Better false-flag ideas than 9/11


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If we say there was a government/business desire to invade Iraq that led to a false-flag attack culminating in 9/11, which methods of stirring up the American people could have been just as effective, or even more effective than bringing down skyscrapers in New York?

- bring down the Statue of Liberty, blame whoever you have it in for. Hard to imagine anything that'd piss us off more. Except maybe...

- via remote-control operated vehicles, and cadeavors in the driving seat (to show someone was driving,) drive truck bombs ala OK City into low-value, high-emotion targets like daycare centers, public schools, and hospitals. Fabricate terrorist videos threatening these things. Keep hitting them until the public's in such a rage over what's being done to our children that we support any measure the government wishes. Apologies to the writers of "Invasion USA" but that's basicly the idea.

- 'Turn out the lights' to a major power grid for a few days. Then execute random, meaningless, patternless terrorist-style attacks at night.

- Assassinate undesireable politicians and blame terrorists. Do it as they would via bombs. Perhaps even bomb (but being careful not to actually destroy, or not) key government buildings and locations in DC or elsewhere.

Are many things that could have happened that didn't to stir up the public to be ok with things like the Patriot Act, and invasions of Iraq and Afganistan. So unless we're saying the Bush administration was smart enough to pull off an unprecdented false-flag operation and keep it secret, but too dumb to do something smaller and less destructive, I accept that al-Qaeda did it. That actually makes a lot of sense. That the government kneecapped themselves doing much more damage than was needed to rally the people doesn't make any sense at all.
Hey the twin towers were full of asbestos and costing a fortune, and well WTC # 7 housed too many secrets.
Hey the twin towers were full of asbestos and costing a fortune, and well WTC # 7 housed too many secrets.
WT7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the Bush dupes of america cant get around no matter how hard they desperatey try.

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