The annexation of the GDR is illegal

Most likely these children are no longer alive. Either they died from intercourse, or they were killed to cover their tracks. There was a similar story in the US before the pro-European Clinton came. In addition to killing children, they became famous for fighting heroin chic, which prevented German burghers from drinking alcohol.

Now all hope is on the progressive forces of the United States. If they support the Polish spring, the criminals will find their grave.
let's get back to the topic. Has anyone heard of a referendum on joining the GDR? was it?
Yes, the German "Vikings"-minions are henpecked, this is also well known, lol
let's get back to the topic. Has anyone heard of a referendum on joining the GDR? was it?

You are not Roman, no Celtic, not Germanic and not Normanic. You are a Russian Slaw. And all other Slaws - and also many other European peoples and cultures - hate Russia on very good reasons to do so. So what is your absurde problem which needs a wrong fantasy-history?
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about tzjher history of ..., Germans
Yes, sure.
The word "Germans" comes from the Romans. That is what they called the swamp savages of the lower Rhine. This territory was subject to Rome, but did not have any autonomy. "Magna germanium" is a fiction. There was no such province in Rome.

But in general, the German tribes of the Goths and Franks, these are those who came from the swamps of northern Europe and the Baltic lands after the plague, and broke the high order of knights and barons, as a result they built a totalitarian empire of the 1st Reich - a country of blood, darkness and inquisition.

This is the history of Germany.

What's not transparent is the histroy of the Slaws.
Yes, sure
because there are no Slavs. The Slavs are the peoples who speak the Old Bulgarian languages, all these peoples have different origins. And the native speakers of this language are only Western Slavs
Yes, sure.
The word "Germans" comes from the Romans.

I know. I am a German.

That is what they called the swamp savages of the lower Rhine.

The Romans said a lot of things in their 2700 years long history - perhaps also this. By the way: The Romans are also ancestors from us Germans.

This territory was subject to Rome, but did not have any autonomy. "Magna germanium" is a fiction. There was no such province in Rome.

Who ever said such a bullshit except you yourselve?

But in general, the German tribes of the Goths and Franks, these are those who came from the swamps of northern Europe and the Baltic lands after the plague, and broke the high order of knights and barons, as a result they built a totalitarian empire of the 1st Reich - a country of blood, darkness and inquisition.

This is the history of Germany.

In some years the history of Germany will perhaps be the history of a country which wiped out all Russians because we got the feeling this wil be the only way how to save the world also because Russians speak continously only bullshit which has nothing to with nothing while they attack foreign countries.

Yes, sure
because there are no Slavs.

Historically the world "slave" and Slavs are indeed the same words. Reason: Vikings hunted and sold Slavs in Constantinople.

The Slavs are the peoples who speak the Old Bulgarian languages, all these peoples have different origins. And the native speakers of this language are only Western Slavs

I do not have any idea what's wrong with your brain and why you need a fantasy world there. Good guy: Everyone who you love - totally independent from any form of history - will die when Russia will continue to go the wrong way Russia decided to go. The way is the aim. And your way is death so you will reach death. I am a German. When I say to you we will wipe out Russia in a worst case scenario then I suggest to you to believe this, dreamer. You will not survive! Leave the Ukraine !!! I do not see any other way for your survival and for the survival of every other Russian who you love. Your wars have to end. Stay in Russia! Russia is the biggest country of the world and has only 150 million inhabitants. You don't need to attack other countries!
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Historically the world "slave" and Slavs are indeeddthe same words.
Yes, but the Slavic language does not come from these slaves. Slovaks are Balto-Germans, they were taught this language by the Bulgars and Poles when they controlled them
a fantasy world
These are accepted scientific facts. It's just that German slaves are zombified in schools to create a fascist corporation state, so the real facts are never told to you.

When I say to you we will wipe out
The Germans have become amoebas. Now they can only kill the children of Ukrainian migrants. There are no men in Germany and there is not even an army. You have become the center of world shame.
Germany is a country of brothels and pedophiles, with fat beer bellies
And besides, you are 100% dependent on oil and gas from Siberia. If Putin leaves, everything can be closed to you.

And the Siberian people are not happy that German pedophiles pump their gas, and Siberian old women freeze.
as long as there is Moscow and the KGB, there is gas for Germany.
What if the regime leaves tomorrow?
If I ever come to power in the Russian Federation, the first thing I will do is to dismantle all oil and gas pipelines outside Eastern Europe. I won't just close the valves. I will dismant everything to zero.
A law will be issued: if someone sells at least a barrel of fuel to Germany, his entire family will be exterminated up to the 10th generation.
These savages lived in the territory of Rome
Yes, but the Slavic language does not come from these slaves. Slovaks are Balto-Germans, they were taught this language by the Bulgars and Poles when they controlled them

These are accepted scientific facts. It's just that German slaves are zombified in schools to create a fascist corporation state, so the real facts are never told to you.

The Germans have become amoebas. Now they can only kill the children of Ukrainian migrants. There are no men in Germany and there is not even an army. You have become the center of world shame.
Germany is a country of brothels and pedophiles, with fat beer bellies

Idiot. "Nothing compares to you" from Sinnead O'Connor gets a totally new perspective when someone has to speak with an idiot like you because no one else likes to do this lousy job. If you think a German amoeba with a not existing army of pedophile fat beer bellies will not be able to end the experiment "Russia" ... then you will get perhaps a little problem which is bigger than Russia.

you think a German amoeba with an not existing army of pedophile fat beer bellies
There is a separate community of the army of pedophiles in German on the darknet. These stupid pigs can't speak English even with a dictionary.

On YouTube, respectable citizens of Germany talk about how Ukrainian children are taken to perverts, and the police do nothing

This is facts
If you think a German amoeba with a not existing army of pedophile fat beer bellies will not be able to end the experiment "Russia" ... then you will get perhaps a little problem which is bigger than Russia.
I am not against the termination of the experiment "Russia" and I will insist that the Prussians who carried out this experiment answer for all crimes.

My country is called the Golden Horde, and it should be a Federation of sovereign lands and peoples.

But the termination of this experiment is not in the interests of the totalitarian authorities of Germany,
As usual, the Germans steal foreign culture.

There are no horses in the German marshes and never were. Austria is not Germany. Bavaria is not Germany.

This song is not German.

You confirm all my theses
By the way, I suddenly understood what the point of raising the leg high when marching was. This is an adaptation to the swampy terrain. The Prussians marched through the mud. lol


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