Better have your cell phone turned on!

This coming from someone who creams his pants whenever the discussion involves a Macintosh or a camera. :badgrin:

This coming from a guy who posts film of his boyfriend participating in the Gay Pride Parade....... that's adorable.
So you would rather our youth not vote? :confused:

yes----It would be nice to think they have figured out the democrat/republican death grip on America. If they vote for Barr, I might give them a little credit for rejecting the two party bullshit.
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:lol: You actully are not blaming Obama directly for this, right? :lol: There are "spies" everyplace on the planet! Blame it on the media - they jumped on it and ran for the touchdown! :lol: lol

Newsvine - Obama's Text Message Stunt Spoiled By Media

If you make a promise to millions of supporters it would be prudent to see if you could actually fulfill it. But for you Obamites, it doesn’t matter, as trustworthiness means nothing to you.

From the AP:

Sen. Barack Obama's pledge to supporters that they would be the "first to know" his running mate turned out to be an unworkable communications strategy.

The Democratic presidential candidate got scooped by the media on his own announcement, done in by dogged reporting, loose-lipped party insiders and the limits of technology.

But not all was lost. He amassed a big database of cell-phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the fall campaign.

Obama's plan to use text messaging to announce his choice was a first in politics. He had promised supporters that by providing cell-phone numbers and e-mail addresses they would be "part of this important moment."

The text message announcing Biden as Obama's pick began filtering across the U.S. at 3:02 a.m. yesterday, when most people were asleep. By then, it was already old news, by today's standards. The media had reported the pick more than two hours earlier.

Michael Silberman, a partner at online communications firm EchoDitto, said that the campaign gambled when they made such a high-stakes promise only to find themselves in a precarious situation in which they risked a great deal of supporters' trust.

"For Obama supporters, this is like finding out from your neighbor instead of your sister that she's engaged
yes----It would be nice to think they have figured out the deomcrat/republican death grip on America. If they vote for Barr, I might give them a little credit for rejecting the two party bullshit.

OK, that is understandable. I'm all for a third party that HAS A CHANCE!

Now, how do us "old folks" get our youth to get on the third party bandwagon?

But, imo, at least they ARE out there voting now, instead of the apathy of the past.
OK, that is understandable. I'm all for a third party that HAS A CHANCE!

Now, how do us "old folks" get our youth to get on the third party bandwagon?

But, imo, at least they ARE out there voting now, instead of the apathy of the past.

Fad voting? What's good about that? If they aren't going to bother to learn anything about the candidates except that their favorite performer is pushing him, I don't want them in the voting booth...... that goes for adults also.
Fad voting? What's good about that? If they aren't going to bother to learn anything about the candidates except that their favorite performer is pushing him, I don't want them in the voting booth...... that goes for adults also.

Where did I say anything about "fad voting?"

That's just you projecting. It seems to me some of you are scared of who our youth will vote for in November. I wonder why that is?
Where did I say anything about "fad voting?"

That's just you projecting. It seems to me some of you are scared of who our youth will vote for in November. I wonder why that is?

It's very simple, look at what the lemmings in this country are impressed with...... greasy, big rimmed cars with ear damaging subwhoofers playing obnoxious crap, jeans around the knees, Justin Timberlake, NAS, Osama, free rides, nanny states...... etc. No, they shouldn't be taking part in the election unless they are in the military or working full time...... that goes for adults too.
It's very simple, look at what the lemmings in this country are impressed with...... greasy, big rimmed cars with ear damaging subwhoofers playing obnoxious crap, jeans around the knees, Justin Timberlake, NAS, Osama, free rides, nanny states...... etc. No, they shouldn't be taking part in the election unless they are in the military or working full time...... that goes for adults too.

Ain't that America, for you and me.

Did you get all of your generalizations of young people from MTV or myspace?
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This coming from a guy who posts film of his boyfriend participating in the Gay Pride Parade....... that's adorable.

Why does it not surprise me that a guy with a picture of his cat about to receive his moneyshot would use the word adorable.

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