Biden Administration Proposes Slashing WIC Milk Access For Women/Babies/Children During 4-Decade High Inflation

'The Biden administration is facing fierce scrutiny for a proposal that would drastically reduce the amount of dairy low-income families have access to while inflation sits at a four-decade high.

The proposal would reduce the amount of milk that millions of participants in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food benefits program can receive, potentially slashing milk rations by as much as 25%.

International Dairy Foods Association President and CEO Michael Dykes said the proposed change was "stunning," noting that there has not been a "clear explanation" for the potential pivot.

The change would have a negative impact on the health of women and children nationwide, warning that 90% of Americans already do not get the recommended three servings of dairy per day.

So why does Biden hate low-income women, children, and babies?

what will these Fucking Idiots think of Next? :)
This is really rich.

The New Right suddenly cares about welfare.

The fact is, a great many welfare programs were expanded during the pandemic. And of course the New Right whined and whined about the expense, even though Dear Leader asked for more stimulus than the Democrats.

The pandemic is over, and now it is time to pull back.

Save your crocodile tears for someone as credulous as you are, rubes.
The Department of Agriculture announced the changes on November 22, stating that they would "reduce the amount of milk provided in all child, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding participant food packages" and add "soy-based" yogurts and cheeses as "substitutions for milk."

"These science-based revisions incorporate recommendations from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025," the Department of Agriculture said of the changes.

"USDA is committed to advancing maternal and child health through WIC, helping mothers, babies and young kids thrive," said Vilsack at the time. "These proposed changes will strengthen WIC – already an incredibly powerful program – by ensuring it provides foods that reflect the latest nutrition science to support healthy eating and bright futures."

The letter continued, "The proposed rule includes a number of changes to the WIC food packages that will strengthen the program and support access to nutritious dairy products. We are encouraged that USDA has provided container size flexibility for WIC products, which will improve families’ food choices and increase access to certain foods, including dairy items," the letter concluded.
This is really rich.

The New Right suddenly cares about welfare.

The fact is, a great many welfare programs were expanded during the pandemic. And of course the New Right whined and whined about the expense, even though Dear Leader asked for more stimulus than the Democrats.

The pandemic is over, and now it is time to pull back.

Save your crocodile tears for someone as credulous as you are, rubes.
And crockadile tears are what these are
Milk comes from cows and we aren't allowed to have cows because, you know, weather.
So they are weaning us off of dairy products and will offer a fungus substitute soon, that they will claim is superior to milk in taste and nutrition. It will taste like fungus and be full of Gate's clot serum...
They should have aborted them damn it!

I think you just accidently exposed the Democrats' new pro-abortion argument:

'If mothers can't afford to pay Biden's price for milk they should just murder their babies.'

1st he tried denying them baby formula, now milk...

(Maybe that's why Democrats are trying to transgender confuse women / girls and convince them to cut off their breats - to deny infants mothers' milk, too ...

What a devious plot - Liberals attempting to get rid of cows has nothing to do with cow farts and global warming - they are trying to deny babies MILK!

What sick demented pervs!)

Milk comes from cows and we aren't allowed to have cows because, you know, weather.
So they are weaning us off of dairy products and will offer a fungus substitute soon, that they will claim is superior to milk in taste and nutrition. It will taste like fungus and be full of Gate's clot serum...
it's for the children..
Milk comes from cows and we aren't allowed to have cows because, you know, weather.
So they are weaning us off of dairy products and will offer a fungus substitute soon, that they will claim is superior to milk in taste and nutrition. It will taste like fungus and be full of Gate's clot serum...
There are meds to help your mental issues dude.

Get help
'The Biden administration is facing fierce scrutiny for a proposal that would drastically reduce the amount of dairy low-income families have access to while inflation sits at a four-decade high.

The proposal would reduce the amount of milk that millions of participants in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food benefits program can receive, potentially slashing milk rations by as much as 25%.

International Dairy Foods Association President and CEO Michael Dykes said the proposed change was "stunning," noting that there has not been a "clear explanation" for the potential pivot.

The change would have a negative impact on the health of women and children nationwide, warning that 90% of Americans already do not get the recommended three servings of dairy per day.

So why does Biden hate low-income women, children, and babies?

Wow, can you believe this shit? It took FOX news over four months to scrap up some uneducated West Virginia hillbilly and a lobbyist for the Dairy association to lament about proposed changes in the WIC program. Let's check it out for shits and giggles,

Taken collectively, the changes will increase the current level of assistance while providing WIC state agencies with more flexibility to tailor the packages to accommodate personal and cultural food preferences and special dietary needs and increase variety and choice for WIC participants, making the program more appealing for current and potential participants.

Bet no one from FOX news told poor Brittany that the changes will "increase the current level of assistance". But let's check out this reduction in milk,

Adding more flexibility in the amount of formula provided to partially breastfed infants to support individual breastfeeding goals.
Now it is becoming clear, that old Dairy lobbyist don't want women breastfeeding. Nope, he wants those babies drinking milk, or at least formula. The proposal includes more juice options, requires canned beans to be offered in addition to dry beans--that should be a welcome reprieve for our Brittany. Blue cornmeal, and canned fish, like tuna. Damn, sure beats the hell out of peanut butter but I quess next FOX news will trot out a lobbyist for the peanut industry.

But let's just figure out what this is REALLY about.

Congress previously implemented a significant but temporary boost to the benefit provided to WIC participants for purchasing fruits and vegetables. FNS proposes making that increase permanent, providing participants with up to four times the amount they would otherwise receive.

Jackpot. Hell, you knew something is going on when FOX news is shrilling about helping poor mothers and their children. It is the exact opposite, damn skippy they want you to call your Congressman to stop this update. And I swear, if they do I want FOX do bring back Brittany after her benefits are slashed back to pre-Covid levels. Let's look at that legislation that extended those temporary increases,

Hit the Roll Call vote buttons

So, all you Republican supporters need to learn to do a little research and quit depending on propaganda.
Me Too.. My Tax Dollars Should Be spent Helping AMERICANS That NEED the Help..

What do you have against Democrat ponzi schemes, sending billions to Ukraine, and Democrats spending millions over 7 years trying to 'Get Trump'?


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