Better flights coming! Thanks, Mr. Obama!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
America's Kenyan Emperor has spoken!

Travel pollutes - it threatens the planet with worsening Global Warming and something has to be done!

Well, of course, the way to lessen emissions from airplanes is to have fewer of them flying!

That's not sitting too well with folks in Las Vegas, dependent on visitors who arrive mostly by air:

EDITORIAL EPA s latest regulation hammers airlines travel and tourism Las Vegas Review-Journal

"President Barack Obama says climate change is a national security threat. As a result, virtually every industry is threatened by his administration’s regulatory wrath."

"Under the president’s watch, the Environmental Protection Agency is pushing for increased regulation of wetlands and waterways, tightening fuel efficiency standards for heavy trucks and is getting ready to launch unprecedented greenhouse gas rules for power plants. And just last week, the Obama administration announced it would be taking new steps toward regulating airplanes’ greenhouse gas emissions."

"The EPA proposes a declaration stating that carbon emissions from commercial planes contribute to climate change and hurt human health. The EPA is also working with the International Civil Aviation Organization to develop carbon dioxide standards for planes that would impact airlines not only in the United States, but across the globe. According to the EPA, the move “supports the goals of the President’s Climate Action Plan” to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the United States by up to 28 percent over the next decade."

Of course an important ingredient in the recipe to lessen airliner emissions is to TAX passengers heavily! Enough tax to deter many from flying, reducing the number of flights.

Now for me, retired and well off due to having planned and saved all my life, that's a GOOD THING. Whatever the tax I can afford to pay it and I DO travel a lot. This move means there'll be fewer families flying! Imagine, no more screamers and whiners. Yes, there may be fewer flights but there also will be empty seats. More room for me and those like me.

YEA Obama!

And screw you, Las Vegas....I'm finally getting an improved life courtesy of He who cares so very much that He'll administer the bitter medicine that will save you all from the nightmare Algore has long predicted.

Well, OK, it won't. But it will make my jetting around the world much more comfortable!
Pogo here this man makes thread to your standards have fun reading all this bullshit. Be sure to tag me back with your response you always seem to sum it up
Who wants to show up 5 hours early for a flight to Cancun? And they're strict on drinking booze now, I mean take the air out of the room...
So I guess the environmental,idiocy of Barack and his wife using Air Force one et al just to go to fundraisers is fine. This man is such a con artist. Do as I say don't do as I do. This is another example of the aristocratic ego and unamerican ness of this president. Does anyone remember the candidate in the 2012 election who asked the public, who ya gonna trust? How much longer are Americans gonna be suckered.
But nothing on private planes flown by Al Gore and the other green hypocrites?

As for Vegas, Nevada voted for Obama both times so I guess folks here will get exactly what they asked for.
Pogo here this man makes thread to your standards have fun reading all this bullshit. Be sure to tag me back with your response you always seem to sum it up

Thanks but just because a thread links what it's talking about doesn't mean I have to read it.
Not really interested in this, and I don't have a high regard for the OP anyway. He starts out by demonstrating geographic ignorance of where Hawaìi is, and ends up unable to spell the word "Democratic". Not worth my time.
Pogo here this man makes thread to your standards have fun reading all this bullshit. Be sure to tag me back with your response you always seem to sum it up

Thanks but just because a thread links what it's talking about doesn't mean I have to read it.
Not really interested in this, and I don't have a high regard for the OP anyway. He can't even spell the word "Democratic".
I know I know
Let's just make it harder for middle class Americans to take a vacation. Obama seeks to destroy the middle class any way he can and he is succeeding.

Actually that is not true, the middle class to the far left = unions. They seek to make sure that the middle class that grows is the one that fills their coffers and anyone else that does not can suffer..

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