Biden Admin Won’t Consider Limiting Immigration For Migrants Who Will Depend On Government Benefits

This entire thing is about importing voters for the Dems. They are not going to limit anything.

I really love how they arent kids in cages under Obama and Biden...only are such frauds.
After his trip to the US southern border, during which he created an international incident , Biden will no longer visit the southern border.


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While visiting the Southern Border, President Biden gave a rare, heavily scripted, press-limited press conference.....


Of course not, the left wants to expand the class of people dependent on Govt....that's how they remain in power...that's what tyrants do....make the population dependent for every basic need.
Illegal immigrants have no SS# or Green Card. They don't receive benefits, other than an ER visit or charity.
Remember they lie and steal..... and acquire fake ID's and SS numbers.

Of course they do. Man of them know where to get those SS numbers and fake ID's.
During Barry's administration he sent govt teams down to Mexico to educate soon-to-be illegals how to immediately sign up for all the benefits they could get once crossing the border....
Who is picking up the tab and buying the tshirts?



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Trump was right on immigration and I'm pretty sure both sides were majorly pissed off that he showed how easy it was to control.

After years of hand-wringing and BS claims from both parties of inability to do anything he instituted Remain in Mexico, which was a simple and effective measure. Without the promise of catch-and-never-see-your-ass-again, it was amazing how quickly things changed and the caravan geniuses decided it wasn't worth the walk.

Then he threatened Mexico with tariffs if they continued to sit on their hands. 24 hours later Mexican troops were on the border.

Now, Biden has lifted Remain in Mexico, which is outright idiotic, caravans are moving again and he's asking Mexico for help, which is an obvious charade as if he wanted it all he had to do was nothing.

Trump was right as rain on this shit. Biden is nothing but the typical corporate shill, continuing with failed policies that were shown to be ineffective and relatively simple to improve upon. Total sell-out, opening the floodgates wide again to let in the Dem voters of the future.

View attachment 465967

Guarantee those tshirts were supplied by the DNC at taxpayer expense.
Trump was right on immigration and I'm pretty sure both sides were majorly pissed off that he showed how easy it was to control.

After years of hand-wringing and BS claims from both parties of inability to do anything he instituted Remain in Mexico, which was a simple and effective measure. Without the promise of catch-and-never-see-your-ass-again, it was amazing how quickly things changed and the caravan geniuses decided it wasn't worth the walk.

Then he threatened Mexico with tariffs if they continued to sit on their hands. 24 hours later Mexican troops were on the border.

Now, Biden has lifted Remain in Mexico, which is outright idiotic, caravans are moving again and he's asking Mexico for help, which is an obvious charade as if he wanted it all he had to do was nothing.

Trump was right as rain on this shit. Biden is nothing but the typical corporate shill, continuing with failed policies that were shown to be ineffective and relatively simple to improve upon. Total sell-out, opening the floodgates wide again to let in the Dem voters of the future.

View attachment 465967

Guarantee those tshirts were supplied by the DNC at taxpayer expense.

When asked about the shirts Biden replied: "Who is this Biden guy anyhow?"
The Biden-facilitated invasion force is on pace to allow more illegals (COVID-19-infected, violent felons, drug / human / child trafficking-infested) than the last 3 years COMBINED....

His administration has opened the flood gates, and they are releasing / dispersing them into state / local areas across the US as fast as they can without coordinating with state / local agencies before they do so...just like Barry did.

Biden Border Crisis Escalating Dangerously Across the Southwest: Crossings On Pace to Top Past Three Years COMBINED

'US authorities arrested and encountered more than 100,000 migrants on the US-Mexico border over the past four weeks ending on March 3, according to data obtained by CNN, marking the highest levels for the same time frame in five years.

The number of migrants arrested on the southern border has been increasing in recent weeks, causing alarm among officials as they scramble to provide resources for the increase in minors and families who are unlawfully crossing into the US.

The surge in migrants adds to a growing sense of emergency for the Biden administration'

I think they allowed 130,000 a year under Obama and only 15,000 under Trump while putting them all in do it yourself camping in Mexico. This is what happens when you treat people like human beings. There's a 4-year backlog of that..... And they do not get welfare or any such thing. The kids go to school and get free lunches. These people now want asylum mainly. We need an ID card like other countries have ended this kind of crap. Like in the 2010 Democratic immigration bill original. This is stupid GOP stuff. They loves the easily bullied cheap labor and distracting the roobs with phony scandals and conspiracy theories.
I think they allowed 130,000 a year under Obama and only 15,000 under Trump while putting them all in do it yourself camping in Mexico. This is what happens when you treat people like human beings. There's a 4-year backlog of that..... And they do not get welfare or any such thing. The kids go to school and get free lunches. These people now want asylum mainly. We need an ID card like other countries have ended this kind of crap. Like in the 2010 Democratic immigration bill original. This is stupid GOP stuff. They loves the easily bullied cheap labor and distracting the roobs with phony scandals and conspiracy theories.
I think they allowed 130,000 a year under Obama and only 15,000 under Trump while putting them all in do it yourself camping in Mexico. This is what happens when you treat people like human beings. There's a 4-year backlog of that..... And they do not get welfare or any such thing. The kids go to school and get free lunches. These people now want asylum mainly. We need an ID card like other countries have ended this kind of crap. Like in the 2010 Democratic immigration bill original. This is stupid GOP stuff. They loves the easily bullied cheap labor and distracting the roobs with phony scandals and conspiracy theories.
Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracy theories over the last 30 years has ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.
Illegal immigrants have no SS# or Green Card. They don't receive benefits, other than an ER visit or charity.
Remember they lie and steal..... and acquire fake ID's and SS numbers.

Of course they do. Many of them know where to get those SS numbers and fake ID's.
They all work like hell and don't try to get assistance because that is asking for trouble. Your propaganda is pure garbage. Pew survey says 94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% on their homes. We have to get this under control with an ID card like the 2010 immigration bill from the Democrats originally had. The only solution, dingbat. Not stupid wall or unconstitutional harassment laws..... You are brainwashed by headlines which end up being their children get to go to school and get free lunches. None of what you believe, brainwashed functional moron. Try reality

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