Biden Accomplishments

This list is in sincere need of some translations:

  • Protected marriage equality
Maintained the status quo on something practically no one cares about anymore.

  • Changing our failed approach to marijuana
What does that even mean?

Whichever staffer approved that bullet point musta been high at the time.

  • Student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans
Told his stupid Gen Z wokester constituents that the Executive Branch did not have the power to forgive student loans. Pelosi joined in the chorus of realism. We were all temporarily amazed.

Then, he proceeded to do a 180 and attempted to rain tax payer money all over entitled future lawyers/doctors for political purposes while ascribing it all to "equity".


  • Revitalizing American manufacturing
Reversing the Trump tariffs and overhauling the warp speed careening of US jobs to the Chinese Commies. (Brought to you by bribes to he and his degenerate son.)


  • Signed the Inflation Reduction Act

Signed the Green New Deal and called it "The Inflation Reduction Act", which - still mysteriously has yet to tamp down on inflation.

Seriously, if anyone sees the irony in this one, it's Jerome Powell.

  • Improved health care for veterans



  • Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic
By trying to prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns.

Cuz we all know that criminals will care about a new law.


  • Restored American leadership on the world stage
By letting Ukrainian agents assplode the Nordstream pipeline, strengthening the ruble to unforeseen levels, and allowing the Taliban to confiscate over 4 billion dollars worth of American military hardware. And that barely scratches the surface.

That's a whole lotta "Leadership!"


  • Ended America’s longest war
See the above, and then throw in dead American civilians.


  • Took action to address gender-based violence
See marijuana.


  • Passed the American Rescue Plan
And a pestilence was let loose upon the land with fraud and debt of unprecedented levels.


  • Historic job growth
Reopened stores after "COVID" (Scamdemic, Government psyop lockdowns *cough*) and then allowed them to have their pitiful little peon jobs back. All while fiddling from DC.

Fact check: We still haven't gotten back to job levels of Feb. 2020 - and the typical wage is worth less than ever.


  • Took action to combat COVID-19
See above.

  • Rebuilding America’s infrastructure
Norfolk Southern is a worthy testament to this admirable accomplishment by such a renowned Administration.

Well done!

BUT MUH EV's!!!!


  • Combating the climate crisis
Taking orders from the WEF and telling Americans to eat zee bugs while their ownership of nothing builds character.

And John Kerry and Al Gore keep their private jets.

Did anyone tell these idiots you can't take it with you when your time's up?

I mean, at least DiCaprio clearly does it for the under 25 poonanny.

(OK, not really....)

Fuckin' a.....check.

  • Expanded health care to millions of Americans
Threw more people into cookie cutter "Ocommiecare" plans while eliminating options and further burdening small businesses.


  • Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees

Historic in the sense they were nominated for their identity oriented political attributes, not their judicial credentials.

(P.S. Wokesters: "Oriented" has nothing to do with simmer down.)


Is the worst President of all time.

No really.

Oh wait, this wasn't a bullet point?

Fuck it, it's true.
This list is in sincere need of some translations:

Maintained the status quo on something practically no one cares about anymore.


What does that even mean?

Whichever staffer approved that bullet point musta been high at the time.

Told his stupid Gen Z wokester constituents that the Executive Branch did not have the power to forgive student loans. Pelosi joined in the chorus of realism. We were all temporarily amazed.

Then, he proceeded to do a 180 and attempted to rain tax payer money all over entitled future lawyers/doctors for political purposes while ascribing it all to "equity".


Reversing the Trump tariffs and overhauling the warp speed careening of US jobs to the Chinese Commies. (Brought to you by bribes to he and his degenerate son.)


Signed the Green New Deal and called it "The Inflation Reduction Act", which - still mysteriously has yet to tamp down on inflation.

Seriously, if anyone sees the irony in this one, it's Jerome Powell.




By trying to prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns.

Cuz we all know that criminals will care about a new law.


By letting Ukrainian agents assplode the Nordstream pipeline, strengthening the ruble to unforeseen levels, and allowing the Taliban to confiscate over 4 billion dollars worth of American military hardware. And that barely scratches the surface.

That's a whole lotta "Leadership!"


See the above, and then throw in dead American civilians.


See marijuana.


And a pestilence was let loose upon the land with fraud and debt of unprecedented levels.


Reopened stores after "COVID" (Scamdemic, Government psyop lockdowns *cough*) and then allowed them to have their pitiful little peon jobs back. All while fiddling from DC.

Fact check: We still haven't gotten back to job levels of Feb. 2020 - and the typical wage is worth less than ever.


See above.

Norfolk Southern is a worthy testament to this admirable accomplishment by such a renowned Administration.

Well done!

BUT MUH EV's!!!!


Taking orders from the WEF and telling Americans to eat zee bugs while their ownership of nothing builds character.

And John Kerry and Al Gore keep their private jets.

Did anyone tell these idiots you can't take it with you when your time's up?

I mean, at least DiCaprio clearly does it for the under 25 poonanny.

(OK, not really....)

Fuckin' a.....check.

Threw more people into cookie cutter "Ocommiecare" plans while eliminating options and further burdening small businesses.


Historic in the sense they were nominated for their identity oriented political attributes, not their judicial credentials.

(P.S. Wokesters: "Oriented" has nothing to do with simmer down.)


Is the worst President of all time.

No really.

Oh wait, this wasn't a bullet point?

Fuck it, it's true.
If they didn't exaggerate, they wouldn't have much of a list.
We had low gas prices also under Trump. Biden is fixing to raise taxes on everyone. Only going to get worse.

Kills American energy while going to the Saudis and Venezuelans with hat in hand.

Clearly has America's best interests at heart.
List of Biden’s accomplishments from his website. In typical Biden style, pretty loose with the facts and reality. For example, the Student loan debt relief, coming up with the idea isn’t all that much of an accomplishment. Passing the American Rescue Plan sure sound a lot like taking action to combat COVID. Nominating and confirmed historic judicial nominees, they only listed one. Nevertheless, how many of these, if any, have improved your life?

  • Protected marriage equality
  • Changing our failed approach to marijuana
  • Student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans
  • Revitalizing American manufacturing
  • Signed the Inflation Reduction Act
  • Improved health care for veterans
  • Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic
  • Restored American leadership on the world stage
  • Ended America’s longest war
  • Took action to address gender-based violence
  • Passed the American Rescue Plan
  • Historic job growth
  • Took action to combat COVID-19
  • Rebuilding America’s infrastructure
  • Combating the climate crisis
  • Expanded health care to millions of Americans
  • Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees
President Joe Biden

God I love Joe Biden

White House Budget Would Shrink The Deficit By Taxing The Rich​

In a statement, Biden called the document “a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America in a fiscally responsible way that leaves no one behind.”

Republicans have suggested they would balance the federal budget in a decade entirely by slashing spending, without raising taxes or touching popular programs such as Social Security and Medicare — something budget experts consider virtually impossible without draconian cuts to just about every other federal program.

The White House budget would reduce federal deficits by $3 trillion over a decade by raising the marginal tax rate on top earners, pushing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, imposing higher taxes on investment income and stock buybacks, not to mention a new levy on the accumulated wealth of billionaires.
In addition to cutting deficits, the new revenue would afford more spending on families, such as by continuing a subsidy for private health insurance coverage, reinstating a monthly child benefit that Congress put in place during the second half of 2021, and establishing paid family and medical leave for all workers.

Republicans are likely to attack Biden’s proposed tax increases, but an array of public polling testifies to the popularity of Biden’s proposals: A Data for Progress survey found 58% of voters support increasing the tax on stock buybacks, and with just 24% opposed. And a YouGov poll found three-fifths of Americans support a minimum tax on billionaires.

Biden’s budget would shore up Medicare’s finances by raising taxes on the highest earners while giving the program more leverage to lower prescription drug prices. It’s a starkly different approach than one previously offered by Republicans, which involves mostly cuts to benefits.
Even before its release, Republicans panned Biden’s budget document as a partisan exercise, urging the president to negotiate in a bipartisan way to lower the nation’s deficits and help make programs like Medicare and Social Security solvent into the next decade.

Translation. Republicans want Joe to go along with cuts to ss and medicare so they can blame it on him like they blame NAFTA on bill. Another thing Republicans pushed for

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