Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money

You are right!
As None of the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary, she lost, they then spent 92% of 3 network news
with negative news about Trump so the donated 90% to Biden as the below FACTS show you won't see this on the MSM!
Zero! Nothing... ONLY honest reporting will show this!

Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study
For its report, the Media Research Center did a lot of visual spadework.
It viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30. That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
Network news 32.7 hours NEGATIVE Trump news was a contribution to Biden that should have been reported!
96% to Hillary, 90% to Biden and you think they'd report that pedophiles will be in your daughters', granddaughters' bathrooms???View attachment 651030
The federalist is no better than WND.
Florida passed a law that says you can’t differentiate by gender identity
GEEZ why don't you show the link? That is so stupid just to comment about something WITH NO proof!
Why don't you take a few minutes and support your statement with FACTS?
The federalist is no better than WND.
Oh hey don't disagree. So where though is the MSM on this story? Are you saying it is NOT true? Prove it!

If Schools Don’t Let Boys Into Girls’ Bathrooms, Biden Will Take Their Lunch Money​

But you are further proving my point! The BIASED MSM is NOT reporting this!
You haven't retorted the attached and you CAN'T because it is a FACT! 96% for Hillary and 90% Biden so why WOULD they!
Florida passed a law that says you can’t differentiate by gender identity
Where in the bill was gender differentiation prohibited?

GEEZ Why can't you make a statement without doing a little research FIRST???
NO WHERE in the bill does as the BIASED MSM statement appear! NO WHERE!
Request Rejected FileName=_s1834__.DOCX&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1834&Session=2022

The above is the link to the actual bill.

The actual bill... do a word search for "gay"....ZERO... nada... do you understand that is what the BIASED MSM declared!

Florida advances "Don't Say Gay" bill that would bar LGBTQ ...

I can remember the 2016 election where Hillary was running on allowing people to pee wherever they want. There was a great gnashing of teeth but here we are almost 6 years later and it doesn't seem that this is much of an issue.
Well, it isn't happening! I've seen a few gender-neutral restrooms in hospitals, but they are one-seaters and they lock on the inside. I have no problem with that. So far. It hasn't all gone unisex.

That's what tanked the women-equality amendment to the Constitution, you know, the ERA. And I was one who pulled back, too. I don't want men in women's private spaces, duh! Anyone who thinks that'll work is crazy.

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.
A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.
From my Canadian POV, it appears that extremism of the political right is meeting with the opposite reaction of extremism of the left.

Solutions to the problems are beside the point. Political fighting of Americans against their fellow Americans has taken over.

Just look at the reaction of 'Flash'!

That kind of shit has to be bordering on mental illness!
From my Canadian POV, it appears that extremism of the political right is meeting with the opposite reaction of extremism of the left.

Solutions to the problems are beside the point. Political fighting of Americans against their fellow Americans has taken over.

Just look at the reaction of 'Flash'!

That kind of shit has to be bordering on mental illness!
So you evidently have NO problem if you had a daughter or granddaughter having boys in the girls' bathroom?
That is the whole point of the thread. Not politics but prevention of problems that this stupid act will cause.
From my Canadian POV, it appears that extremism of the political right is meeting with the opposite reaction of extremism of the left.

Solutions to the problems are beside the point. Political fighting of Americans against their fellow Americans has taken over.

Just look at the reaction of 'Flash'!

That kind of shit has to be bordering on mental illness!
The ones that suffer from mental illness are the dumbass Moon Bat shitheads that tolerate and even embrace filthy ass queer and transsexual behavior.
So you evidently have NO problem if you had a daughter or granddaughter having boys in the girls' bathroom?
That is the whole point of the thread. Not politics but prevention of problems that this stupid act will cause.
You have no interest in a rational discussion. I don't do your style of extremism. You're welcome back with an improved attitude.

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.
A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.
This makes zero sense. Which bathroom you use is based on your sex not your gender.
Make it mandatory for the boys to use the girls.....Then tell the girls to use the boys.. :popcorn:
establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas.
Won't make much difference if stores quit accepting SNAP and food stamps. Let the fucking degenerates starve --- or eat shit, but at least it will be transgender shit.

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.
A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.

The official religion of our nation has become anti-humanism; anti-biological man, anti-biological woman, anti-boy, anti-girl, anti-family and anti-continuation of the human species. Sadistic Satanists run our government at every level. Those elected officials who have not yet bowed down to Satanism shall; the money's just too good to resist.
You have no interest in a rational discussion. I don't do your style of extremism. You're welcome back with an improved attitude.
So you are assuming from my concern over the safety of your possible daughter/granddaughter being in a girls' restroom while a boy takes out his penis and flashes it to your daughter/granddaughter because believe me 100% that will happen! Talk about trauma! And your local school approves of that behavior because they allow boys in girls restrooms. But of course being a racist...(obviously because you are totally unaware of the following:
...unsafe sexual behavior in low-income, urban AA adolescent girls. Numerous studies have found relationships between sexual victimization and risky sexual behavior or STIs (Senn, Carey, & Vanable, 2008). A growing body of research now links sexual risk to other forms of violence exposure including childhood physical abuse and neglect, other kinds of physical victimization, and violence witnessed in the community (e.g., Brady & Donenberg, 2006; Voisin & Neilands, 2010; Wilson & Widom, 2008; Wyatt et al., 2002). However, most research has focused on specific forms of violence, with sexual violence most often studied in connection with sexual risk behavior.
And with young black men now able to go into girls restrooms this will increase! But of course being the "racist" you are you don't care!

Good if he cuts off federal funds. Maybe a lot of these nutcase groomer teachers will quit and the kids will actually start learning actual valuable information again.
That's a very good point! Local school boards will definitely have to be more attentive to the citizens and less to the
The National Education Association (NEA)! Especially after COVID's growing affect on mental well being of students!

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