Obama you can't nullify his presidency. Sorry Trump Humpers.
They'll say......WE IMPEACHED FORDA FIVE.........................WE IMPEACHED FORDY FIVE......................WEEEEHAHA!!!

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