Bible Questions

I didn't say it was created 6000 years ago.

But all the same, you maintain there have been no climate or geographical changes in the last 6000 years.

It's even more humorous than your assertion that the researchers of that fundie college, Oxford, are ignorant backwoods hicks.

You're wrong on all counts. How does it feel to be a total embarrassment?
I take it the religiously insane don't have a clue that the time period between the biblical creation myth and present times would not provide for major climate change.

You're an embarrassment.

Gracie started this topic because she has serious questions about something she feels is important.

Why do you feel the need to troll every religious thread you can find and shit on it?

You offer no insight to the questions she poses.

Go away.


I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.
Gracie started this topic because she has serious questions about something she feels is important.

Why do you feel the need to troll every religious thread you can find and shit on it?

You offer no insight to the questions she poses.

Go away.


I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.
Gracie started this topic because she has serious questions about something she feels is important.

Why do you feel the need to troll every religious thread you can find and shit on it?

You offer no insight to the questions she poses.

Go away.


I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Yep - them there good Christians are just lovely folks... once you get past the crude, tasteless and vulgar component.
I got a bible from my sister as a gift. I am going to start reading it soon and have started briefly..little at a time. To mentally digest, so to speak. I am spiritual but the bible itself I don't take much stock in. Why read it, then, you may ask? Because I can learn things. Some I will take at face value, some I will be suspicious about my was written BY man FOR man. And no man was perfect and had agendas since the beginning of time..which means all those translations can't be perfectly correct.

Anyway..I digress. I am going to read it...maybe hopping around, maybe from front to back. I won't know until I delve in to it more. So this is where you guys come in. The ones that DO believe the bible wholeheartedly. I ask for opinions. Some I will accept. Some I will not. Depends on what feels "right" to me, since I also believe each person has their own path, their own beliefs, their own gut instinct of what seems to be right for them..individually.

So for my very first question, here is a quote that made me stop reading for awhile until I digest what your opinions are in the meaning of the following:

26 And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”27And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

1. Who is US and OUR?
2. If God is spiritual and not flesh and does a spirit have form to look humanoid?

The early Israelites believed in a divine pantheon with Yahweh as the leader. When the Israelites became monotheistic they edited polytheism out of the Old Testament, but passages remain.

For example Psalm 95:3 articulates the older belief, "For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods."

When the King James Version says "the Lord" it is translating the Hebrew name of God, which was Yahweh. Jehovah is a mistranslation of Yahweh. Hebrew lacks a J and a V sound.

A more literal translation of Psalm 95:3 would be, "Yahweh is a great god, and a great king above all gods."
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You aren't challenging anyone's religious beliefs, hollie. You attack Christians and use lies to do it.

Your understanding is limited, but you seem to revel in that. Wallow in your ignorance, hollie. You make atheists look like morons, and that's a good thing.

You will notice that you don't have a cheering section of anyone that has any you have sufficient insight to wonder why?

Probably not.
I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.

I am very aware of the roots and evolution of my Christianity and am, also, very secure in my faith.
I do not require your validation to continue in my walk with God.
And your "challenging" does nothing to draw me away.

My concern is for one who is but an infant in her journey into the passages of what could prove to be a powerful force of good in her life.

Nothing you have contributed to her thread has been helpful to her potential growth.

If you are so secure in your non-belief why do you feel it necessary to attempt to draw her away from the Bible with you?
Is it you feel she is incapable of finding the faults that you, apparently see so easily?

Be not a stumbling block in her path.
You aren't challenging anyone's religious beliefs, hollie. You attack Christians and use lies to do it.

Your understanding is limited, but you seem to revel in that. Wallow in your ignorance, hollie. You make atheists look like morons, and that's a good thing.

You will notice that you don't have a cheering section of anyone that has any you have sufficient insight to wonder why?

Probably not.

I couldn't help but notice your abysmal knowledge about the subjects you blather on about.

It's a shame that you spend such time lashing out like a petulant child when you're corrected for the inaccuracies and falsehoods you spew. I would have though that you would have learned to stay silent and learn but you insist on entering every thread with no other purpose than to use you religion like a bloody truncheon.

Using your religion to thump and abuse serves no purpose.
hollie wants her to stumble. That is her motivation and her desire. To prevent people from learning, to criminalize religion.

Don't give her any more credit than that.
I see nothing of value that you add with your juvenile pestering.

Oh, the neg rep and vile comment makes you what, a total imbecile?

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.

And your objection is you want everyone else to think as you do.
Do you mind terribly if I ask you to cease the nitpicking, Hollie? I value all opinions given. All of us here believe or don't believe...but so far, not too many are disrupting the thread and resorting to what you are doing. I would appreciate you mellowing out. If you can't, well...then I guess I will just have to scroll past what you have to say and what is not too slick about that MIGHT say something I need to hear but won't see it.
You aren't challenging anyone's religious beliefs, hollie. You attack Christians and use lies to do it.

Your understanding is limited, but you seem to revel in that. Wallow in your ignorance, hollie. You make atheists look like morons, and that's a good thing.

You will notice that you don't have a cheering section of anyone that has any you have sufficient insight to wonder why?

Probably not.

I couldn't help but notice your abysmal knowledge about the subjects you blather on about.

It's a shame that you spend such time lashing out like a petulant child when you're corrected for the inaccuracies and falsehoods you spew. I would have though that you would have learned to stay silent and learn but you insist on entering every thread with no other purpose than to use you religion like a bloody truncheon.

Using your religion to thump and abuse serves no purpose.

Ah, I see you are of the jake school of internet debate...

1. Lie.
2. Get caught lying.
3. Change the subject.
4. Be recognized by multiple posters as a know-nothing troll.
5. Paraphrase every accurate depiction of you and present it against your opponents, as if you thought it up yourself.
6. Pat yourself on the back while every person with a brain laughs at you.

I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.

I am very aware of the roots and evolution of my Christianity and am, also, very secure in my faith.
I do not require your validation to continue in my walk with God.
And your "challenging" does nothing to draw me away.

My concern is for one who is but an infant in her journey into the passages of what could prove to be a powerful force of good in her life.

Nothing you have contributed to her thread has been helpful to her potential growth.

If you are so secure in your non-belief why do you feel it necessary to attempt to draw her away from the Bible with you?
Is it you feel she is incapable of finding the faults that you, apparently see so easily?

Be not a stumbling block in her path.

On the contrary, like many religionists, you are terrified at the thought of any countering to your beliefs.

Not surprisingly, you offered no rebuttal to my correction of a poster who apparently chose to re-write a portion of genesis. Odd that none of the Christians made any attempt (or even noticed) that falsehood.

Being emotionally unprepared to deal with challenges to your specious opinions is going to cause you great angst.

Be not a fool who is comfortable with lies and deceit.
You aren't challenging anyone's religious beliefs, hollie. You attack Christians and use lies to do it.

Your understanding is limited, but you seem to revel in that. Wallow in your ignorance, hollie. You make atheists look like morons, and that's a good thing.

You will notice that you don't have a cheering section of anyone that has any you have sufficient insight to wonder why?

Probably not.

I couldn't help but notice your abysmal knowledge about the subjects you blather on about.

It's a shame that you spend such time lashing out like a petulant child when you're corrected for the inaccuracies and falsehoods you spew. I would have though that you would have learned to stay silent and learn but you insist on entering every thread with no other purpose than to use you religion like a bloody truncheon.

Using your religion to thump and abuse serves no purpose.

Ah, I see you are of the jake school of internet debate...

1. Lie.
2. Get caught lying.
3. Change the subject.
4. Be recognized by multiple posters as a know-nothing troll.
5. Paraphrase every accurate depiction of you and present it against your opponents, as if you thought it up yourself.
6. Pat yourself on the back while every person with a brain laughs at you.


The kg school of sidestepping.

Bluster and backstroke while hoping you can avoid addressing the nonsense you post.
The whole bible was re written, Hollie. Obviously you have read it yourself. Now let me do the same and ask questions, will ya?
I suggested to Gracie that she keep an open mind to read and learn.

You ridicule and belittle at every turn.

Juvenile? Thy name is Hollie.

Calling you a Troll is not vile, just fact.

Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.

I am very aware of the roots and evolution of my Christianity and am, also, very secure in my faith.
I do not require your validation to continue in my walk with God.
And your "challenging" does nothing to draw me away.

My concern is for one who is but an infant in her journey into the passages of what could prove to be a powerful force of good in her life.

Nothing you have contributed to her thread has been helpful to her potential growth.

If you are so secure in your non-belief why do you feel it necessary to attempt to draw her away from the Bible with you?
Is it you feel she is incapable of finding the faults that you, apparently see so easily?

Be not a stumbling block in her path.

Walk with god, ah christianese!

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Your major objection is that you don't like your religious beliefs challenged.

Given the ineluctable occurrence of human error, it is necessary and essential to incorporate into any discipline a self-critical, self-corrective component. Ongoing objective observation, repeated testing and critical results analysis, comparative theorizations - all human knowledge is subject to such demanding intellectual requirements. Many a sacred cow (including yours), has been felled by such tireless exercise of cerebral faculties.

If you don't have the emotional and intellectual faculties to deal with your sacred cows being challenged, you really should not lead your cows to a public forum.

I am very aware of the roots and evolution of my Christianity and am, also, very secure in my faith.
I do not require your validation to continue in my walk with God.
And your "challenging" does nothing to draw me away.

My concern is for one who is but an infant in her journey into the passages of what could prove to be a powerful force of good in her life.

Nothing you have contributed to her thread has been helpful to her potential growth.

If you are so secure in your non-belief why do you feel it necessary to attempt to draw her away from the Bible with you?
Is it you feel she is incapable of finding the faults that you, apparently see so easily?

Be not a stumbling block in her path.

On the contrary, like many religionists, you are terrified at the thought of any countering to your beliefs.

Not surprisingly, you offered no rebuttal to my correction of a poster who apparently chose to re-write a portion of genesis. Odd that none of the Christians made any attempt (or even noticed) that falsehood.

Being emotionally unprepared to deal with challenges to your specious opinions is going to cause you great angst.

Be not a fool who is comfortable with lies and deceit.

I could have either overlooked the supposed lie or simply missed it.

I could have, also, respected Gracie's request for other members' interpretation and allowed it to pass as just that.

NONE of us here have all the answers. Not even you.

Interesting to learn that you're such an emphatic that you can sense my "terror" of you countering my beliefs, though.

Hollie did such a bang-up job of destroying Marc's thread it lead me to unsubscribe from it, last night.

So, before I unsubscribe from this one, let me just say:

Gracie, PLEASE feel free to PM me ANYTIME you run across something that has you scratching your head.
I can only offer my own interpretation. I can, also, promise that mine is quite unique.
I don't "toe the line" of my fellow Pentecostals and I have been known to have some pretty heated conversations with my own Pastor.
Now you know my faith and what angle I'm coming from.
Avatar, I believe, is Mormon.
Marie, Marc, Kosher and IrishRam can also shed some good insight.

Use all the tools He has made available to you.

The whole bible was re written, Hollie. Obviously you have read it yourself. Now let me do the same and ask questions, will ya?

Ask away. Asking questions is an indication of an inquisitive mind and I applaud you for that. And best of luck on your path to knowledge, wherever it leads.

I just found it curious that not one of the apologists in this thread seemed interested in the truth as I outlined way back in post #59, that according to the genesis, god created evil and evil existed prior to A&E being in the garden. The story has many contradictions and paradoxes if you take the time to study it.

God lied. Satan told the truth.
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I am very aware of the roots and evolution of my Christianity and am, also, very secure in my faith.
I do not require your validation to continue in my walk with God.
And your "challenging" does nothing to draw me away.

My concern is for one who is but an infant in her journey into the passages of what could prove to be a powerful force of good in her life.

Nothing you have contributed to her thread has been helpful to her potential growth.

If you are so secure in your non-belief why do you feel it necessary to attempt to draw her away from the Bible with you?
Is it you feel she is incapable of finding the faults that you, apparently see so easily?

Be not a stumbling block in her path.

On the contrary, like many religionists, you are terrified at the thought of any countering to your beliefs.

Not surprisingly, you offered no rebuttal to my correction of a poster who apparently chose to re-write a portion of genesis. Odd that none of the Christians made any attempt (or even noticed) that falsehood.

Being emotionally unprepared to deal with challenges to your specious opinions is going to cause you great angst.

Be not a fool who is comfortable with lies and deceit.

I could have either overlooked the supposed lie or simply missed it.

I could have, also, respected Gracie's request for other members' interpretation and allowed it to pass as just that.

NONE of us here have all the answers. Not even you.

Interesting to learn that you're such an emphatic that you can sense my "terror" of you countering my beliefs, though.

Hollie did such a bang-up job of destroying Marc's thread it lead me to unsubscribe from it, last night.

So, before I unsubscribe from this one, let me just say:

Gracie, PLEASE feel free to PM me ANYTIME you run across something that has you scratching your head.
I can only offer my own interpretation. I can, also, promise that mine is quite unique.
I don't "toe the line" of my fellow Pentecostals and I have been known to have some pretty heated conversations with my own Pastor.
Now you know my faith and what angle I'm coming from.
Avatar, I believe, is Mormon.
Marie, Marc, Kosher and IrishRam can also shed some good insight.

Use all the tools He has made available to you.


Gee whiz. A few comments of mine caused you such trauma?

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