Biden Administration PDaily Press Conference Looks Like Joe's Campaigning For President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors

"The White House is staying out of the GameStop controversy. Asked about the market volatility during Friday morning's press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki punted on the question and directed reporters to statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

RUN AWAY!!! - YouTube

He hasn't said anything about Pelosi and other Democrats making themselves richer while tens of thousands of Americans lose their jobs and livelihood.
What is the White House supposed to do about the events with GameStop?

Quid Pro took the envelopes stuffed with cash - he owes the Hedge Funds his loyalty.

Look, the democrats were elected to crush the little people, the deplorables. This uprising of normals in the stock market is not going to be tolerated.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors

"The White House is staying out of the GameStop controversy. Asked about the market volatility during Friday morning's press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki punted on the question and directed reporters to statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

View attachment 450239

He hasn't said anything about Pelosi and other Democrats making themselves richer while tens of thousands of Americans lose their jobs and livelihood.

Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.
What is the White House supposed to do about the events with GameStop?
It should be fun to see what easyt65 says about the government interfering in markets.

We know the Reich will not, and cannot let retail traders - the commoners, the DEPLORABLES, interfere with the elite, the Oligarchs.

{ What will be most interesting to watch, however, is how the New York Times, MSNBC, and Joe Biden will stumble all over themselves as they completely reverse their position from ten years ago. Back then, corporate and hedge-fund billionaires were the plague that is decimating America’s poor and middle class. Today, expect those same voices to defend corporate and hedge-fund billionaires as the bulwarks of a stable market, while supporting the suppression of millions of small-dollar retail investors who seek to exercise their power in the marketplace in the only meaningful way that they can. }

You Nazis cooked up the 1/6 Reichstag fire as a straw man, a "faux revolution" that was never serious and that you can use to justify the Iron Fist of the Reich utterly crushing civil rights. It was and is a sick joke.

But this is real revolution and hits the Reich where it is most vulnerable. Janet Yelsen, the Reich Treasury Fuhrer is part of the hedge funds who have suffered heavy losses.
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

You're right to be scared, Herr Himmler.

This isn't some straw man Reichstag fire, this poses a genuine threat to the power structure of the party.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

1. A 9/11 death scenario happening every day'

WHO is flying planes into buildings, you insane snowflake?

- Perhaps you are referring to the continued looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, etc... the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are doing...just as VP Harris declared they should continue to do after the election....

- Perhaps you are talking about the effects of COVID-19, which Biden declared he would get under control once elected and NOW says he can't do a thing, the same virus Democrats are allowing to get worse by throwing vials of vaccine in the trash...

2. Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop

Then why are the Hedge Fund companies / managers freaking out and Congress calling for investigations and hearings about the exposed unstable condition of the stock market that was just inflated / manipulated by a bunch of everyday Day Traders? ?
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

1. A 9/11 death scenario happening every day'

WHO is flying planes into buildings, you insane snowflake?

- Perhaps you are referring to the continued looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, etc... the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are doing...just as VP Harris declared they should continue to do after the election....

- Perhaps you are talking about the effects of COVID-19, which Biden declared he would get under control once elected and NOW says he can't do a thing, the same virus Democrats are allowing to get worse by throwing vials of vaccine in the trash...

2. Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop

Then why are the Hedge Fund companies / managers freaking out and Congress calling for investigations and hearings about the exposed unstable condition of the stock market that was just inflated / manipulated by a bunch of everyday Day Traders? ?

Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.
Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.

That's a direct lie.

In fact nearly all legitimate pension plans prohibit hedge funds due to the speculative and risky nature.

We can always count on you to lie for the Reich.
What is the White House supposed to do about the events with GameStop?

Quid Pro took the envelopes stuffed with cash - he owes the Hedge Funds his loyalty.

Look, the democrats were elected to crush the little people, the deplorables. This uprising of normals in the stock market is not going to be tolerated.
Again, what is the White House supposed to do about GameStop?
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

1. A 9/11 death scenario happening every day'

WHO is flying planes into buildings, you insane snowflake?

- Perhaps you are referring to the continued looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, etc... the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are doing...just as VP Harris declared they should continue to do after the election....

- Perhaps you are talking about the effects of COVID-19, which Biden declared he would get under control once elected and NOW says he can't do a thing, the same virus Democrats are allowing to get worse by throwing vials of vaccine in the trash...

2. Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop

Then why are the Hedge Fund companies / managers freaking out and Congress calling for investigations and hearings about the exposed unstable condition of the stock market that was just inflated / manipulated by a bunch of everyday Day Traders? ?

Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.
You didn't answer my question. If no one cares about 'Gamestop', why is Congress freaking out and calling for investigations?
Why is Biden's administration avoiding it like it was COVID-19? Perhaps it exposes how volatile / much of a Bubble the stock market is right now....

Of course you think Trump deserves all the 'credit' for COVID, the virus the CCP created in a lab and unleashed on the world, the virus the Democrats used to oppressively violate both Constitutional and civil rights, to destroy 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, and to usher back in Barry's and the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery.

Of course you are ignoring how Biden declared he was going to fix the virus problem ... and has since declared there is nothing he could do, how he publicly rebuked his health team for being inexperienced, unqualified to do their jobs, and who he declared are under-performing.

Of course you are ignoring the fact that Biden was able to find a Transvestite Democrat who needlessly killed more elderly than Cuomo to be Assistant Health Director.
Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.

That's a direct lie.

In fact nearly all legitimate pension plans prohibit hedge funds due to the speculative and risky nature.

We can always count on you to lie for the Reich.

That is direct truth Boy Who Cried Nazi. Happens and still is happening..why? Because hedge funds can bring the big returns these funds need to keep afloat. The people who invest believe the risk is worth the return.
Again, what is the White House supposed to do about GameStop?
For starters they could answer a few questions about what just happened, if only to prove they know wtf just happened and they know what it means / why its significant, particularly in relation to another potential future stock market 'Bubble Pop'

Anyone expecting Biden to be cognizant /understand any of it though is wasting their time. This is the same guy who as Candidate Bidden stepped up to the mike and declared he was running for the US Senate.

For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

1. A 9/11 death scenario happening every day'

WHO is flying planes into buildings, you insane snowflake?

- Perhaps you are referring to the continued looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, etc... the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are doing...just as VP Harris declared they should continue to do after the election....

- Perhaps you are talking about the effects of COVID-19, which Biden declared he would get under control once elected and NOW says he can't do a thing, the same virus Democrats are allowing to get worse by throwing vials of vaccine in the trash...

2. Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop

Then why are the Hedge Fund companies / managers freaking out and Congress calling for investigations and hearings about the exposed unstable condition of the stock market that was just inflated / manipulated by a bunch of everyday Day Traders? ?

Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.
You didn't answer my question. If no one cares about 'Gamestop', why is Congress freaking out and calling for investigations?
Why is Biden's administration avoiding it like it was COVID-19? Perhaps it exposes how volatile / much of a Bubble the stock market is right now....

Of course you think Trump deserves all the 'credit' for COVID, the virus the CCP created in a lab and unleashed on the world, the virus the Democrats used to oppressively violate both Constitutional and civil rights, to destroy 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, and to usher back in Barry's and the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery.

Of course you are ignoring how Biden declared he was going to fix the virus problem ... and has since declared there is nothing he could do, how he publicly rebuked his health team for being inexperienced, unqualified to do their jobs, and who he declared are under-performing.

Of course you are ignoring the fact that Biden was able to find a Transvestite Democrat who needlessly killed more elderly than Cuomo to be Assistant Health Director.

I don't care who's freaking out over Gamestop. It's a distraction. Takes people's attention away from the virus, especially in the case of the pussy Republicans who are now bending and kissing Trump's ring again.
Trump deserves all the credit for the shitty response to the virus, the complete lack of planning for his "miracle" vaccine rollout, and the economic carnage that the lack of response wrought...all of it.
Again, what is the White House supposed to do about GameStop?

Deploy Reich Treasury Fuhrer Yelsen to halt trading until the hedge funds can recoup their losses.

In fact Yelsen is part of the hedge funds, she will not only be protecting the Reich, but protecting herself.
The SEC is looking yet that is the only trigger in place the rest must run its course unless there is intervention from private channels.
I don't care who's freaking out over Gamestop. It's a distraction.

Bwuhahahaha. YOU are a distraction, proving you either don't understand the significance of what just happened or you're lying to cover Joe's dementia-suffering ass and that of his incompetent lying Press Secretary.

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