Biden Administration & US Liberal Fake News Media Gives Putin Opportunity to Ask If Ashli Babbitt Was 'Assassinated'

Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.

Still spouting that old fake news story.

Not fucking murder, retard.
Shot and killed an unarmed woman without warning or chance to surrender or stand down in any wayl
What do you call it, retard?

Go fuck yourself, fascist.
Fuck you, Trumptard, go fuck your trumpybear.

So.................................THAT'S what Babbitt was trying to do?


Jumping through a broken out window opening, towards the police, with guns?

You're as delusional as your fat, orange, dear leader.
That getting around Nan and Chuck was too formidable of a task for the leader of the free world, as you claim, certainly gives reason that a change in leadership was overdue.
Give it up, imbecile.
Chuck and Nan would oppose Jesus Christ if He said they should modify their fascist ways
LIKE murdering an unarmed military vet like Ashli Babbitt and then covering it all up.

Trump is not the murdering bad guy here. Chuck and Nancy are. And you have your lips firmly
pressed against their asses.
That getting around Nan and Chuck was too formidable of a task for the leader of the free world, as you claim, certainly gives reason that a change in leadership was overdue.
Give it up, imbecile.
Chuck and Nan would oppose Jesus Christ if He said they should modify their fascist ways
LIKE murdering an unarmed military vet like Ashli Babbitt and then covering it all up.

Trump is not the murdering bad guy here. Chuck and Nancy are. And you have your lips firmly
pressed against their asses.
Trump likes his cult stupid.
He REALLY loves you, Q NUT.
Not fucking murder, retard.
Shot and killed an unarmed woman without warning or chance to surrender or stand down in any wayl
What do you call it, retard?

Go fuck yourself, fascist.
Fuck you, Trumptard, go fuck your trumpybear.

So.................................THAT'S what Babbitt was trying to do?


Jumping through a broken out window opening, towards the police, with guns?

You're as delusional as your fat, orange, dear leader.

Why so angry little man?
Not fucking murder, retard.
Shot and killed an unarmed woman without warning or chance to surrender or stand down in any wayl
What do you call it, retard?

Go fuck yourself, fascist.
Fuck you, Trumptard, go fuck your trumpybear.

So.................................THAT'S what Babbitt was trying to do?


Jumping through a broken out window opening, towards the police, with guns?

You're as delusional as your fat, orange, dear leader.

Why so angry little man?
Delusional Q NUTS.
How were the police to know that she was unarmed?
How are the police to know ANY PERSON they stop and interdict are armed or not?
What's to stop them from just murdering anyone they encounter?

Fortunately the police are constrained by the law, something liars and psychopaths like you
scum don't seem to care about.
How are the police to know ANY PERSON they stop and interdict are armed or not?
What's to stop them from just murdering anyone they encounter?
That's been my argument about the proliferation of guns in our society all along
That's been my argument about the proliferation of guns in our society all along
Yeah, ironically the person without a gun was shot down in cold blood by a still unidentified cop
with a gun inside the Capitol building.

The proliferation of guns really has no bearing in this equation. Police aren't supposed to murder
citizens in unprovoked attacks.

Look how Vlad Putin can rub Joe Biden's face in shit by bringing up the killing of Ashli Babbitt.
What a black eye for America, not that the shoot first fascists seem to care.
That's been my argument about the proliferation of guns in our society all along
Yeah, ironically the person without a gun was shot down in cold blood by a still unidentified cop
with a gun inside the Capitol building.

The proliferation of guns really has no bearing in this equation. Police aren't supposed to murder
citizens in unprovoked attacks.

Look how Vlad Putin can rub Joe Biden's face in shit by bringing up the killing of Ashli Babbitt.
What a black eye for America, not that the shoot first fascists seem to care.
Trump Humpers tripping over their circular arguments are funny
Trump Humpers tripping over their circular arguments are funny
And this is how this issue always ends. With leftist dimwits just dancing away from the matter with a
Trump insult. You make yourself irrelevant.

In a grown up adult discussion you choose to sit at the kiddie's table. Good choice I have to admit, however.
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Biden and his handlers, it seems, did not understand that the battle of wits / chess between Biden and Putin began BEFORE Biden ever left for the G7 Summit.

Putin-sanctioned Russian hacker attacked the US numerous times before the G7 Summit: 1 to disrupt energy supply and 1 to disrupt food distribution, and that is only the 2 we were made aware of; 'Pawn to D5'...'Queen to Knight'...Biden did not respond, refused to take action

Russia tested / used microwave weapons on US personnel, leaving some with brain damage...again, Putin moved his chess pieces, increasing pressure on Biden, testing Biden....again Biden either did not recognize he was in a game or refused to respond

Russia holds American hostages...Biden has yet to ask for them back or to negotiate for their release...while Putin continues to make moves, Biden's chess pieces remain in their original positions...all BEFORE leaving before the G7 Summit.

Once at the G7 Summit, Biden and his handlers acted like an amateur who had never been to 'the big dance' before, looked like they had no idea what they were doing:

Biden basically accused Russia of being responsible for the hacks WHILE PROVIDING NO EVIDENCE (INTEL DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION, ETC..) to substantiate his claim, allowing Putin to simply respond by saying, 'Wasn't me'.

Biden responded by giving our enemy, Vladimir Putin with a list of our top 16 Infrastructure targets and begged Putin not to target these with cyber warfare.... WTF?!

'Please don't attack THESE targets...every other target on this listis ok,, but please don't attack these.'

I am surprised Putin did not bust out laughing in Biden's face, surprised he did not say, "Oh, you are SO my bitch!"

THIS was Biden's great response to Putin's cyber warfare against the US? Begging Putin not to attack critical targets Biden pointed out to Putin? Biden did not even mention the use of microwave weapons against Americans, interfering in our elections, our American hostages.....

Post G7 Summit....what has been Putin's response? Nearly 11 (plus or minus) more hacks have been reported by the Russians on US targets.....with NO RESPONSE REPORTED FROM BIDEN.
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How were the police to know that she was unarmed?
How are the police to know ANY PERSON they stop and interdict are armed or not?
What's to stop them from just murdering anyone they encounter?

Fortunately the police are constrained by the law, something liars and psychopaths like you
scum don't seem to care about.
Police never know if a person is armed or not, moron.
Yes, police are constrained by laws, so are citizen's.
When people, breach police lines, assault police and charge at police the police have a right to self defense.
When the stupid bitch breached the broken out window opening, her life was in her hands and she lost it.
Biden and his handlers, it seems, did not understand that the battle of wits / chess between Biden and Putin began BEFORE Biden ever left for the G7 Summit.

Putin-sanctioned Russian hacker attacked the US numerous times before the G7 Summit: 1 to disrupt energy supply and 1 to disrupt food distribution, and that is only the 2 we were made aware of; 'Pawn to D5'...'Queen to Knight'...Biden did not respond, refused to take action

Russia tested / used microwave weapons on US personnel, leaving some with brain damage...again, Putin moved his chess pieces, increasing pressure on Biden, testing Biden....again Biden either did not recognize he was in a game or refused to respond

Russia holds American hostages...Biden has yet to ask for them back or to negotiate for their release...while Putin continues to make moves, Biden's chess pieces remain in their original positions...all BEFORE leaving before the G7 Summit.

Once at the G7 Summit, Biden and his handlers acted like an amateur who had never been to 'the big dance' before, looked like they had no idea what they were doing:

Biden basically accused Russia of being responsible for the hacks WHILE PROVIDING NO EVIDENCE (INTEL DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION, ETC..) to substantiate his claim, allowing Putin to simply respond by saying, 'Wasn't me'.

Biden responded by giving our enemy, Vladimir Putin with a list of our top 16 Infrastructure targets and begged Putin not to target these with cyber warfare.... WTF?!

'Please don't attack THESE targets...every other target on this listis ok,, but please don't attack these.'

I am surprised Putin did not bust out laughing in Biden's face, surprised he did not say, "Oh, you are SO my bitch!"

THIS was Biden's great response to Putin's cyber warfare against the US? Begging Putin not to attack critical targets Biden pointed out to Putin? Biden did not even mention the use of microwave weapons against Americans, interfering in our elections, our American hostages.....

Post G7 Summit....what has been Putin's response? Nearly 11 (plus or minus) more hacks have been reported by the Russians on US targets.....with NO RESPONSE REPORTED FROM BIDEN.
Sure Q NUT.

November 11 2017
President Donald Trump on Saturday told reporters that he not only believes Vladimir Putin when he says Russia didn’t meddle in the 2016 election, but also that United States intelligence leaders who say otherwise are “hacks.”

“He said he didn’t meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One Saturday. “Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that. And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it.”

June 8 2018
“Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting? And I would recommend — and it’s up to them — but Russia should be in the meeting. It should be a part of it,” Trump said, adding, “You know, whether you like it or not — and it may not be politically correct — but we have a world to run and, in the G-7, which used to be the G-8, they threw Russia out. They should let Russia back in because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.”

December 17 2020
When President Donald Trump convened his Cabinet at the White House Wednesday as Washington absorbed news of a massive data breach, the heads of most agencies relevant to the intrusion — including the Department of Defense, the State Department, the Justice Department, the director of national intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency — were absent.
After the meeting, Trump said nothing about the attack, which went undetected by his administration's intelligence agencies for months. As those agencies now mobilize to assess the damage — which the government said Thursday could be more widespread than initially thought, posing a "grave risk to the federal government" — the President himself remains silent on the matter, preoccupied instead with his election loss and his invented claims of widespread voter fraud.

At lest Biden confronted Putin, Trump just unzipped Putin's trousers.
More bullshit from an insurrectionist supporter. Babbitt attempted to attack officers defending the capital from Trump led insurrectionists bent on overthrowing the government of the United States.

She got just what she deserved, with the side benefit of not having to waste time and money prosecuting her sorry ass! Bigly!!!
Damn! What is wrong with you?
People have been shot by cops over property or perceived danger all the time. In the Ashli Babbitt case we have both AND we’re talking the US Capitol!
Wut? Ashli Targetpractice committed suicide by cop. Happens. No big deal. No loss.
I would love to see you tell her husband that. She was murdered for intimidation purposes which do not seem to be working. In fact, they have backfired.
I would love to see you tell her husband that. She was murdered for intimidation purposes which do not seem to be working. In fact, they have backfired.
I'm sure it's a big deal to him. It's no loss for the country. Killing traitors is a good thing for America.

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