Bible Questions

I didn't go to church regularly for some years when the kids were little because I only had a couple of options where I lived; and I just couldn't connect with either one. One was the right denomination (Baptist) but I just didn't agree with the things the pastor and the deacons said during the services and I didn't feel the congregation was loving. The other one...Methodist, I actually loved the pastor (female) and the church itself...and actually, if I hadn't left when when I did, I was going to join that church. Even though I do have problems with the politics of the Methodist church, I thought that church was on the right path, and full of godly people.

It's foolish to let an unpleasant childhood experience stunt your spiritual growth forever. my was written BY man FOR man. ... since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

and let them have in subjection ...

well, this is as far as I have gotten in reading the Bible, your first quote ... and have concluded the book itself is the textural Tree of Forbidden Fruits responsible for the expulsion from the Everlasting - to be leery of, that must be discerned before it can be understood.

"and let them have in subjection" ... is a Forbidden Fruit that Adam and Eve believed themselves and a primary reason of their downfall - and a major downfall of Christianity.

my advice is to discern the Bible as it is read, is the only way to reach a true understanding for the religion of God.
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

I'm sure this has been answered but I'm going to offer my answer anyway.

The "us", "our" refers to the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I was raised in a repressive pentecostal household.
Was forced to attend church/sunday school/bible study till 16.
Was taught that dancing and attending movies would send you to hell. etc
Thhis was the same denomination as Sarah Palins.
Read the bible a few times thru.

I do not believe in any supreme being or after life.

with that said the few real Christians that exist are fine people even if they are wrong.
Jesus Christ was a humanitarian and those who do their best to follow in his actual fotsteps thru life are good people.
Those who use religion for their own purposes are scum.

Why respond to this thread if you're not going to answer the question?

Oh that's have to do your trolling.
Which version of the Bible did she give you?

If it's the King James - realize that it was re-written and translated from Latin to make it musical and poetic.

If you want something closer to the Hebrew/Greek/Latin, try the Vulgate.

I told her I wanted something simple...since I have never read the bible before but am familiar with certain phrases etc. No thees thys and thous. So she brought me The Voice Bible, Step Into The Story Of Scripture. Its for someone like me...learning something new.
You all have been very helpful (except one person, who doesn't really count). I thank you very much for the patience and your opinions. :)
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?
Us is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Why can't a spirit look like a man? If God made man in his image, then I believe God must look like us, human form.
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

I suggest that, instead of asking us, and going by feelings, that you learn to study the Bible on your own. This is a good study tool.

To answer your question, neither us nor our appear in the original Hebrew, they were added to make the sentence sound better in English.
I get overwhelmed, QW. So I go little by little. I don't really want to "study" it, per se. I just want to read it and try to make some sense of it in my head but not enough to get into deep studying. I was just wondering what US and OUR meant since I am still moseying along with it.

I have had the BibleGateway link for years but there are so many bibles to choose to read from, I thought it sounded more a chore than what I was/am aiming for. Hubby said check out Jehovah Witness has Hebrew AND Greek both. So I have that one bookmarked too.
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

Hi Gracie girl. How art thou, my sister?
1. The rest of the Trinity, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who were there from the beginning. When we hear "image" we think of what we see in the mirror, or a snapshot.
But it refers to personality more than picture. We are made in God's emotional image.
We men and women are able to experience the same feelings that God experiences:
We are chips off the old block.

2. God walked in Eden. He sat, ate, laughed with Abraham. God is able to manifest Himself into any image He desires. He can be surrounded by fire or hidden inside of cloud of smoke. He has no limits.
Christ was called Emanuel, which means, 'God with us' in the flesh. Because He is a truly hands on Father, and is personally involved with us.

I know how you feel about the Bible being written by man but it was not. It was scribed by man that's all. While it would be impossible for you and I to write a coherent novel
without interacting with each other, the authors of the books of the Bible did just that by way of the Holy Spirit, without referring to each other to make sure their words mesh.
To avoid being mislead, always rely on the original Hebrew and Greek to make sure what you are reading hasn't been corrupted.
Bibles are now being politically correctly rewritten to exclude Jesus as being the Son of God.
If you come across one of them burn it. It is blasphemy by omission.

Hugs and kisses to you sweetie. :eusa_angel:
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I get overwhelmed, QW. So I go little by little. I don't really want to "study" it, per se. I just want to read it and try to make some sense of it in my head but not enough to get into deep studying. I was just wondering what US and OUR meant since I am still moseying along with it.

I have had the BibleGateway link for years but there are so many bibles to choose to read from, I thought it sounded more a chore than what I was/am aiming for. Hubby said check out Jehovah Witness has Hebrew AND Greek both. So I have that one bookmarked too.

That is the advantage of the site I linked to. You can look up a specific verse, click on the Concordance button, and get a word by word breakdown of the verse that helps you compare the English translation to the original languages.

Genesis 1 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

The neatest thing about it is that, in Hebrew, it actually implies that God has both masculine and feminine aspects.
The Bible doesn't contradict itself. It is merely told from the perspective of many people who occupied different places at the same time. The Bible is very much like the statement of witnesses at a crime scene. They were all in the same room at the same time watching the same event, but they have very much different answers depending on where they were in the room.

So which account do y ou believe when they are mutually exclusive?
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

Which creation story do you like? There are two.
The Bible doesn't contradict itself. It is merely told from the perspective of many people who occupied different places at the same time. The Bible is very much like the statement of witnesses at a crime scene. They were all in the same room at the same time watching the same event, but they have very much different answers depending on where they were in the room.
Powerful statement true, so very true.

Amen my brother, Amen!!
I don't have patience for pos trolls who seek out threads about spiritual topics just to shit on them.

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