Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money

Any person that does the following with minors definitely has NO problem with other pedophiles getting into your daughters' bathrooms!
View attachment 651029

What about your man, Donald J Trump?

Trump groped women and got away with it.

Or i guess it doesn't matter, since he is a Repug.
I eat beenie weenies and love them. When I was a poh kid we ate brown beans and cornbread, good stuff.

You're trollin'. Absolutely no one other than old people with mental problems and poor people actually eat beenie weenies or vienna sausages, or pretty much any Armour product.
Mod Message: To ALL the thread starters on this topic that have been merged in here (3 and counting) -- there's no excuse for this. If if nothing comes up on search, there's a NEW tool when you CREATE a title that SHOWS YOU THREADS WITH SIMILAR TITLES. I KNOW it was there when you created those duplicate threads. SEARCH ALL FORUMS with an ACTUAL search. Dont just scan Politics or one forum.

Since it's so easy now and the SYSTEM calls out the possible dupes -- If everyone CHOOSES "definitive titles" like specified in Clean Start policy -- we're gonna just start closing MORE of the new ones.

4th merges starts around 8:40 TODAY, June 2nd.
What about your man, Donald J Trump?

Trump groped women and got away with it.

Or i guess it doesn't matter, since he is a Repug.
Do you have photographs like this of the pedophilic acts of Biden?
Evidently you think it's ok for any man to kiss a little girl on the lips, or squeeze sexually or sniff the hair?
Like these show! Just so gross and sick!
You're trollin'. Absolutely no one other than old people with mental problems and poor people actually eat beenie weenies or vienna sausages, or pretty much any Armour product.
Not so. I know one of the world's preeminent biochemists who practically lives on them. I don't understand it, he's rich enough to afford caviar and champagne, but he likes his Vienna Sausages
K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls' Privvies To Get Federal Lunch Money

It's a real mystery why MSN sources are not covering this....I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

I guess the commies didn't learn their lesson with the maobamacare mandates on States. The feds aren't allowed to withhold existing funds if a State refuses to adopt some off the wall fed BS. Sometimes stupid people need to learn the same lessons over and over.

You're trollin'. Absolutely no one other than old people with mental problems and poor people actually eat beenie weenies or vienna sausages, or pretty much any Armour product.
Too bad you are full of shit or the products would not be on the shelves selling.

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