Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money

The ones that suffer from mental illness are the dumbass Moon Bat shitheads that tolerate and even embrace filthy ass queer and transsexual behavior.
You need help old man.
Everyone of your posts is a hate filled word salad.
I can remember the 2016 election where Hillary was running on allowing people to pee wherever they want. There was a great gnashing of teeth but here we are almost 6 years later and it doesn't seem that this is much of an issue.
But we do see people on the edge taking out their psychotic tendencies like what happened this week. Prog psyche agendas have helped to cause this.

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month.
A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.
As history so richly illustrates, when a nation hits its redline the morality of said nation begins to manifest itself ever more into what was formally viewed as 'negative morality', which is where our USA is @ currently. It starts off with financial corruption within g'ment, then a constant war agenda with other nations, then ever mounting physical violence on the collapsing nations own streets. Finally morality completely collapses into anarchy where females of any age can be taken by any & all males for stud fodder or anything else the males want to do to them because it's LEGAL! All one is seeing here is the conditioning of parents to accept the unisex restrooms/bathrooms or get tagged with losing tax funded school food because it will be LEGAL! Good ole Divide & Conquer strategy, don't collapse a nation without it!
You need help old man.
Everyone of your posts is a hate filled word salad.
The real hate on this forum is what we see from you stupid uneducated confused Moon Bats that support despicable things like genderless restrooms in schools. That is bat shit crazy.
Moon Bats that support despicable things like genderless restrooms in schools.
Do you oppose Airports, Office Buildings and Stadiums/Arenas that have a family restroom?
Those are genderless aren't they?
The real hate on this forum is what we see from you stupid uneducated confused Moon Bats that support despicable things like genderless restrooms in schools. That is bat shit crazy.

Do you oppose Airports, Office Buildings and Stadiums/Arenas that have a family restroom?
Those are genderless aren't they?
Flash Why won't you answer the question?
Do you oppose Airports, Office Buildings and Stadiums/Arenas that have a family restroom?
Those are genderless aren't they?

Flash Why won't you answer the question?

This guy is putting the Woke Cult ahead of feeding poor American kids, which I'm guessing includes a majority of minorities.

If schools don't push his radical agenda of letting boys in girl's bathrooms and play girl's sports he is going to take food away from poor kids.

This guy is putting the Woke Cult ahead of feeding poor American kids, which I'm guessing includes a majority of minorities.

If schools don't push his radical agenda of letting boys in girl's bathrooms and play girl's sports he is going to take food away from poor kids.

Extorting poor. hungry children to get his sick, twisted agenda...

Dementia-ravaged Biden must think he's back in Ukraine talking to the former PM...
Biden and democrats trying to force their demonic transgender policies...


The Biden administration is threatening to cut lunch funding to schools that refuse to go along with their radical transgander bathroom policy.

The US Department of Agriculture has officially embraced President Biden’s transgender agenda and is taking steps to make sure that schools comply.

So basically, schools that receive federal funding for lunches will be enforced to allow biological males into girls’ bathrooms.

The move is part of a larger push from the Biden regime to promote transgender rights and gender ideology through guidance to federal bureaucracies and reinterpretation of civil rights laws."

These people are sick SOB's... Do as we tell you or we will starve your children.

NO baby formula... No Food for your children... Can anyone else see where this is going... Using the "it's for the children" lie as Hitler did to force compliance with their sick rules..
Biden and democrats trying to force their demonic transgender policies...


The Biden administration is threatening to cut lunch funding to schools that refuse to go along with their radical transgander bathroom policy.

The US Department of Agriculture has officially embraced President Biden’s transgender agenda and is taking steps to make sure that schools comply.

So basically, schools that receive federal funding for lunches will be enforced to allow biological males into girls’ bathrooms.

The move is part of a larger push from the Biden regime to promote transgender rights and gender ideology through guidance to federal bureaucracies and reinterpretation of civil rights laws."

These people are sick SOB's... Do as we tell you or we will starve your children.

The free lunch program yous guys bellyached over ended in May, no new funding has been provided as of yet.
NO baby formula... No Food for your children... Can anyone else see where this is going... Using the "it's for the children" lie as Hitler did to force compliance with their sick rules..
My kids eat well..

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