Between the political parties, Catholics have two bad choices...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.

no ultimate about it, people like you were saying the same thing about florid in our drinking water ... have you gotten over it yet, zealot.
Many Roman Catholics try to be moral and live godly and moral lives just like all other religious people in the world.

Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Catholics and Jews all have their different rules and regulations about what is considered godly and good. - Each religion has its own set of ideas of right and wrong.

However, politics cannot be really eXpected to become the role of good or godly - from a religion standpoint.

Would the politicians force the citizens with violence and brute force to behave and obey according to a set of rules that applies to each religion in each their own neighborhood or city or area that they are in ?

Then the politician would be a multiple person god personalities and persons - like the pontiff in Rome or a trinity god of Roman Catholicism that has an Old Testament Father insisting and demanding - focusing on creating a homeland in Israel for the Jews and a different role of a New Testament Father who is focusing an unscriptural - unwritten ORAL TRADITION of Rome having property ownership and control of Jerusalem.

Roman Catholics have a whole ball game going on and their job is to put up a front and propaganda display that codes that hides and covers up their real plans going on back at their BASE . HOME CAPITAL - in Roman and ISLAMIC Politics.

.. This is very common in many religions and political arenas. Protestants have managed to overpower the Roman Catholic Church in WWll, simply because Protestants are not subject to one single politician. Enough Protestant politicians and Protestant peoples were able to fully BREAK AWAY from the Roman Catholic Church in GERMANY and ITALY.
The Pope knew this and this is why He tried to use the criminals and madmen Adolf Hitler and Mussolini to restore the Pope Pius FAMILY GENERATION BANKING and political and financial structure. Hitler and Mussolini had millions and millions of followers who were the base of the Italian and German NAZI party. Mussolini and Hitler were not some lone man operation who hypnotized and forced everyone in Italy and Germany to suddenly adopt a NEW PLAN that had never been done before.

Roman Catholics had been doing this NAZI program against Jews and political opponents for thousands of years, Even before Catholicism was invented in the 3 rd Century. The Canaanite, Persian, Arabian, Europeans - Called the Romans and Italians were doing the bidding of their relatives in the Middle East. The Italians / Romans are all related to the Canaanite, Persian, Arabian peoples of the Middle East and the Italians / Romans / Rome was able to maintain power in the region by siding with their blood relatives and eXterminate the Jewish people, driving them from their Homeland.

That is what the WWll plan with Pope Pius was all about.
Adolf Hitler said " The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years, put them in ghettos, etc, because it recognized the Jews for what they were. [...] I recognize the representatives of this race as pestilent for the state and for the church and perhaps I am thereby doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions.

    • Speech 26 April 1933 in a reception for Catholic Bishop Berning; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 117-118.
Knowing they were criminals and evil The Roman Catholic Church knew Adolf Hitler was just released from Prison for committing violent crimes of terrorism against the German Government. And that Adolf Hitler wrote a whole book that demanded that the Jews be persecuted and ripped out of their homes in Germany and Italy.

The Pope also received 20,000 dollars from Mussolini as a downpayment and thousands of more in donations later before the war. The Pope spent the entire war promoting and praising Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. The Muslim world provided Adolf Hitler with a Muslim army of 20,000 men who joined Hitler in hunting down and eXterminating Jews and their allies.

Today The Democrat Party with Obama and Hilary Clinton with the full support of The Roman Catholic Church are here in the USA. Roman Catholics are not interested in America, The Bible or Jews or Christianity - but rather in social services work - alone. Pay a Catholic to hand You a piece of the welfare bread OR pay a Catholic immigrant that left His family and home to come to America to personally mow Your lawn

Or Pay someone to say a prayer for all of your many dead ancestors, Pay a someone to pass out money from your bank account to help the irresponsible and poor. Or pay someone protection money to protect Your business or property from His relatives in the mob Or pay someone to gather the local charities and donations and fling it around to whoever is not allowed by God to use birth control. Pay someone to promise You that the Bible is incorrect, incomplete and wrong and obsolete. THE LIST never ends. Roman Catholics and Muslims unite all votes for the socialist Liberal Democrat government, EVERY SINGLE TIME. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION, NO OTHER CHOICE... To CATHOLISLAMICS - All other governments are evil, ungodly and ANTI - CATHOLISLAMIC and cruel and unfair and mean and must fall.
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Many Penties, fundies, evangees, and Mormons feel the same as the OP.
For people who believe the historical moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, there is really no choice but to embrace the Republican Party. To ignore the killing of millions of babies in the womb, by supporting the organization that literally PROMOTES it (i.e., the Democratic Party), is simply untenable.

Undoubtedly, there is a large and vocal cadre of "Catholics" (most of U.S. "Religious" - priests and nuns) who embrace the Democrats' Social Welfare State, believing that the SWS is an appropriate response to the Christian mandates to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and so on.

But this is hardly a "slam dunk," logically, theologically, or spiritually. In fact, it is illegitimate. Christ did not command us to use Government as a tool to extract "alms" from the unwilling, at the point of a gun, so that those donations can then be used to fund a giant government monstrosity which will then dribble out a few crumbs to those whom the Government deems worthy of support. WE are commanded to assist the "deserving" poor, widows, orphans, prisoners, and so forth, and not to shift that obligation to Government...which is, in fact, shifting it off to SOMEONE ELSE, so that we don't have to pay for it ourselves.
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.


it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

. View attachment 193209

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.

What the hell are you talking about?
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

. View attachment 193209

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.

What the hell are you talking about?
What the hell are you talking about?

Based on the Right to Privacy.

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created ...

did you get lost, this is the religion, ethics forum go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.
...but ultimately, must choose the party that DOESN'T have in its platform the concept that abortion is a Constitutional right.
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

. View attachment 193209

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.

What the hell are you talking about?
What the hell are you talking about?

Based on the Right to Privacy.

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created ...

did you get lost, this is the religion, ethics forum go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.

So, let me walk though this, and you correct me if I misunderstand your intent.

Bod claims that Abortion is a constitution right.

I make a counter point to that.

Your ridicule most mainstream religions, and the idea that religious people can use their religiously inspired ideas on right and wrong in the political process.

Was that your intended meaning?
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

. View attachment 193209

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.

What the hell are you talking about?
What the hell are you talking about?

Based on the Right to Privacy.

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created ...

did you get lost, this is the religion, ethics forum go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.

So, let me walk though this, and you correct me if I misunderstand your intent.

Bod claims that Abortion is a constitution right.

I make a counter point to that.

Your ridicule most mainstream religions, and the idea that religious people can use their religiously inspired ideas on right and wrong in the political process.

Was that your intended meaning?
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.


I make a counter point to that.

no, you made a point of it being a ruling than a right ...

... and the idea that religious people can use their religiously inspired ideas on right and wrong in the political process.

too bad for you, the 1st Amendment, they did the best they could at that time in history for the mentally disturbed ... as for your "relugion" I've already responded - go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.
Based on the Right to Privacy.

. View attachment 193209

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created that is truly represented by the truth and knowledge of its existence.

What the hell are you talking about?
What the hell are you talking about?

Based on the Right to Privacy.

it is the desert religions that use their forged documents to disguise their own personal and political ambitions rather than the realities of life on planet Earth as created ...

did you get lost, this is the religion, ethics forum go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.

So, let me walk though this, and you correct me if I misunderstand your intent.

Bod claims that Abortion is a constitution right.

I make a counter point to that.

Your ridicule most mainstream religions, and the idea that religious people can use their religiously inspired ideas on right and wrong in the political process.

Was that your intended meaning?
Abortion IS a constitutional right. You don't have to have one if you don't want one.

Based on the Right to Privacy.

What a insanely stupid ruling.


I make a counter point to that.

no, you made a point of it being a ruling than a right ...

... and the idea that religious people can use their religiously inspired ideas on right and wrong in the political process.

too bad for you, the 1st Amendment, they did the best they could at that time in history for the mentally disturbed ... as for your "relugion" I've already responded - go back to your politics, deceits forum where you belong.

1. Correct. It was a ruling, a bad one, that created a "Right" out of thin air, and based on an unsupported premise.

2. What does the 1st Amendment have to do with this?

3. Do you think that religious people have the right to engage in the political process?

What the hell are you talking about?

3. Do you think that religious people have the right to engage in the political process?

yes zealot, politics for you and the the religious something for you to get on your knees and prey about .... for phony's that prey.

So, if you agree that religious people have the right to participate in the political process, than why are you so upset?
Many Roman Catholics try to be moral and live godly and moral lives just like all other religious people in the world.

Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Catholics and Jews all have their different rules and regulations about what is considered godly and good. - Each religion has its own set of ideas of right and wrong.

However, politics cannot be really eXpected to become the role of good or godly - from a religion standpoint.

Would the politicians force the citizens with violence and brute force to behave and obey according to a set of rules that applies to each religion in each their own neighborhood or city or area that they are in ?

Then the politician would be a multiple person god personalities and persons - like the pontiff in Rome or a trinity god of Roman Catholicism that has an Old Testament Father insisting and demanding - focusing on creating a homeland in Israel for the Jews and a different role of a New Testament Father who is focusing an unscriptural - unwritten ORAL TRADITION of Rome having property ownership and control of Jerusalem.

Roman Catholics have a whole ball game going on and their job is to put up a front and propaganda display that codes that hides and covers up their real plans going on back at their BASE . HOME CAPITAL - in Roman and ISLAMIC Politics.

.. This is very common in many religions and political arenas. Protestants have managed to overpower the Roman Catholic Church in WWll, simply because Protestants are not subject to one single politician. Enough Protestant politicians and Protestant peoples were able to fully BREAK AWAY from the Roman Catholic Church in GERMANY and ITALY.
The Pope knew this and this is why He tried to use the criminals and madmen Adolf Hitler and Mussolini to restore the Pope Pius FAMILY GENERATION BANKING and political and financial structure. Hitler and Mussolini had millions and millions of followers who were the base of the Italian and German NAZI party. Mussolini and Hitler were not some lone man operation who hypnotized and forced everyone in Italy and Germany to suddenly adopt a NEW PLAN that had never been done before.

Roman Catholics had been doing this NAZI program against Jews and political opponents for thousands of years, Even before Catholicism was invented in the 3 rd Century. The Canaanite, Persian, Arabian, Europeans - Called the Romans and Italians were doing the bidding of their relatives in the Middle East. The Italians / Romans are all related to the Canaanite, Persian, Arabian peoples of the Middle East and the Italians / Romans / Rome was able to maintain power in the region by siding with their blood relatives and eXterminate the Jewish people, driving them from their Homeland.

That is what the WWll plan with Pope Pius was all about.
Adolf Hitler said " The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years, put them in ghettos, etc, because it recognized the Jews for what they were. [...] I recognize the representatives of this race as pestilent for the state and for the church and perhaps I am thereby doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions.

    • Speech 26 April 1933 in a reception for Catholic Bishop Berning; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 117-118.
Knowing they were criminals and evil The Roman Catholic Church knew Adolf Hitler was just released from Prison for committing violent crimes of terrorism against the German Government. And that Adolf Hitler wrote a whole book that demanded that the Jews be persecuted and ripped out of their homes in Germany and Italy.

The Pope also received 20,000 dollars from Mussolini as a downpayment and thousands of more in donations later before the war. The Pope spent the entire war promoting and praising Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. The Muslim world provided Adolf Hitler with a Muslim army of 20,000 men who joined Hitler in hunting down and eXterminating Jews and their allies.

Today The Democrat Party with Obama and Hilary Clinton with the full support of The Roman Catholic Church are here in the USA. Roman Catholics are not interested in America, The Bible or Jews or Christianity - but rather in social services work - alone. Pay a Catholic to hand You a piece of the welfare bread OR pay a Catholic immigrant that left His family and home to come to America to personally mow Your lawn

Or Pay someone to say a prayer for all of your many dead ancestors, Pay a someone to pass out money from your bank account to help the irresponsible and poor. Or pay someone protection money to protect Your business or property from His relatives in the mob Or pay someone to gather the local charities and donations and fling it around to whoever is not allowed by God to use birth control. Pay someone to promise You that the Bible is incorrect, incomplete and wrong and obsolete. THE LIST never ends. Roman Catholics and Muslims unite all votes for the socialist Liberal Democrat government, EVERY SINGLE TIME. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION, NO OTHER CHOICE... To CATHOLISLAMICS - All other governments are evil, ungodly and ANTI - CATHOLISLAMIC and cruel and unfair and mean and must fall.

If you truly want to live morally and Godly you should be agnostic.

What the hell are you talking about?

3. Do you think that religious people have the right to engage in the political process?

yes zealot, politics for you and the the religious something for you to get on your knees and prey about .... for phony's that prey.

So, if you agree that religious people have the right to participate in the political process, than why are you so upset?
So, if you agree that religious people have the right to participate in the political process, than why are you so upset?

you're a joke zealot -


we have your recorded history as a reminder for what is a forged religion used as a political weapon - against the aspirations of truly religious people - the one you are setting on fire ....

What the hell are you talking about?

3. Do you think that religious people have the right to engage in the political process?

yes zealot, politics for you and the the religious something for you to get on your knees and prey about .... for phony's that prey.

So, if you agree that religious people have the right to participate in the political process, than why are you so upset?
So, if you agree that religious people have the right to participate in the political process, than why are you so upset?

you're a joke zealot -


we have your recorded history as a reminder for what is a forged religion used as a political weapon - against the aspirations of truly religious people - the one you are setting on fire ....

So, are you now admitting that you DO have a problem when religious people are allowed to participate in the political process?

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