Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

Curried Goats is not racist. But you can't handle a black person who doesn't say things that allow tou to feel comfortable. Hopefully as you grow older, you grow out of this.
Guess he (she) is uncomfortable when a black person doesn't just head-nod just because his (her?) audience is black.
I didn't say you said it was. I asked you a question you Simp. Now that you admit we didn't have equality and that that was simply make believe, propaganda for masses, then what's wrong with equity?

'Punish' the people today, for what their ancestors did? No thanks.
'Reward' the people today, for what their ancestors may have had to deal with? No thanks.

'Equality' is the right direction to head for. 'Equity' is giving an unequal larger portion today, to people who were not discriminated against, and thus did not earn the rewards.
'Equality' is the right direction to head for. 'Equity' is giving an unequal larger portion today, to people who were not discriminated against, and thus did not earn the rewards.
They're just playing fast & loose with words. Just like when they vilify whites by saying WHITNESS instead of WHITE.
Why should I describe these things? Because I know Columbus didn't discover America. He never made it to America. If I was to say that blacks landed in what Is called Los Angeles now years before Jonestown, the racists here will try telling me it is fake news. They are the ones you need to ask to explain things.
Wrong moron he discovered America and landed on it
A have probably lived 3 times the number of years you have at this point. I have graduated from college. I have a graduate degree. I have worked in the real world outside of the classroom. I have been invited to speak to college students like you . So understand that people do exist that know more than you do right now. I have been your age, you have not been mine.
It absolutely is. Equal rights means that everyone is equal under the law. Nobody gets preferential treatment from the government. Equity demands such preferential treatment. The two goals directly contradict each other.
That is why all men/woman are created equal is ignored or just lip-service to some.

thus justice must be used to make it make it equity or try to make it equity. Then the

complaining starts that it is not fair.

It was never fair to begin with or they would not need justice.

It was not fair in the past, but it is fair today, thus why we do not need your 'justice'. 'Equity' is nothing more than a punishment directed at people who did not participate in an unjust society.
Again, whites really need to stop talking about this, because the rules were made to exclude non whites for all but 60 years of this country. And even with the CRA, whites have worked to circumvent those policies. Things have been artificialy engineered to provide whites with the best OUTCOMES and most OPPORTUNITIES
That is all revisionist bullshit

Whites are in your face and taling about it
A have probably lived 3 times the number of years you have at this point. I have graduated from college. I have a graduate degree. I have worked in the real world outside of the classroom. I have been invited to speak to college students like you . So understand that people do exist that know more than you do right now. I have been your age, you have not been mine.
Seems like you really haven't learned much.
Guess he (she) is uncomfortable when a black person doesn't just head-nod just because his (her?) audience is black.
Hey, I let you run your mouth. It isn't my fault that mouth ran out of steam. By the way American English is my second language, my first is Jamaican patois which is also another dialect of English, just like you speak. There is no objectively right version of English. Where would that even come from? Language is invented by people and changes with time, geography and culture. Maybe when you get through a bit more of college you'll get to that lesson. :lol:
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'Equity' is hideous, and should not be tolerated in a free capitalistic society!!

We all should be on board for 'equality'. We know, that has not been the case in the past, but the goal starting today, is that everyone should have an equal opportunity.

'Equity' on the other hand, is a whole different animal, and is very un-American!

Not surprisingly, a Marxist will always be for 'equity', where you take and give depending on their needs. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Sound familliar? This is the world that Kamalla Harris wants for America.

"The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment. A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others."

Kamala Harris Says Equal Outcomes Should Be the Goal of Public Policy​

"There’s a big difference between equality and equity."​

Kamala is not working toward a classless society. She is working toward equal opportunity. Once the opportunity is closer to equal, it is up to each individual to take advantage of opportunity.
Marxism is just a theory and does not work in the real world in it's purest form nor do theories like capitalism, socialism, etc.

Educate yourself

The goal of Marxism is to analyze and critique capitalist society and ultimately achieve a classless society. An example of this goal in action is the workers' revolution in the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Kamala is not working toward a classless society. She is working toward equal opportunity. Once the opportunity is closer to equal, it is up to each individual to take advantage of opportunity.
Agreed. She doesn't want a classless society. She wants government to decide who gets to be in what class.
They're just playing fast & loose with words. Just like when they vilify whites by saying WHITNESS instead of WHITE.
No, you are playing fast and loose with words and you do so with no knowledge. You are a white female, go look and see when the ERA was passed then understand that you are not truly protected today by the constitution. And you support a party that wants to take more rights from you. Whites are not being vilified. Whites who practice racism are being vilified. And when right wing white men speak of whites, they ain't talking about you. Ask your boy J.D. Vance.

So go watch a movie called "The Stepford WIves" and understand that is the future you are voting for.

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