Bible Questions

Another question!!!

21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Does this mean Eden was in heaven? If it was so dangerous for Adam and Eve to have knowlege of good and evil, they were then no longer "pure" of spirit as God originally intended? Did I make sense??

Side question: God did not name Adam and Eve. It doesn't say he named them, so I guess Adam chose that name for himself, then chose Eve's name as well?

Eden was on Earth, probably in present day Iraq.

Yes, Adam did name Eve, you just have not got that far yet.

I don't believe so although it is referred to as the cradle of civilization. I believe Eden is in Ethiopia. I also believe the first man and woman were black. I am white - I'm going by what I have studied and it leads me to believe that Iraq is not where Eden was located. Think about the tropical environment of Ethiopia, the diversity of animal life, birds of the air, etc, Ethiopia is rich diversity with every animal, creature one can imagine and Adam named them all. It has to be Ethiopia. imo. - Jeremiah note* The name Adam means 1st born son. Adam was the 1st born so his name is self evident. His partner, Eve, is the mother of future generations so her name is also self - evident. If you go to the book of Jeremiah you'll note in the first chapter God said he had named Jeremiah in his mothers womb. Now go look up what the name Jeremiah means. God identifies us by the name or the meaning of the name. Check out Habbukuk - one who clings to God - it is the theme throughout the Bible - names... very important. - Jeremiah
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Another question!!!

21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Does this mean Eden was in heaven? If it was so dangerous for Adam and Eve to have knowlege of good and evil, they were then no longer "pure" of spirit as God originally intended? Did I make sense??

Side question: God did not name Adam and Eve. It doesn't say he named them, so I guess Adam chose that name for himself, then chose Eve's name as well?

Eden was on Earth, probably in present day Iraq.

Yes, Adam did name Eve, you just have not got that far yet.

I don't believe so although it is referred to as the cradle of civilization. I believe Eden is in Ethiopia. I also believe the first man and woman were black. I am white - I'm going by what I have studied and it leads me to believe that Iraq is not where Eden was located. Think about the tropical environment of Ethiopia, the diversity of animal life, birds of the air, etc, Ethiopia is rich diversity with every animal, creature one can imagine and Adam named them all. It has to be Ethiopia. imo. - Jeremiah note* The name Adam means 1st born son. Adam was the 1st born so his name is self evident. His partner, Eve, is the mother of future generations so her name is also self - evident. If you go to the book of Jeremiah you'll note in the first chapter God said he had named Jeremiah in his mothers womb. Now go look up what the name Jeremiah means. God identifies us by the name or the meaning of the name. Check out Habbukuk - one who clings to God - it is the theme throughout the Bible - names... very important. - Jeremiah

Outside recieving revelation, it would be impossible to know where the Garden of Eden was. While it's clear that Noah landed in the middle east, it's not at all obvious where he began.
Another question!!!

21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Does this mean Eden was in heaven? If it was so dangerous for Adam and Eve to have knowlege of good and evil, they were then no longer "pure" of spirit as God originally intended? Did I make sense??

Side question: God did not name Adam and Eve. It doesn't say he named them, so I guess Adam chose that name for himself, then chose Eve's name as well?

Eden was on Earth, probably in present day Iraq.

Yes, Adam did name Eve, you just have not got that far yet.

I don't believe so although it is referred to as the cradle of civilization. I believe Eden is in Ethiopia. I also believe the first man and woman were black. I am white - I'm going by what I have studied and it leads me to believe that Iraq is not where Eden was located. Think about the tropical environment of Ethiopia, the diversity of animal life, birds of the air, etc, Ethiopia is rich diversity with every animal, creature one can imagine and Adam named them all. It has to be Ethiopia. imo. - Jeremiah note* The name Adam means 1st born son. Adam was the 1st born so his name is self evident. His partner, Eve, is the mother of future generations so her name is also self - evident. If you go to the book of Jeremiah you'll note in the first chapter God said he had named Jeremiah in his mothers womb. Now go look up what the name Jeremiah means. God identifies us by the name or the meaning of the name. Check out Habbukuk - one who clings to God - it is the theme throughout the Bible - names... very important. - Jeremiah

Believe whatever you want, I am not here to argue about it.
I find everyone's opinions fascinating and worth pondering. How else does one come to conclusions they accept for themselves?

Personally, I have always considered myself semi pagan, semi christian. I, too, lean toward Native American beliefs...and I also lean toward Jewish beliefs in some well as other faiths and religions, etc. I am no one label. I follow where my heart and inner desire leads. I believe very much in the Lord God and His son Jesus. Not sure about the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or the deeper stuff that goes along with it. I thought and think it is time to know GOD more. And what He so needed to say to us when he sent Jesus.

I am no scholar. But I want to learn more. Hence...this thread.
I find everyone's opinions fascinating and worth pondering. How else does one come to conclusions they accept for themselves?

Personally, I have always considered myself semi pagan, semi christian. I, too, lean toward Native American beliefs...and I also lean toward Jewish beliefs in some well as other faiths and religions, etc. I am no one label. I follow where my heart and inner desire leads. I believe very much in the Lord God and His son Jesus. Not sure about the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or the deeper stuff that goes along with it. I thought and think it is time to know GOD more. And what He so needed to say to us when he sent Jesus.

I am no scholar. But I want to learn more. Hence...this thread.

Which is why I am not here to argue.
So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.
I find everyone's opinions fascinating and worth pondering. How else does one come to conclusions they accept for themselves?

Personally, I have always considered myself semi pagan, semi christian. I, too, lean toward Native American beliefs...and I also lean toward Jewish beliefs in some well as other faiths and religions, etc. I am no one label. I follow where my heart and inner desire leads. I believe very much in the Lord God and His son Jesus. Not sure about the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or the deeper stuff that goes along with it. I thought and think it is time to know GOD more. And what He so needed to say to us when he sent Jesus.

I am no scholar. But I want to learn more. Hence...this thread.

Okay, with my standard disclaimer that I do not claim to be an expert nor do I consider my interpretations of Scripture to be authoritative, here is my take on the first chapter of Genesis and what I teach my students. (I also give my students full license to believe whatever they wish to believe about the meaning of the text.)

The plural pronouns all come from the Hebrew word translated "elohim"--the ancient Hebrew actually had no vowels so those are added so us modern readers can pronounce the word. Elohim is used in the ancient text I believe 38 times--working from memory here--and at one time refers to the one true God in which it is translated singular and at other times is used as a verb in which case it is plural but not plural Gods, but rather a multiplicity of powers. The translation of the ancient Hebrew into English doesn't reflect this well and in fact comes out rather awkwardly and in the form you read which has been allowed to stand over common use for millenia now.

The ancient Church fathers, most if not all of whom were trained in ancient Latin and Greek, but not necessarily the ancient Hebrew, naturally interpreted the plural pronouns to fit their doctrine of the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But more modern scholars, believing the ancient Hebrews or the later Old Testament Jews, having no knowledge of the Trinity, were unlikely to include it in their texts, and they were instead writing the verb form of Elohim that was subsequently imperfectly translated into more modern translations, then and now.

We can go with those ancient texts using the word Elohim, or we can go with the whole of the Bible that invariably interprets the God of the Bible as one perfect, all powerful being.

And there you have it. Probably as clear as mud. :) I see it as one of those curiosities of the Bible--one of those things I have on my list to ask when I meet folks face to face who will be able to explain it but that doesn't affect our understanding of the whole. That list is the only thing I've requested to take with me when I leave this earthly life. :)
Before I unsubscribe from this thread which, as usual, has become a nit picking hate fest, I'd like to say this -

The modern bible is an incomplete compilation of selected documents poorly translated for the purpose of certain men to spread their beliefs. It basically outlines the history of a very small portion of the Earth's population.

That is not to say that it doesn't have some validity. And, for those who believe, it provides comfort.

For my part, I find myself drawn closer to American Indian beliefs. I find their "gods" to be humorous and the stories full of wisdom.

You should read the Old Testament in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek. We have copies of the Old Testament that go back to the time of Christ. Simply read the Old Testament -- the one Jesus Christ read.
I find everyone's opinions fascinating and worth pondering. How else does one come to conclusions they accept for themselves?

Personally, I have always considered myself semi pagan, semi christian. I, too, lean toward Native American beliefs...and I also lean toward Jewish beliefs in some well as other faiths and religions, etc. I am no one label. I follow where my heart and inner desire leads. I believe very much in the Lord God and His son Jesus. Not sure about the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or the deeper stuff that goes along with it. I thought and think it is time to know GOD more. And what He so needed to say to us when he sent Jesus.

I am no scholar. But I want to learn more. Hence...this thread.

I would suggest praying to God to open your eyes to His truth as you read His Word. I believe that is always best, since He authored/edited the Book.
So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

The Flood certainly brought about rapid climate change, if not a major revamping of the surface of the earth.
Another question!!!

21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Does this mean Eden was in heaven? If it was so dangerous for Adam and Eve to have knowlege of good and evil, they were then no longer "pure" of spirit as God originally intended? Did I make sense??

Side question: God did not name Adam and Eve. It doesn't say he named them, so I guess Adam chose that name for himself, then chose Eve's name as well?

Repeating disclaimer in earlier post :)

Adam, in my understanding of the ancient hebrew, is translated "man" or "mankind." Eve is translated life or source of life. In Genesis 3 (? - working from memory here) Adam called his wife "Hawwah" or 'mother of all living'. In the ancient belief, well into the First Century A.D., the one who named something had dominion over all he named. Thus God of course named Adam, and in the ancient Hebrew culture, either God or Adam named Eve. And Adam also gave names to all the animals which, in the ancinet Hebrew culture, signified that he was given dominion over the animals.

But mostly at least the early Genesis stories can easily be taken as allegory to explain why things are the way they are. How sin came into the world and God's perfect creation was spoiled. Why humans must work for their food; why women have pain in childbirth when animals do not, how sin spread first into the family, then into the community, and finally into all the world. Why there are so many different languages, etc. The ancient Jews have a long, long tradition of telling truths and explaining things via parables and allegorical myths.
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So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

The Flood certainly brought about rapid climate change, if not a major revamping of the surface of the earth.

Omg, is she really saying there has been no change in landscape or climate since biblical times?

So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

Gracie started this topic because she has serious questions about something she feels is important.

Why do you feel the need to troll every religious thread you can find and shit on it?

You offer no insight to the questions she poses.

Go away.

I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

G-D is talking to the angels.

In verse 27 G-D makes it clear that he, and he alone, created man.
So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

Gracie started this topic because she has serious questions about something she feels is important.

Why do you feel the need to troll every religious thread you can find and shit on it?

You offer no insight to the questions she poses.

Go away.


I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?
So I take it jeremiah believes there have been no changes to climate or landscape since God created Eden? That the Ethiopia of today is the same as the Ethiopia of creation???
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

The Flood certainly brought about rapid climate change, if not a major revamping of the surface of the earth.

Except that the biblical flood is a myth.

Lol. You don't like to stop at half measures, do you? Share with us again how climate and terrain haven't changed since the creation of the world.

Lol. You don't like to stop at half measures, do you? Share with us again how climate and terrain haven't changed since the creation of the world.

The world was not created 6,000 years ago.

Try paying attention. Your pointless babbling is an embarrassment.
I didn't say it was created 6000 years ago.

But all the same, you maintain there have been no climate or geographical changes in the last 6000 years.

It's even more humorous than your assertion that the researchers of that fundie college, Oxford, are ignorant backwoods hicks.

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