Biden adminstration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

Texas is in the midst of a feud with the administration over the state's migrant bussing program and floating barriers

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By Louis Casiano

The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening.
Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.
The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

Well that didn't take long when these so called Sanctuary states said welcome to all, but wait....hear the wailing cries of the hypocrites of the Plantation Blue states wanting all but evidently not too many. Apparently they can't handle what Biden and his merry Marxist Democrat are handing out.
Governors Abbott and DeSantis should also start sending immigrants to D.C. too. That would really burn Democrats.
I know let`s give illegals voting rights.
So the another dastardly dem .gov is going to "concentrate" a minority in one area.....How 1940s of them. :laughing0301:



Here's a hint, lock the border down tight first and see if that helps.

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

Texas is in the midst of a feud with the administration over the state's migrant bussing program and floating barriers

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By Louis Casiano

The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening.
Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.
The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

Well that didn't take long when these so called Sanctuary states said welcome to all, but wait....hear the wailing cries of the hypocrites of the Plantation Blue states wanting all but evidently not too many. Apparently they can't handle what Biden and his merry Marxist Democrat are handing out.
Governors Abbott and DeSantis should also start sending immigrants to D.C. too. That would really burn Democrats.
I know let`s give illegals voting rights.

Well then he can pay for em.
This has to be the most asinine thing I've ever heard.
I wont control our border and you on the border have to take care of the illegal border jumpers.
Fuck biden!!!

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

Texas is in the midst of a feud with the administration over the state's migrant bussing program and floating barriers

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By Louis Casiano

The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening.
Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.
The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

Well that didn't take long when these so called Sanctuary states said welcome to all, but wait....hear the wailing cries of the hypocrites of the Plantation Blue states wanting all but evidently not too many. Apparently they can't handle what Biden and his merry Marxist Democrat are handing out.
Governors Abbott and DeSantis should also start sending immigrants to D.C. too. That would really burn Democrats.
I know let`s give illegals voting rights.
Another law/program that has to be passed/implemented to force republicans to act less crazed. It is sad but this is where we are at in the nation at this point in time.
So the another dastardly dem .gov is going to "concentrate" a minority in one area.....How 1940s of them. :laughing0301:



Here's a hint, lock the border down tight first and see if that helps.

I wonder if Biden's going to make all those illegals walk there, like another famous Democrat did 60,000 of the "Five Civilized Tribes" in 1830?
Another law/program that has to be passed/implemented to force republicans to act less crazed. It is sad but this is where we are at in the nation at this point in time.

What's wrong with the Illegals going to states which have rolled out the red carpet for them? Like California, New York and Illinois?

Those states have the ability to provide these illegals with everything they need. Texas, OTOH, is poor. The government doesn't even have a state income tax, they don't have the means to take care of the illegals.

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

Texas is in the midst of a feud with the administration over the state's migrant bussing program and floating barriers

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By Louis Casiano

The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening.
Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.
The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.

Well that didn't take long when these so called Sanctuary states said welcome to all, but wait....hear the wailing cries of the hypocrites of the Plantation Blue states wanting all but evidently not too many. Apparently they can't handle what Biden and his merry Marxist Democrat are handing out.
Governors Abbott and DeSantis should also start sending immigrants to D.C. too. That would really burn Democrats.
I know let`s give illegals voting rights.

LOL maybe the federal government will build a wall around Texas ... they will probably do a better job enforcing the US /Texas border than they are willing to with our US/ Mexico border .

But what damn hypocrites is right !
Another law/program that has to be passed/implemented to force republicans to act less crazed. It is sad but this is where we are at in the nation at this point in time.

what does this even mean??? You mean crazed like the Mayor of NYC who is now complaining that NYC is going to be DESTROYED by immigrants?? is he acting crazy?... please answer.
Maybe this will be the final straw to give us the divorce we so badly need.

I'm going to miss those filthy fucking parasites.... <sniffle>

Another law/program that has to be passed/implemented to force republicans to act less crazed. It is sad but this is where we are at in the nation at this point in time.

Would it be "crazed" of me if I laughed when you get raped or murdered by a criminal illegal?

Then just call me one crazy Republican.
What's wrong with the Illegals going to states which have rolled out the red carpet for them? Like California, New York and Illinois?
Wow, could you imagine if that were true.
Those states have the ability to provide these illegals with everything they need. Texas, OTOH, is poor. The government doesn't even have a state income tax, they don't have the means to take care of the illegals.
I agree with your...
Texas is extremely destitute, poor, impoverished, and basically a shithole whose only real contribution to the world is taking the brunt of tropical storms before they hit somewhere important.
No. He's voicing a concern about the immoral and illegal shipment of humans from one state to another as a publicity gimmick.

They have received over 100,000 immigrants from across the border... texas only sent 16,000 or so..... so there is that. Adams is complaining that his city is being destroyed by the numbers of immigrants... dont you think that Texas has the same problem? whats wrong with you? why should a few states be forced to carry the brunt.... of what Mayor Adams is bitching about when he is only dealing with a tiny fraction?

It isnt the responsibility of Texas to take care of illegal immigrants who come across the national border.
Even mayor Adams said ITS ALL OUR PROBLEM..... of course the selfish bastard was only talking about people in NYC who are going to have a hard time because of it.. Border states have been dealing with the influx for years which means that services have been cut for their own American citizens.

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