Bible Questions


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?
While I do not doubt that plenty here are going to come at you with answers?

Nobody knows nuttin, kid.

I hope you're reading the King James version.

At least that's beautifully written.
I was raised in a repressive pentecostal household.
Was forced to attend church/sunday school/bible study till 16.
Was taught that dancing and attending movies would send you to hell. etc
Thhis was the same denomination as Sarah Palins.
Read the bible a few times thru.

I do not believe in any supreme being or after life.

with that said the few real Christians that exist are fine people even if they are wrong.
Jesus Christ was a humanitarian and those who do their best to follow in his actual fotsteps thru life are good people.
Those who use religion for their own purposes are scum.
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I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

1. God and his son and his spirit beings.
2. Was not how he looked alone but his qualities. Angels are spirit beings and they have been described in the bible. The have numerous forms and can change forms.
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While I do not doubt that plenty here are going to come at you with answers?

Nobody knows nuttin, kid.

I hope you're reading the King James version.

At least that's beautifully written.

]I hope you are reading and comparing many translations. KJV is the least accurate translation because it include many of King James belief. Like hell. Which is not a Hebrew or Greek word. I have KJV that points out all the errors and not a accurate translation. Get a Diaglott of the old testament. Reading the bile is not enough, research must be done.
The Hebrew words used to point to there being a hell has been mistranslated. Sheol and Hades mean the grave and not a hell. You have to know when to take god's word literally and to know when he is being symbolic. The biggest lie in the bible is that people die and go to heaven or hell.
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I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

1) The Father is talking to the Son and others of us who participated in the creation under His direction.
2) God is Spiritual and has a body of Flesh and bone. They are not mutually exclusive. We are spirits clothed in flesh. Our spirits look like our physical bodies, they are just more refined.

You don't have to take my word for it though. Ask the Lord and He will help you understand the scriptures. Pray as you study that He will enlighten you.
While I do not doubt that plenty here are going to come at you with answers?

Nobody knows nuttin, kid.

I hope you're reading the King James version.

At least that's beautifully written.

God knows. And anyone He chooses to reveal the answers to do. That's why we should all be diligent in study and prayer so He can teach us the truth line upon line and precept upon precept.
While I do not doubt that plenty here are going to come at you with answers?

Nobody knows nuttin, kid.

I hope you're reading the King James version.

At least that's beautifully written.

God knows. And anyone He chooses to reveal the answers to do. That's why we should all be diligent in study and prayer so He can teach us the truth line upon line and precept upon precept.

So we've heard, Avatar.

Like Thomas I have my doubts that anyone on earth actually knows anything.
Which version of the Bible did she give you?

If it's the King James - realize that it was re-written and translated from Latin to make it musical and poetic.

If you want something closer to the Hebrew/Greek/Latin, try the Vulgate.
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

Answer to question no. 1. US and OUR is God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son who became flesh and dwelt among us. John Chapter 1. Read in the beginning....... it is speaking of the beginning of creation. When God SPOKE Let there be light...... yes, Spoke the WORD - the Word is JESUS. John 1 says all things were created THROUGH the Word and nothing was created without HIM. Who is Him? Jesus. He is the Word. The Spirit of God hovered over the face of the deep in Genesis 1. Who is the Spirit of God? The Spirit of God, that's who. God is a trichotomy - Father - Son - Holy Spirit. You were created in Gods image therefore you are a trichotomy - body - soul - spirit - 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 not 3. God is one in 3 parts just as He created you to be. The trinity isn't a mystery at all. It is all very simple.

Answer to question no. 2. God came to earth in the flesh through Jesus Christ - He sent His Spirit to come upon Mary the mother of Jesus - she was a virgin - she then gave birth to Christ and his bloodtype is the blood type of the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of God, therein he is the Only Begotten Son of God. ( John 3:16) Get it? Feel free to ask any other questions you'd like to ask. If I don't know the answer I'll try to find it for you. - Jeremiah
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

1) The Father is talking to the Son and others of us who participated in the creation under His direction.

With all due respect, that is impossible as she is quoting a scripture that came before the actual act of creating Adam for the dust and Eve from his rib. It is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit discussing the creation of man in THEIR IMAGE. Clearly.

2) God is Spiritual and has a body of Flesh and bone. They are not mutually exclusive. We are spirits clothed in flesh. Our spirits look like our physical bodies, they are just more refined.

The body of Christ is represented by his believers upon the earth today. He is seated at the right hand of the Father where he makes intercession for us according to scripture. The Holy Spirit was sent to us according to Mark 16 when Jesus ascended to heaven he said he would send the Comforter and He did. The Spirit of God dwells in the believers who are here on the earth today. It is not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord. Remember that one? That is why it says in romans those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God. Today the earth is in travail waiting for these Sons of God to be revealed. Why? Because we will do mighty exploits in His Name. There it is. - Jeremiah
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So we've heard, Avatar.

Like Thomas I have my doubts that anyone on earth actually knows anything.

Well then, you area good company, Because Thomas eventually recieved His witness of the resurrection. He eventually touched the scars on Christ's hands, wrists, side, and feet. And He became a great force for good in the world. Perhaps you will be just as blessed. You never know what God has in store for you.
As a person raised without religion at all, I didn't question religion until I was in my late 30s. I was curious so I got a Bible and read it. If you keep an open mind and don't constantly use atheist propaganda to support a preconceived idea of what the Bible says or means, it will speak to you itself. I feel myself extremely fortunate to not have had any influence at all in my reading of the Bible. Later on I had questions and looked for answers but only from those who studied the Bible and had answers.

The Bible is unnerving. Sometimes because it turned out to be so uncannily accurate it is downright scary.
1) The Father is talking to the Son and others of us who participated in the creation under His direction.

With all due respect, that is impossible as she is quoting a scripture that came before the actual act of creating Adam for the dust and Eve from his rib. It is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit discussing the creation of man in THEIR IMAGE. Clearly.

It's not when you understand we existed before the world was. There was more than the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. How do we know that? Because when God said that They created us in "our" image, He included both Male and Females. So some unmentioned females were involved in the process. Otherwise, God's statement makes no sense.

The premortal existence is a doctrine that was lost through the dark ages, though we find it in the scriptures. Jeremiah was told that God knew him before he was born. Job was told that the sons of God jump for joy during the creation of the world. We know that the disciples of Christ were aware that they existed before birth when they asked the telling question: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” How does that question even make sense without acknowledging the disciples had an understanding a pre mortal existence? How else could a man sin before he was born in order to be born blind? Notice, Christ doesn't saying he didn't exist before he was born. Rather that the man's blindness was not a matter of sin, but an opportunity for the power of God to be displayed.

2) God is Spiritual and has a body of Flesh and bone. They are not mutually exclusive. We are spirits clothed in flesh. Our spirits look like our physical bodies, they are just more refined.

The body of Christ is represented by his believers upon the earth today. He is seated at the right hand of the Father where he makes intercession for us according to scripture. The Holy Spirit was sent to us according to Mark 16 when Jesus ascended to heaven he said he would send the Comforter and He did. The Spirit of God dwells in the believers who are here on the earth today. It is not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord. Remember that one? That is why it says in romans those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God. Today the earth is in travail waiting for these Sons of God to be revealed. Why? Because we will do mighty exploits in His Name. There it is. - Jeremiah

I dont think anything you've just said here changes anything I have said.
A couple of doesn't matter what translation you use. God's word is inviolate, and the holy spirit imbues it no matter what translation.

Don't obsess over language issues unless you are a linguist or have the wherewithal to study the history of what you're reading. The holy trinity is three in one. the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit...but God is also king of the universe, so could justifiably use third person when speaking.

Ask God for guidance, and enjoy yourself. The bible is fascinating stuff and you can't read it without being enriched and growing as a person. Please don't enter into the endeavor with a critical spirit, expecting to find contradiction and confusion. It's a very complicated, deep subject, and the bible is not a simple elementary school primer. It's the fact that it IS so complicated and convoluted (and the more you delve the more you realize that there is no way that no man-made concept could work together as it does) that makes it so fascinating, and worthy of deep, lifelong study.

This isn't a book you could ever apply the adage "familiarity breeds contempt" to. The people who know the most about the bible, who have studied it most intimately, are the ones who are the most convinced it is holy.
Also pick up a concordance to help you with some of the phrases and words. When something puzzles you, you can look it up.
It's threads like these that best illustrate the worst side of Americans and their efforts to find themselves in the reality of the 21 st century .
If Christians s had a dollop of true conviction in them -- based on their actions rather than their bland messages ---- they might be very dangerous people .
But fortunately they are a declining minority .
Chat , chat , blah , blah whilst slipping down hill .
This is what we call "satan in the congregation".

One always shows up. More will follow. Their job is to prevent you from learning about God, and to prevent perusal of the Word.
I was raised in a repressive pentecostal household.
Was forced to attend church/sunday school/bible study till 16.
Was taught that dancing and attending movies would send you to hell. etc
Thhis was the same denomination as Sarah Palins.
Read the bible a few times thru.

I do not believe in any supreme being or after life.

with that said the few real Christians that exist are fine people even if they are wrong.
Jesus Christ was a humanitarian and those who do their best to follow in his actual fotsteps thru life are good people.
Those who use religion for their own purposes are scum.

No wonder you feel like you do.....going to church shouldn't bring out these kinds of feelings. I think it all depends on where you go, what that church believes. Man made rules, such as no movies, dancing, etc should not be part of it. God never condemned these things. I know churches that used to believe that, now they don't. Why should they change? God never how come a church can? This is the reason I don't belong to an "organized" religion. I'm Christian, and I don't need to go to a building to worship and be told by others that i'm a sinner because I like to drink a few beers, or I like to go dancing, or "whatever"'s between me and God. And I've never read in the Bible that these things make me a sinner.
The Bible doesn't contradict itself. It is merely told from the perspective of many people who occupied different places at the same time. The Bible is very much like the statement of witnesses at a crime scene. They were all in the same room at the same time watching the same event, but they have very much different answers depending on where they were in the room.

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