Beware of Undertow, not just Rip currents at Beach this Summer.!?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Many who go to the Beach have heard of Rip currents. But I was also told that there is a current called the Undertow. This current will suck you under the water at the beach. So I want to tell everybody to be aware of the Undertow current. Not just the rip current. This current will pull you under the water.!! Watch out for the Undertow!! current!!??!!
Many who go to the Beach have heard of Rip currents. But I was also told that there is a current called the Undertow. This current will suck you under the water at the beach. So I want to tell everybody to be aware of the Undertow current. Not just the rip current. This current will pull you under the water.!! Watch out for the Undertow!! current!!??!!
Rip current and undertow are almost the same thing. The water returning from offshore meeting the wave from onshore. Rip is on the surface. Some call it immersion when they collide.
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Rip current and undertow are almost the same thing. The water returning from offshore meeting the wave from onshore. Rip is on the surface. Some call it immersion when they collide.
Two different currents. Rip current pull you out to Sea. Undertow sucks you under. Do the research.!!?
I have been the victim of both and all alone had to fend for myself. So I know about it maybe if you can post how to get out of both so others may learn :) ;):thup:💡
I have been the victim of both and all alone had to fend for myself. So I know about it maybe if you can post how to get out of both so others may learn :) ;):thup:💡
How to get out of both currents? Stay out of the Sea!? Go to the City Pool. Once the current gets a hold of you it can be very difficult to get out of.!!The undertow is what kills many surfers. !! The Rip
current pulls you out to the Sea.!!??
The first thing that got me out of both is first I didn't panic even when I was drug along the bottom once it took me out which was way past the breakers and a good deal over my head I swam parallel to the shoreline for some distance and then swam back to shore as fast as I could trying not to splash so it wouldn't attract sharks. I was worn out and scrapped up from being dragged but I made it out first by educating myself on what to do and practicing it in my mind until it came natural to me.
The Undertow is what many surfers get caught in. This Undertow, is what drowns many surfers.
Rip current and undertow are two different ocean currents. Many are not aware of the undertow.
The media has been focusing on Rip Currents. The Undertow current is also a killer at the Beach, but is often overlooked and not reported on as much as the Rip current. Both currents can be deadly if you are caught in one. The best thing to do, is not to panic. remain calm and try to swim out of them.!!??
By swimming parallel to the shore, some under tows are may yards wide so it may take some time, but swim steady and once out of the current make your way back keep calm so as not to wear yourself out.
Never let fear keep you from enjoying the outdoors.

Fear, there is also common sense.! I don't go camping in the Woods, because I don't want a big hungry Bear waking me up asking for breakfast!!. And I don't swim in the Ocean.!!? I go to the City Pool.!! to many Sharks and Jellyfish.!!??
By swimming parallel to the shore, some under tows are may yards wide so it may take some time, but swim steady and once out of the current make your way back keep calm so as not to wear yourself out.
Like I stated earlier, Rip current , and Undertow are two different ocean currents.! Don't get the two confused with each other!!?. Your thoughts.?They are not the same currents.!!?!!
Many who go to the Beach have heard of Rip currents. But I was also told that there is a current called the Undertow. This current will suck you under the water at the beach. So I want to tell everybody to be aware of the Undertow current. Not just the rip current. This current will pull you under the water.!! Watch out for the Undertow!! current!!??!!

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