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Biden admin giving $10 billion to IRAN

And why are exactly sanctions being removed? Maybe they need to be increased instead.

Why? Because they call us mean names and don't like us (for very good reasons?) Frankly, if anything, we owe them reparations for installing the Shah and letting him loot the country for 30 years.

You are a complete idiot. You have even less understanding of foreign policy than the dimwits that are running the show in this administration.

Actually, I have a better idea than the stupidity coming out of Republicans, which seems to be perpetual war. Hey, are we winning the war on terror yet?

I know you are ok for them to spend their money on terrorist endeavors against Israel, but what about against the US? Being the globalist and America hater that you are, you may not have a problem with that either.
Hey, here's the thing.

The 9/11 Hijackers? They were all Saudis.
Hamas? Qatar is funding them.

We are perfectly fine with terrorists being funded as long as the governments are friendly and keep us hooked up with that sweet, sweet petroleum.

The problem is, Democrats are just as likely to keep doing the same stupid shit Republicans would do.

Here's what my foreign policy would be. Completely get out of the region. Stop Supporting Israel, and stop supporting the Saudis. Stop trying to interfere in the politics of the region because from the Beruit Barracks in 1983 until today, we just keep fucking it up.

Take the hundreds of billions of dollars we are pissing away on expensive military toys and spend it on alternative energy. Then, we won't be giving money to the bad guys to support terrorism.

As for Israel... they chose to live next to people who want to murder them, and they keep giving them NEW reasons to want to murder them. So I don't get all worked up when, "Oh, my gosh, those people we've been abusing for 70 years tried to kill us!"

Hey, did you hear about the Islamic Terror attack against Japan? Oh, wait, no, they don't attack Japan. Why? JAPAN MINDS HER OWN FUCKING BUSINESS! We need to do that.
You are a complete idiot. You have even less understanding of foreign policy than the dimwits that are running the show in this administration.

I know you are ok for them to spend their money on terrorist endeavors against Israel, but what about against the US? Being the globalist and America hater that you are, you may not have a problem with that either.
Did you ever notice....? If it's scummy, if it helps murderers, rapists, terrorists..... dimocrap scum are all for it.

Here's what my foreign policy would be. Completely get out of the region. Stop Supporting Israel, and stop supporting the Saudis. Stop trying to interfere in the politics of the region because from the Beruit Barracks in 1983 until today, we just keep fucking it up.
Then you shouldn't be voting for those dumbass Democrats that you love so much. They have all been Interventionists going back to Wilson. Your buddy LBJ decided supporting Israel and getting payoffs from the AIPAC was much more lucrative than being even handed in the Middle East. Nowadays your buddy Potatohead is trying to kiss everybody's ass including the Iranian Mullahs. How fucking stupid is that?
Why? Because they call us mean names and don't like us (for very good reasons?) Frankly, if anything, we owe them reparations for installing the Shah and letting him loot the country for 30 years.

Actually, I have a better idea than the stupidity coming out of Republicans, which seems to be perpetual war. Hey, are we winning the war on terror yet?

Certainly not by funding terrorist countries.

Take the hundreds of billions of dollars we are pissing away on expensive military toys and spend it on alternative energy. Then, we won't be giving money to the bad guys to support terrorism.

LOL...yeah, because there is no possible way that any other country would possibly want what we have? They would never, not ever, want the abundance of natural resources in our country that the left refuses to tap into for their unrealistic fear of global warming, um, I mean climate change.

As for Israel... they chose to live next to people who want to murder them, and they keep giving them NEW reasons to want to murder them. So I don't get all worked up when, "Oh, my gosh, those people we've been abusing for 70 years tried to kill us!"

What new reasons would that be? You mean by responding to a terrorist attack against their country? How dare them.

I'm not sure if you are more ignorant, naïve or stupid, but you certainly exhibit all three characteristics.
Then you shouldn't be voting for those dumbass Democrats that you love so much. They have all been Interventionists going back to Wilson. Your buddy LBJ decided supporting Israel and getting payoffs from the AIPAC was much more lucrative than being even handed in the Middle East. Nowadays your buddy Potatohead is trying to kiss everybody's ass including the Iranian Mullahs. How fucking stupid is that?

And the Republicans have been interventionists all the way back to Ike. In fact, it was Ike who let the CIA put the Shah back into power after the Iranians voted him out.

Don't pretend like your party is a big old hippy drum circle because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump blunder us into a new war.
Certainly not by funding terrorist countries.
Funny thing about that.

Bin Laden was a guy who the CIA funded under Reagan.
Ronald Reagan happily funded and supported Saddam until he turned on the oil companies.

This is actual funding, not releasing funds that weren't really ours to impound to start with.

LOL...yeah, because there is no possible way that any other country would possibly want what we have? They would never, not ever, want the abundance of natural resources in our country that the left refuses to tap into for their unrealistic fear of global warming, um, I mean climate change.

What new reasons would that be? You mean by responding to a terrorist attack against their country? How dare them.
It isn't their country. Their countries were Germany and Poland and Russia and a bunch of other places where they antagonized their neighbor and half of them were murdered.

Imagine if a bunch of Mexicans moved into your Trailer Park state and declared it "New Atzlan"
And the Republicans have been interventionists all the way back to Ike. In fact, it was Ike who let the CIA put the Shah back into power after the Iranians voted him out.

Don't pretend like your party is a big old hippy drum circle because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump blunder us into a new war.

You are a fraud Moon Bat. Either a fraud or a fucking idiot that don't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

You vote for interventionists then you bitch about what the Interventionists do.

Since you are so fucking ignorant I will give you a little history lesson.

Democrats got us into WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. LBJ armed the goddamn Israelis to to kill Palestinians and everybody else in the Middle East that you are bitching about.

Gay Barry bombed the hell out of Libya for no reason, fought the war in Iraq for three years and escalated the War in Afghanistan. Slick Willy attacked Iran and Afghanistan and then sided with the goddamn Muslims to kill Christians in Bosnia. Democrats that you voted for President (Traitor Kerry, Crooked Hillary and Potatohead) all supported the invasion of Iraq.

You are not an noninterventionist. You are a fucking dumbass that don't know what you are talking about most of the time.
if a bunch of Mexicans moved into your Trailer Park state and declared it "New Atzlan"

Funny you should say that, but my state is seeing quite an influx of Hispanics. I have no problem with them at all, assuming they are here legally. They are generally family oriented and many are practicing Catholics who are actually Christian, which is very hard to find in the US any more. Granted, most live on the Democrat side of town because that is all they can afford. My hope is that as they assimilate, and are eventually given the right to vote by the Democrats, they have had time to recognize that the Democratic Party is anti-religious and will spoil any chance they have at attaining the American dream. My fear is that some of them didn’t come to participate in attaining the American dream, but rather to simply sign up, as promoted by this administration and the Democratic Party.
You are a fraud Moon Bat. Either a fraud or a fucking idiot that don't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

You vote for interventionists then you bitch about what the Interventionists do.

I have no problem with interventionists. We saw what happens with Isolationism. What I'm for is SMART interventionism. What we've done with Iran is not smart. It was dumb policy on top of dumb policy.

Democrats got us into WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. LBJ armed the goddamn Israelis to to kill Palestinians and everybody else in the Middle East that you are bitching about.

Again, there is no difference in the two parties as far as foreign policy goes. WWII and Korea were GOOD ideas and the right thing to do.

Gay Barry bombed the hell out of Libya for no reason, fought the war in Iraq for three years and escalated the War in Afghanistan. Slick Willy attacked Iran and Afghanistan and then sided with the goddamn Muslims to kill Christians in Bosnia. Democrats that you voted for President (Traitor Kerry, Crooked Hillary and Potatohead) all supported the invasion of Iraq.

Again, it's amusing to watch you act like your party has turned into a Hippy Drum Circle because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump touch the big toys.
unny you should say that, but my state is seeing quite an influx of Hispanics. I have no problem with them at all, assuming they are here legally.

The state you are afraid to name because you know I'll compile a bunch of data showing it would be a third world country if it wasn't part of the US?

They are generally family oriented and many are practicing Catholics who are actually Christian, which is very hard to find in the US any more.

Who said the Catholics are "Christian"? They are just as bad as the evangelicals, squeezing money out of their flocks to pay for big churches and nice homes for the sexual perverts who run their churches. The only difference between the Evangelicals and Catholics is the Catholic Church wants illegals to get asses back into pews, while the earlier generations of Catholic Immigrants can't be bothered to show up to church anymore.

Granted, most live on the Democrat side of town because that is all they can afford.
Because, again, your state is a third-world country. Just add third-world people.
My hope is that as they assimilate, and are eventually given the right to vote by the Democrats, they have had time to recognize that the Democratic Party is anti-religious and will spoil any chance they have at attaining the American dream. My fear is that some of them didn’t come to participate in attaining the American dream, but rather to simply sign up, as promoted by this administration and the Democratic Party.

The American Dream only exists because Democrats created it starting with the New Deal.

Repubicans have given us the American Nightmare of half the wealth being controlled by 1% of the population.
I have no problem with interventionists. We saw what happens with Isolationism. What I'm for is SMART interventionism. What we've done with Iran is not smart. It was dumb policy on top of dumb policy.

Again, there is no difference in the two parties as far as foreign policy goes. WWII and Korea were GOOD ideas and the right thing to do.

Again, it's amusing to watch you act like your party has turned into a Hippy Drum Circle because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump touch the big toys.

The Republicans are not my Party. They are nothing more than Democrat Light. They are just as much Interventionists as the goddamn dumbass Democrats that have got us into more wars than anybody else.

It is funny to see you stupid Moon Bats pretend that the Democrats are the anti war Party when history proves that they have traditionally been the Party of War. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, supporting the conflict in the Middle East by arming Israel, Bosnia, Libya, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq. You name it and either they started it or supported it.
The state you are afraid to name because you know I'll compile a bunch of data showing it would be a third world country if it wasn't part of the US?

The standard of living in my "third world country" far exceeds yours, particularly on your salary. You could take a big step up in quality of life here, even with your salary. For those making more, it just gets better. I want you to continue to believe that we all live in squalor and that where you live is so much nicer. Unfortunately, many people evidently smarter than you have caught on to our little secret. Now, if we can just keep them from voting for the policies that led to them leaving their state in the first place, we may survive and not sink to the levels to which you are accustomed and find acceptable.
The standard of living in my "third world country" far exceeds yours, particularly on your salary.
Yet you won't say what state you live in, because you know damned well I'll come back with a shitload of stats proving otherwise.

Unfortunately, many people evidently smarter than you have caught on to our little secret. Now, if we can just keep them from voting for the policies that led to them leaving their state in the first place, we may survive and not sink to the levels to which you are accustomed and find acceptable.
You seem to not understand why dem der city folks move to the South. It's not because you don't suck, but because their companies are transferring them. Because after they move their plant to Hooterville, they realize that Otis the Drunk and Floyd the Barber can't do the technical work that needs to be done.

I've gotten dozens of offers to relocate south over the years, and I've turned them all down. My family is here, my property is here, and there's no real reason to move to Jesusland and live next to your trailer park, Cleetus.
Yet you won't say what state you live in, because you know damned well I'll come back with a shitload of stats proving otherwise.

How exactly would you pulling out stats from any state prove that there are not nice, affluent areas? Yeah, they wouldn't. You see, I know there are some nicer area in and around Chicago, but I am lumping them all into the ghetto category just to keep pace with your uninformed rants about everywhere in the South being littered with trailers and rednecks.

You seem to not understand why dem der city folks move to the South. It's not because you don't suck, but because their companies are transferring them. Because after they move their plant to Hooterville, they realize that Otis the Drunk and Floyd the Barber can't do the technical work that needs to be done.

No, it is you that doesn't understand. They are moving here because a light bulb came on, particularly after COVID and the chance to work from home. They said to themselves, why on earth am I living here when I could live in a much nicer home in a much nicer and safer area there...not to mention the weather and the taxes. Again, I am glad you don't get it and we all want you to continue spreading the word about just how bad it is in the South.

As far as technical work, well, you are just very uniformed. Think about all the large colleges in the South. I am in a technical field and 90% of the people I work with are from the South. My wife's partner, also an MD is from Georgia. Yeah, you just aren't too bright or well informed.

I've gotten dozens of offers to relocate south over the years, and I've turned them all down. My family is here, my property is here, and there's no real reason to move to Jesusland and live next to your trailer park, Cleetus.

Why do you choose to bash religion in every post? I guess it is you lack of intellect and you just can't help it.
Funny you should say that, but my state is seeing quite an influx of Hispanics. I have no problem with them at all, assuming they are here legally. They are generally family oriented and many are practicing Catholics who are actually Christian, which is very hard to find in the US any more. Granted, most live on the Democrat side of town because that is all they can afford. My hope is that as they assimilate, and are eventually given the right to vote by the Democrats, they have had time to recognize that the Democratic Party is anti-religious and will spoil any chance they have at attaining the American dream. My fear is that some of them didn’t come to participate in attaining the American dream, but rather to simply sign up, as promoted by this administration and the Democratic Party.
70% of non-Cuban Hispanics vote Democrat. The GOP is the party of political suicide.
70% of non-Cuban Hispanics vote Democrat. The GOP is the party of political suicide.

Yes, which is exactly why this administration doesn't want to secure the border. They know that it will ultimately help them remain in power. The problem is that they(Democrats) are destroying the country in their unrelenting quest for power.
Yes, which is exactly why this administration doesn't want to secure the border. They know that it will ultimately help them remain in power. The problem is that they(Democrats) are destroying the country in their unrelenting quest for power.
If Republicans wanted to secure the border they would have built the wall in the first 2 years of Trump's presidency. Republicans only want to secure the border when they lack the political power to secure the border.

The Biden admin should not be doing this.

Iran is funding HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH. We should not be giving IRAN a DIME.

We just buy off our enemies with MY TAXES?
Where did your ignorant ass get the idea the $10 billion was from our taxes?

You really need to find better propagandists.

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